
High Performance Computing
and friends /#hpc
This is a crosspost from   Cleve’s Corner: Cleve Moler on Mathematics and Computing Cleve Moler is the author of the first MATLAB, one of the founders of MathWorks, and is currently Chief Mathematician at the company. He writes here about MATLAB, scientific computing and interesting mathematics.. See the original post here.

Sonic Adds Sound to Logo, Recamán, Chaos

I introduced Sonic in my blog post last month. Today I will use Sonic to add sound to the graphics from three old posts, the vibrating L-shaped membrane, the Recamán sequence and the chaotic behavior of the Swinging Sticks.


Vibrating L-shaped Membrane

For almost fifty years, I have wanted to hear the MathWorks logo. I have written about the L-shaped membrane many times, link #1, link #2, link #3.

Click on this link and listen to the audio in a Sonic movie of the vibrating membrane. The sound is generated by resampling one tone from a xylophone.

And here is one frame from the movie.


The inventor of the Recamán sequence is a Columbian mathematician, Bernardo Recamán Santos. The sequence is A005132 in the OEIS, the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Here is my blog post.

Click on this link and the listen to the audio in a Sonic movie of the Recamán sequence. The sound is generated by resampling the middle-C key of a piano.

Here is one frame from the movie.

Swinging Sticks

The Swinging Sticks is a kinetic sculpture that exhibits chaotic behavior. I have added sound to my blog post about the sticks.

Here is the link to a Sonic movie of the Swinging Sticks. The audio is also generated by resampling one tone from a xylophone.

And, here is one frame from the movie.

Triple feature

Click on this link to see -- and hear-- all three movies.

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