Python classes defining __slots__ should automatically compile to extension classes |
cython/cython |
Optimization big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement help-wanted performance python |
robertwb |
Robust default color scheme |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
dimaqq |
Add install instructions when dependencies are missing |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science documentation hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
shazow |
[docs] update make.cmd |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science documentation hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 windows |
Carreau |
Fallback to pydoc if site._Helper is not defined |
ipython/ipython |
bug closember data-science hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
eudoxos |
weighted stats class for pandas objects |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-stats count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh wishlist |
jseabold |
Add option to project `separation` onto an ellipse |
astropy/astropy |
Effort-low Feature-Request Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy coordinates python science |
eteq |
diagnostic plots for regression - another version |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-graphics count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis wishlist |
josef-pkt |
Improve the example scripts |
NeuralEnsemble/PyNN |
enhancement |
apdavison |
improve interpolation in IERS data |
astropy/astropy |
Effort-low Feature-Request Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy python science time |
mhvk |
Test coverage for needs improvement |
scipy/scipy |
algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.signal task |
ankit-maverick |
Is there a function to generate a train set and test set from DataFrame? |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing pandas-integration prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis wishlist |
cloga |
classification performance measures |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-discrete count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh |
jseabold |
model comparison notebook |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
FAQ comp-docs count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis |
jseabold |
Add (pred_table) to appropriate GLM results |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-genmod count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh wishlist |
jseabold |
fused function dispatch is slow for Python calls |
cython/cython |
Code-Generation big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement help-wanted performance python |
robertwb |
Implement "Beer–Lambert Law" support. |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P3 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
Implement support for "Mie Scattering". |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P3 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
Allow tuples/iterables as convenience for setting contraints on model parameters |
astropy/astropy |
Effort-low Feature-Request Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy modeling python science |
embray |
modify the appearance of the ACF PLOT function when using subplots |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-graphics comp-tsa count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh |
aviPython |
Add FIR filter examples to scipy.signal documentation |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.signal task |
rgommers |
ENH: More informative error message in fit_regularized Hessian inversion fail |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis |
jseabold |
pairwise_tukeyhsd - retrieve "reject" values |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-stats count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction prio-high python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh |
arnaldorusso |
Reading and writing Excel spreadsheets in the unified table interface |
astropy/astropy |
Enhancement Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy python science table unified-io |
hamogu |
Add examples to docstrings |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
documentation easy help-wanted photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy testing |
bmu |
Add Kobayashi neuron model |
NeuralEnsemble/PyNN |
enhancement |
apdavison |
Implement support for "BFD (l:c) colour-difference" computations. |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
Remove unused variational::base_family class |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics code-cleanup stan |
bob-carpenter |
Add API documentation for public class attributes |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity documentation fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
cscorley |
Support retrieving the current value of state variables without recording |
NeuralEnsemble/PyNN |
enhancement |
apdavison |
Do we remember why exists? |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
takluyver |
Implement support for "JCAMP-DX" and "CxF" xml file formats. |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
Ron024 |
ipython Sphinx directive executes code when excluded by only, ifconfig |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest help-wanted ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
cgranade |
Improve test coverage by moving self-tests |
biopython/biopython |
bioinformatics biopython dna genomics help-wanted phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
peterjc |
Add missing methods to Series |
dask/dask |
dask dataframe numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
mrocklin |
array.to_hdf5(compute=False) doesn't return delayed value |
dask/dask |
array dask io numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
nirizr |
Treat subprocess errors as exceptions |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest help-wanted ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
minrk |
test on pypy once pypy implements supported Python 3 |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest help-wanted ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
minrk |
add poisson_log_lcdf and poisson_log_lccdf functions |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics new-function stan |
davharris |
feature request: redirect magic's result to pager |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
taoluo |
Convergence information being displayed during regardless of disp value |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-tsa count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis |
philipobrien |
Deprecate record.database_letters, record.query_letters |
biopython/biopython |
From-Redmine bioinformatics biopython dna genomics phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
vincentdavis |
make 'snake' documentation clearer |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition documentation python |
tacaswell |
better linking from api docs to examples |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition documentation python |
tacaswell |
cythonize doesn't work with cython_compile_time_env |
cython/cython |
Build-System big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython defect help-wanted performance python |
sirfz |
BleiCorpus after serialize cannot be loaded |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-medium document-similarity fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
vincentmajor |
Documentation regarding input/output options |
mosdef-hub/foyer |
atom-typing disseminating-forcefields documentation force-field foyer molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation python |
ctk3b |
Error message while accessing a non-existent method of a class without gil can be improved. |
cython/cython |
Error-Reporting big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement help-wanted performance python |
MechCoder |
DOC: Add "Examples" to docstrings |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy task |
WarrenWeckesser |
Dual Shapes for Convex Polyhedra |
glotzerlab/coxeter |
computational-geometry enhancement geometry physics polygons polyhedra shapes |
bdice |
MSA functions |
simd-everywhere/simde |
GSoC/Outreachy-ideas altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 fma gfni help-wanted instruction-set-support mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
nemequ |
LinearLSQFitter cannot fit compound models |
astropy/astropy |
Docs Effort-low Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy modeling python science |
jehturner |
'ConcatenatedDoc2Vec' object has no attribute 'corpus_count' |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
jasminezz |
Implement Asymmetric Laplace Distribution |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics new-function stan |
heroxbd |
cygdb tests are failing |
cython/cython |
Debugger Testing big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython defect help-wanted performance python |
lindsayad |
FiniteAutomaton : declare a factory for intersection, etc. |
chocoteam/choco-solver |
constraint-optimisation-problem constraint-programming constraint-satisfaction-problem constraint-solver constraints copr csp java solver |
cprudhom |
proper check for filename before calling subprocess |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-medium document-similarity fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
prakhar2b |
bivariate normal cdf |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics feature new-function stan |
bob-carpenter |
minimal training time benchmark |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning performance planned python r tutorial |
szilard |
multiple functions from scipy.special do not work with quantities |
astropy/astropy |
Docs Effort-low Feature-Request Hacktoberfest Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy python science units |
namurphy |
Factor out the code that sorts snaked data by position. |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition maintenance python scan-spec |
danielballan |
DOC: use shared_docs for isna/notna & isnull/notnull |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs Missing-data alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
jreback |
Add random tests for custom equality |
Martinsos/edlib |
alignment-path bioinformatics c-plus-plus edit-distance enhancement levehnstein-distance library python sequence-alignment |
Martinsos |
Add an est_time plan tool |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition enhancement hackathon python user-IO |
danielballan |
Create periodogram for Epoch folding |
StingraySoftware/stingray |
GSoC astronomy astrophysics blackhole blackholes data-analysis fourier-analysis fourier-transform hacktoberfest low-priority neutronstars pulsars time-series time-series-analysis timeseries x-ray x-ray-binaries |
matteobachetti |
Improving computational time in LDASeqModel |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest data-mining data-science difficulty-medium document-similarity fasttext feature gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp performance python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
Diego999 |
Implementation of scipy.integrate.simps |
dask/dask |
array dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
Joshuaalbert |
DOC: add additional gallery examples |
geopandas/geopandas |
documentation geoparquet geospatial pandas plotting python spatial |
jorisvandenbossche |
Check what's the reason to use double-precision in topic models |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp performance python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
menshikh-iv |
[ENH] Color code progress bars for detectors and motors. |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon python user-IO |
ambarb |
Add a tests for our tests helpers |
dask/dask |
dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
TomAugspurger |
Implement support for CIELab2000HL. |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
Recommend a new default value of gravity.abs_tol |
AMReX-Astro/Castro |
adaptive-mesh-refinement amr astrophysical-simulation astrophysics castro cfd gravity help-wanted hydrodynamics pde radiation reactions study |
maximumcats |
Add windows command line support to aligner |
Martinsos/edlib |
alignment-path bioinformatics c-plus-plus edit-distance enhancement levehnstein-distance library python sequence-alignment |
randrick |
Function to check GFF |
miRTop/mirtop |
formatter gff help-wanted internal isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
Implement support for "CGATS" file format. |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
List optional cytoolz dependency |
dask/dask |
dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
jakirkham |
How to contribute documentation to COBRApy? |
opencobra/cobrapy |
biochemistry bioinformatics cell-design cobra computational-biology docs enhancement flux help-wanted metabolic-models metabolic-network metabolism modeling python question sbml sbml-model sbml-simulation strain-engineering systems-biology |
natJimenez |
Cygdb not working with recent virtualenvs |
cython/cython |
Debugger big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
BertrandBordage |
Improvements of IntVar Views |
chocoteam/choco-solver |
constraint-optimisation-problem constraint-programming constraint-satisfaction-problem constraint-solver constraints copr csp java solver |
arnaud-m |
deprecate int_step |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics bug documentation stan |
bob-carpenter |
Composition of Search Strategy with different limit |
chocoteam/choco-solver |
constraint-optimisation-problem constraint-programming constraint-satisfaction-problem constraint-solver constraints copr csp help-wanted java solver |
bourreauEric |
Confusing "TypeError: '<' not supported between … 'str' and 'int'" when doc-tag not present for `most_similar()` |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity documentation fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
souveekbose |
Properly document all kwargs for POCS class |
panoptes/POCS |
Documentation astronomy citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python telescopes |
wtgee |
DOC: improve docs for broadcasting behavior |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs Numeric-Operations alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
jakevdp |
Model calculation is not able to read features from stdin |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
vpd |
Add an 'event' command |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition python user-IO |
danielballan |
BUG: Creating Index name using `names` names argument, doesn't set index name |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs MultiIndex alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
jsnowacki |
Raise ValueError for read_json and orient='table' With Numeric Column Names |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Enhancement Error-Reporting IO-JSON alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
WillAyd |
Hardware modifications log |
panoptes/POCS |
Enhancement astronomy citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python telescopes |
wtgee |
Handle instrument calibration uncertainties for astrometry |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement |
semaphoreP |
Get horizon/obstructions from image |
panoptes/POCS |
Enhancement astronomy citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python scheduler telescopes |
wtgee |
Add column to name the file during `stats` sub-command |
miRTop/mirtop |
formatter gff help-wanted internal isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
support ggplot style figures for stats command |
miRTop/mirtop |
enhancement formatter gff help-wanted isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
Implement DESeq2 like normalization |
miRTop/mirtop |
formatter gff help-wanted internal isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
Account for field of view in horizon constraint |
panoptes/POCS |
astronomy citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python scheduler telescopes |
wtgee |
Function to parse queries and apply to the GFF file |
miRTop/mirtop |
formatter gff help-wanted internal isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
Dataset Collection |
ynop/audiomate |
audio audio-datasets corpus-tools data-loader dataset-creation dataset-filtering dataset-manager help-wanted music noise speech speech-recognition |
ynop |
generate validation data from ROOT (based on validation/data/*.json) |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
lukasheinrich |
CLI for ANN |
mlpack/mlpack |
c-binding c-plus-plus deep-learning hacktoberfest help-wanted machine-learning machine-learning-library nearest-neighbor-search regression s-keep-open scientific-computing t-feature-request |
arjunmenon |
ENH/REF GLM simplify computation if is_canonical |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-genmod count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh type-refactor |
josef-pkt |
Pythran fallback not used for numpy call |
cython/cython |
Pythran big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement performance python |
serge-sans-paille |
Python wrappers are not profiled separately when binding=True |
cython/cython |
Code-Generation big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython defect help-wanted performance python |
mhsmith |
Add tutorial on Dirichlet Process Mixture Models |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
Examples bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference |
fritzo |
Coercing a sliced C array to Python should create a list |
cython/cython |
Cython-Language-Feature Type-Analysis big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
Use scipy.stats functions for defining distributions |
lanl/PyBNF |
enhancement low-priority |
ryants |
Implement support for "A Perception-based Color Space for Illumination-invariant Image Processing". |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue Help-Wanted P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
TFiFiE |
Add stats output to multiqc |
miRTop/mirtop |
enhancement formatter gff help-wanted isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
issue when shifting with Timedelta in a groupby |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs Groupby Timedelta alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
randomgambit |
Cannot load codemirror mode dynamically |
vatlab/sos-notebook |
enhancement help-wanted jupyter-kernels |
BoPeng |
Improve documentation |
dicompyler/dicompyler-core |
dicom dicom-rt dvh hacktoberfest help-wanted python radiation-oncology radiation-physics |
bastula |
Speed up f-string float formatting |
cython/cython |
Code-Generation Optimization big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
measures param for grid search and cross_validate should support callables |
NicolasHug/Surprise |
enhancement factorization machine-learning matrix recommendation recommender svd systems |
NicolasHug |
using gnulib instead of some compatibility hacks |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
EXECUTE: support for the third argument (quiet execution) |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
implement CDF_* routines using NASA CDF lib |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted mapping netcdf plotting plplot priority! programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
GillesDuvert |
Add support for saving and restoring procedures |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python save-files scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
Testsuite change from procedures to functions |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
test_resolve_routine fails (first of all, it fails with IDL) |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
Low-priority antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
opoplawski |
Slice by 0-dimensional np.array |
dask/dask |
array dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
crusaderky |
reimplement MEMORY (at least for 64-bit Linux) using wait() calls |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
input conversion reading string (or files?) with windows-style line ends ("\r\n") |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy bug c++-only data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
Speed up method calls by avoiding bound method instantiation |
cython/cython |
Optimization big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
plot functionality |
lanl/PyBNF |
enhancement low-priority |
ryants |
Automaticly deduce cat_features from DataFrame |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
wingrime |
Doc for objects that inherit from BaseCoordinateFrame is messy |
astropy/astropy |
Docs Effort-low Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy coordinates python science |
dstansby |
Test all the Jupyter notebooks in the CI |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls docs feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
matthewfeickert |
GAN Inference |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning enhancement help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch question variational-inference |
sameerkhurana10 |
Wrong parameter distributions from DREAM |
lanl/PyBNF |
bug |
emitra17 |
Install hdf5 as external library with fortran and mpi |
spack/spack |
build-tools documentation hpc hpsf linux macos package-manager python radiuss scientific-computing spack |
JohnWGrove |
ENH: Add rsquared and variants to state space models |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-tsa comp-tsa-statespace count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh |
ChadFulton |
copy_from_remote_to_remote question |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database priority/nice-to-have provenance scheduler ssh topic/documentation topic/transports type/task workflow workflow-engine workflows |
KimBenjaminTang |
Small improvements to the LightSource class |
qpv-research-group/solcore5 |
enhancement hacktoberfest photovoltaic python semiconductor solar-cells |
dalonsoa |
Radiative coupling and tunnel junctions |
qpv-research-group/solcore5 |
enhancement hacktoberfest photovoltaic python semiconductor solar-cells |
dalonsoa |
Rigorous models for tunnel junctions |
qpv-research-group/solcore5 |
Hacktoberfest enhancement hacktoberfest photovoltaic python semiconductor solar-cells |
dalonsoa |
Derived properties |
qpv-research-group/solcore5 |
enhancement hacktoberfest photovoltaic python semiconductor solar-cells |
dalonsoa |
linter "did you mean..." |
conda-forge/conda-smithy |
continuous-integration hacktoberfest linter |
CJ-Wright |
Add NumPy's kron for Dask Arrays |
dask/dask |
array dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
jakirkham |
Make nicer display of non edit view of document |
ropenscilabs/qcoder |
enhancement help-wanted r r-package rstats shiny unconf unconf18 |
elinw |
Dask Collections API compatibility |
dask/dask |
dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
TomAugspurger |
Find bugs or unclear man pages in docs |
miRTop/mirtop |
formatter gff help-wanted isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
help with the header of sRNAbench |
miRTop/mirtop |
formatter gff isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
ENH/API: allow different values for labels/index in DF.reindex __OR__ raise error |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Error-Reporting alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
h-vetinari |
Add to summary tab |
ropenscilabs/qcoder |
enhancement hacktoberfest r r-package rstats shiny unconf unconf18 |
elinw |
integrate mirtop into #galaxy |
miRTop/mirtop |
enhancement formatter gff help-wanted isomirs mirna smallrna-seq |
lpantano |
PAML run method docstrings - return value |
biopython/biopython |
Documentation bioinformatics biopython dna genomics phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
peterjc |
Benchmark ORC reader |
dask/dask |
dask dataframe io needs-info numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
jcrist |
Package/Installer for Windows |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
data-processing electron-microscopy help-wanted image-processing python windows |
sk1p |
Package/Installer for Mac OS X |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
data-processing electron-microscopy help-wanted image-processing python |
sk1p |
Clean up code: `.str().length()` |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics code-cleanup stan |
syclik |
Crash when bounds of prange() are Python objects |
cython/cython |
Code-Generation big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython defect help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
Updating value of a single row of a column using loc or at fails |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Needs-Tests alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
abhinav-upadhyay |
Apply the same transformation to image and mask in elastic_transform ? |
cnn data-science deep-learning deep-neural-networks dltk dltk-model-zoo enhancement help-wanted machine-learning medical medical-image-processing medical-imaging ml neural-network neural-networks neuroimaging python tensorflow |
Jing-He |
Unit test for `get_phase_lag` and `get_mean_phase_difference` functions |
StingraySoftware/stingray |
astronomy astrophysics blackhole blackholes data-analysis enhancement fourier-analysis fourier-transform hacktoberfest medium-priority neutronstars pulsars time-series time-series-analysis timeseries x-ray x-ray-binaries |
swapsha96 |
Better user-facing messages on invalid IDs |
kblin/ncbi-acc-download |
enhancement help-wanted |
areejalsheikh |
DOC: avoid iteration for light travel time of lots of objects |
astropy/astropy |
Docs Effort-low Package-novice Performance astronomy astrophysics astropy python science time |
StuartLittlefair |
stdint compat for windows |
cython/cython |
Code-Generation Library big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
jbrockmendel |
Add unbounded pointer depth in pure Python 3.7+ |
cython/cython |
big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
kne42 |
Crash if certain non-ascii characters in model file. |
lanl/PyBNF |
minor |
emitra17 |
Add documentation on cli commands (including piping) |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls docs follow-up frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
a manpage for `envml` command |
cea-hpc/modules |
documentation environment environment-modules hpc module modulefiles shell tcl |
cmarqu |
Special cases in iterable unpacking |
cython/cython |
Python-Semantics big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
multiple usage of same keyword (IDL --> duplicate keyword) |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
Low-priority antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
alaingdl |
Output file |
symmy596/SurfinPy |
density-functional-theory thermodynamic-properties |
symmy596 |
Move pointing logic out of state |
panoptes/POCS |
State-Machine astronomy citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python telescopes |
wtgee |
Least squares fit to speed up sampler |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement help-wanted |
sblunt |
when ~ncores=1, Parmap should not fork |
rdicosmo/parmap |
Good-first-issue enhancement |
UnixJunkie |
Test all public methods of classes (mainly pdf.Model) |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
lukasheinrich |
DOC: Generating docs doesn't work if path has whitespaces |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
datapythonista |
Document the container types |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda doc easy feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
Print what files you created when using -v mode |
kblin/ncbi-acc-download |
enhancement help-wanted |
tseemann |
Make sure testing is covering entire state machine |
panoptes/POCS |
State-Machine Testing astronomy bug citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python telescopes |
wtgee |
Improve code coverage |
ropensci/jstor |
hacktoberfest help-wanted jstor peer-reviewed r r-package rstats text-analysis text-mining |
tklebel |
generate quality circuit diagrams |
ECSHackWeek/ |
ECS-Hack-Week battery corrosion electrochemistry fuel-cell impedance lithium-ion |
mdmurbach |
Check data types for SONATA export |
NeuralEnsemble/PyNN |
sonata |
apdavison |
Handle spatial information when importing SONATA networks |
NeuralEnsemble/PyNN |
sonata |
apdavison |
Wrap coordinates into fractional coordinates |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
mattwthompson |
Explanations within the examples |
qpv-research-group/solcore5 |
hacktoberfest help-wanted photovoltaic python semiconductor solar-cells |
dalonsoa |
Feature Request: GPUOptions for Go binding |
tensorflow/tensorflow |
deep-learning deep-neural-networks distributed machine-learning ml neural-network python statcontribution-welcome tensorflow typefeature |
mattn |
[FR] Error messages should be more specific |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference warnings-&-errors |
fritzo |
Call for User-Contributed Examples and Tutorials! |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
Examples bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning documentation help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference |
martinjankowiak |
Exposing mu to the services (stepsize warmup) |
stan-dev/stan |
algorithm bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics feature stan |
Tuxonomics |
IPython directive should strip ansi escape sequence from output. |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest help-wanted ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
Carreau |
Add tests for code2 and code4 validation (with additional checks on code4's alpha0) |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls docs feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
Lint error on python version constraint no-noarch |
conda-forge/conda-smithy |
continuous-integration hacktoberfest linter |
CJ-Wright |
Support `numpy.tile` |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
Set `DATAPATH` for tests |
healpy/healpy |
Good-first-issue |
zonca |
SOBEL & clang : many complains; tests mising for SOBEL, PREWITT & ROBERTS |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
alaingdl |
numba/numba |
Task caching compiler cuda doc llvm numba numpy parallel python |
sklam |
Target Field names cannot be all numbers |
panoptes/POCS |
astronomy bug citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python telescopes |
wtgee |
Allow user to choose parser in get_spec and get_metadata |
ropensci/lightr |
Type-enhancement file-import r r-package reproducibility reproducible-research reproducible-science spectral-data spectroscopy |
Bisaloo |
Add more options to the dictionary |
ropenscilabs/gendercoder |
enhancement gender-diversity help-wanted ozunconf18 r r-package rstats unconf |
ekothe |
Implement Support for "Hermite EETF" as per "BT.2390-4". |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
sobotka |
Cache constant frozen-sets |
cython/cython |
Code-Generation Optimization big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython performance python |
scoder |
SBML timeout not supported if PyBNF installed through PyPI |
lanl/PyBNF |
enhancement |
emitra17 |
Add option for auto None & nan imputation for categorical features |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
chanansh |
Post an issue |
andyphilips/dynamac |
ardl r stata time-series time-series-analysis |
andyphilips |
silence warnings PDBConstructionWarning in |
biopython/biopython |
Testing bioinformatics biopython dna genomics phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
peterjc |
Batching Gaussian Processes |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning enhancement machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference |
mileslucas |
Include tutorial and docs for `datetime` time format |
IAMconsortium/pyam |
analysis datetime energy-systems iamc-format integrated-assessment integrated-assessment-scenarios macro-energy modeling pyam scenario scenario-data timeseries-format visualization |
danielhuppmann |
Add boundary optimized operators of Mattsson, Almquist, and van der Weide |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
[Docs?] Numba creates multiple Python objects for an object returned more than once |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda doc easy llvm numba numpy parallel python |
asodeur |
Benchmark scattering mask data vs transmitting pickled mask factories |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
data-processing electron-microscopy enhancement future image-processing python |
uellue |
GPU modules are listed as available even if `ITK_USE_GPU` is `OFF` |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeInfrastructure |
fbudin69500 | is undocumented in Wiki and might not show plot |
PrincetonUniversity/athena |
bug documentation visualization |
felker |
Add warnings about "obviously unintended" code |
cython/cython |
Error-Reporting big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython feature help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
Create an Acknowledgements section for the README |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing statusUse_Milestone_Backlog typeDocumentation |
thewtex |
Intuitively manage column-wise WCS coordinates |
astropy/astropy |
Docs Effort-low Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy coordinates io.fits python science wcs |
matteobachetti |
Implement copy_to_host() for negative strided array |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
sklam |
Document LabelObject perimeter computations |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDocumentation |
blowekamp |
Wild Bootstrap |
lanl/PyBNF |
enhancement |
emitra17 |
convolve_fft defaults and documentation |
astropy/astropy |
Docs Feature-Request Hacktoberfest astronomy astrophysics astropy convolution python science |
astromark |
Overload the stream insertion operator for types that are missing it |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeEnhancement typeInfrastructure |
jhlegarreta |
Parse strings as multi-element data structures in tests |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeEnhancement typeInfrastructure |
jhlegarreta |
Add documentation for class attributes to docstrings |
duetosymmetry/qnm |
black-holes general-relativity numerical-methods physics python scientific-computing |
duetosymmetry |
Regressing out genes |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
joshuahwu |
Raise Warning if the Capacity Array is Not Set But `mapc2p` is |
clawpack/pyclaw |
feature finite-volume hyperbolic-equations partial-differential-equations pde pde-solver petsc weno |
mandli |
Speed up relative re-imports into absolute imports |
cython/cython |
Code-Generation Optimization big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
Add support for `np.matmul` |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
Bad error messages in ClassifierChain on multioutput multiclass |
scikit-learn/scikit-learn |
data-analysis data-science machine-learning modulemultioutput python statistics |
amueller |
Embedded signature doc behavior for classes different from regular Python |
cython/cython |
Cython-Language-Feature big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement help-wanted performance python |
david-cortes |
"cannot determine Numba type" when calling AOT-compiled function from AOT-compiled function |
numba/numba |
AOT bug compiler cuda doc llvm numba numpy parallel python |
nmgeek |
Cythonize/Cython compilation fails to import/recognize `.pxd` from external modules that only have `` |
cython/cython |
Build-System big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement performance python |
ghost |
jit all the functions which are slow |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation performance perihelion space-physics |
shreyasbapat |
oldmin/oldmax aren't handled properly |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue areaIO cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeEnhancement |
tashrifbillah |
Add quantitative tests to `itk::FastMarchingImageFilterBase` |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeCoverage |
jhlegarreta |
Add support for NumPy `insert` |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
cache files should be aware of EXOSIMS version |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
enhancement help-wanted |
dsavransky |
Reword documentation |
lucydot/effmass |
documentation |
lucydot |
Fix Link |
lucydot/effmass |
documentation |
lucydot |
deduplication of louvain and leiden doc |
scverse/scanpy |
Area---Documentation-📒 anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
fbnrst |
Random seed should be encoded as a random generator object in SimulatedUniverse |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
enhancement help-wanted |
dsavransky |
Warning spam from pybnf dependencies |
lanl/PyBNF |
emitra17 |
error while saving geodataframe as mapinfo .tab file |
geopandas/geopandas |
geoparquet geospatial pandas python spatial |
ghost |
numpy isin |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
machineko |
Inconsistency in finding blocked reactions |
opencobra/cobrapy |
biochemistry bioinformatics cell-design cobra computational-biology flux metabolic-models metabolic-network metabolism modeling needs-information python sbml sbml-model sbml-simulation strain-engineering systems-biology |
hvdinh16 |
potential Doc2Vec feature: reverse inference, to synthesize doc/summary words |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest data-mining data-science difficulty-medium document-similarity fasttext feature gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling wishlist word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
gojomo |
dagp_plot is not scaleable |
flyaflya/causact |
bayesian-inference dags enhancement help-wanted posterior-probability probabilistic-graphical-models probabilistic-programming rstats-package |
flyaflya |
Make meaningfulLabels = FALSE argument work in dag_greta() |
flyaflya/causact |
bayesian-inference dags help-wanted posterior-probability probabilistic-graphical-models probabilistic-programming rstats-package |
flyaflya |
Recipe documentation |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
Recipes documentation enhancement maintenance mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
mattwthompson |
Standardize documentation in `Utilities` scripts |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDocumentation |
jhlegarreta |
Add version changed for API changes |
astropy/astropy |
Docs Hacktoberfest Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy python science |
taldcroft |
Breaking change: allow input decks to work for both 2D and 3D |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
RemiLehe |
Use Resample over WarpImageFilter in Examples |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue areaRegistration cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing |
blowekamp |
Consider pipx as recommended installation method |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls docs frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch question research scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
matthewfeickert |
Linter should hint about wrapping text |
conda-forge/conda-smithy |
Hacktoberfest continuous-integration enhancement hacktoberfest help-wanted linter |
isuruf |
Systematic breakdown table |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement follow-up frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
Importing Keras when loading dataset |
mirapy-org/mirapy |
astronomy autoencoder bug classification curve-fitting deep-learning htru1 image-reconstruction keras machine-learning ogle variable-stars x-ray-binaries |
swapsha96 |
Docstring for pvsystem.calcparams_xxx are inconsistent with function code |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
documentation easy photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
cwhanse |
Document how to get complete document distribution from LDA |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity documentation fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
Antupis |
meta-issue: All NumPy functions with no implementation |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda easy feature_request good-second-issue llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
look at merge cycler and make sure it works with any combination of pseudo-axis |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon python |
awalter-bnl |
Add references to docstrings |
hoechenberger/questplus |
doc enhancement psychology psychophysics |
hoechenberger |
Normalization edge case |
lanl/PyBNF |
emitra17 |
Finish GUI integration |
lanl/PyBNF |
enhancement |
emitra17 |
Moving from autograd to jax |
mirapy-org/mirapy |
astronomy autoencoder classification curve-fitting deep-learning enhancement htru1 image-reconstruction keras machine-learning ogle variable-stars x-ray-binaries |
ericmjl |
Test coverage of special parameterizations |
netsiphd/netrd |
enhancement |
sdmccabe |
Installation instructions should ensure that the terminal preferred encoding is UTF8 |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database provenance scheduler ssh topic/documentation workflow workflow-engine workflows |
giovannipizzi |
Test delve on Keras linear regression problem |
delve-team/delve |
convolutional-neural-networks deep-learning layer-saturation model-training neural-dynamics pruning pytorch training-monitor visualization |
JustinShenk |
Testing trained models life VGG, Inception etc with HTRU1 dataset |
mirapy-org/mirapy |
astronomy autoencoder classification curve-fitting deep-learning htru1 image-reconstruction keras machine-learning ogle variable-stars x-ray-binaries |
swapsha96 |
Flattening Dask Arrays without spreading out chunks |
dask/dask |
array dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
jakirkham |
Address Todo items in AzimuthElevationToCartesianTransform |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDesign |
hjmjohnson |
Consider adding __repr__ methods to all classes |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
matthewfeickert |
Add predict_proba for CatBoostClassifier in Java API |
catboost/catboost |
JVM-Applier big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
ancasarb |
Upgrade poor handling of missionSchedule in init_OB |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
enhancement help-wanted |
deanthedream |
Remove similar code for command-line argument handling |
idaholab/moose |
Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
ONNX export doesn't support categorical features |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
wboleksii |
bug in gensim.summarization.mz_entropy.mz_keywords |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity fasttext gensim impact-LOW information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python reach-LOW topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
bbaranow |
Improve PythonUnitTest test separation option |
idaholab/moose |
C-MOOSE-Scripts Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
Improve script's robustness |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue areaRemotes cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeInfrastructure |
jhlegarreta |
Provide a way to enable both quantity_support and time_support in one go |
astropy/astropy |
Enhancement astronomy astrophysics astropy python science visualization |
astrofrog |
WordEmbeddingsKeyedVectors.add() doesn't clear `vectors_norm`, causing `IndexError` on later `most_similar()` |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity fasttext gensim impact-MEDIUM information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python reach-LOW topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
gojomo |
lsmagic returns JSON which makes for awkward UX in JupyterLab |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
fperez |
Read more Line Databases (ExoMol, Chianti, NIST, GEISA, etc.) |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion databases enhancement exoplanets help-wanted hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy 💡gsoc 🤔🤔. |
erwanp |
Implement mean for Series[datetime64[ns]] and DatetimeIndex |
dask/dask |
dask dataframe numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
TomAugspurger |
Type highlighting in `inspect_types` |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
Support numpy.isnan and numpy.isnat in cuda.jit kernels |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
kkraus14 |
Indexing on series where index is output from pd.cut |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Indexing Needs-Tests alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
kuchenrolle |
WikiCorpus.filter_wiki/remove_markup don't remove heading-markup |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
Hacktoberfest bug data-mining data-science difficulty-medium document-similarity fasttext gensim help-wanted impact-LOW information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python reach-LOW topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
0x0badc0de |
Specifying __bool__ and __nonzero__ |
cython/cython |
Type-Analysis big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement performance python |
rinslow |
Documentation example doesn't work |
cython/cython |
Documentation big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython performance python |
realead |
extend append() for updating existing data |
IAMconsortium/pyam |
analysis energy-systems iamc-format integrated-assessment integrated-assessment-scenarios macro-energy modeling pyam scenario scenario-data timeseries-format visualization |
gidden |
hasMaterialProperty depends on order in the input file |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue P-minor T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
tophmatthews |
ImageDiff and Structrual Similarity |
idaholab/moose |
C-MOOSE-Scripts Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
use array_like instead of numeric/array-like |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
documentation help-wanted photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
wholmgren |
AAVSO Light Curves |
snad-space/ztf-viewer |
enhancement |
hombit |
Create a list of reader/writer names |
ynop/audiomate |
audio audio-datasets corpus-tools data-loader dataset-creation dataset-filtering dataset-manager enhancement music noise speech speech-recognition |
ynop |
Fix PR02 issues in docstrings |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
datapythonista |
DOC: Fix formatting errors in docstrings |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
datapythonista |
add test for case-insensitive logic in DUStructDesc::AddTag |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf objects plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
ElementGenerator test improvement |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework C-Meshing Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
permcody |
Use SI units everywhere in the WarpX documentation |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-documentation gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
RemiLehe |
Various methods don't call call __finalize__ |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Bug alignment data-analysis data-science flexible metadata pandas python |
TomAugspurger |
ENH: Improvements to new ARIMA-type estimators |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-tsa count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis type-enh |
ChadFulton |
Consider astroalign for tracking corrections |
panoptes/POCS |
Enhancement astronomy citizen-science exoplantes mount panoptes python telescopes |
wtgee |
Bounds checking for shapes in GUI |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
Document reproducibility guarantees |
lmcinnes/umap |
0.4 dimensionality-reduction documentation machine-learning topological-data-analysis umap visualization |
tomwhite |
Storage class in MOOSEDocs should have a late initialization routine. |
idaholab/moose |
C-MOOSE-Scripts Good-first-issue P-minor T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
Add aliases for common accessors |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
API asymptotic-formulas closember cls frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch refactor scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
Add coverage to pdf.Model.expected_auxdata and pdf.Model.mainlogpdf |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow tests |
matthewfeickert |
ENH: Update `qcircuit` version for LaTeX circuit visualization and consider `Quantikz` |
qutip/qutip |
ENH Q&A code python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
nathanshammah |
Type Annotations |
qpv-research-group/solcore5 |
enhancement hacktoberfest photovoltaic python semiconductor solar-cells |
dalonsoa |
Check urls of datasets in code and documentation |
ynop/audiomate |
audio audio-datasets corpus-tools data-loader dataset-creation dataset-filtering dataset-manager help-wanted music noise speech speech-recognition |
ynop |
Broken link to "Edit on Github" in ipython documentation |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science documentation hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
btel |
Add unit test for pattern.apply() |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
uppittu11 |
Park unless pointing withing threshold |
panoptes/POCS |
State-Machine astronomy citizen-science exoplantes panoptes python telescopes |
wtgee |
Add realistic spacecraft attitude motion |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
enhancement |
YgabrielsY |
Associate file type to an existing text editor syntax highlight or a custom one. |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
documentation jupyter jupyterlab |
willibix |
word2vec doc-comment example of KeyedVectors usage broken |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity documentation fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
gojomo |
solution.Solution -- cannot pass `frame=` as kwarg |
clawpack/pyclaw |
Bug finite-volume hyperbolic-equations partial-differential-equations pde pde-solver petsc weno |
rjleveque |
Implement .copy() for DeviceNDArray |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
jakirkham |
Implement `.ravel()` on non-contiguous data |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
jakirkham |
startingMonth ignored on non-unitary Quarter periods |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Frequency Needs-Tests Resample alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
aulemahal |
Sum and difference bodies |
glotzerlab/coxeter |
computational-geometry enhancement geometry physics polygons polyhedra shapes |
b-butler |
Mass conversion (200c vs 200m) |
syasini/AstroPaint |
astrophysical-signals cosmology halo-catalog help-wanted python simulation-toolkit |
syasini |
Add checks whether orekit is running properly |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
enhancement |
YgabrielsY |
add test for READ_CSV |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
Clean up warnings in doc build |
dask/dask |
dask documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
TomAugspurger |
Add AUX file parsing |
mzy2240/ESA |
automation contingency-analysis enhancement esa graph-analysis hpc numba numpy pandas power-flow powersystem powerworld powerworld-simulator python pythran simauto simulator simulator-automation-server smart-grid transient-stability |
abirchfield |
Consistent names for reference kwargs |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
api documentation photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
cwhanse |
Size of output cell in scroll mode |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkgcells |
TimoTrefzer |
markdown fontsize config not having any affect in notebook |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
help-wanted jupyter jupyterlab tagCSS tagDesign-and-UX tagSettings |
jpmorr |
Implement ColumnDescriptionClass |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
Noxoomo |
fix: avoid scrambling of group members |
opencobra/cobrapy |
biochemistry bioinformatics cell-design cobra computational-biology flux help-wanted metabolic-models metabolic-network metabolism modeling python sbml sbml-model sbml-simulation strain-engineering systems-biology |
BenjaSanchez |
reorder prior update and posterior updates for kalman |
tbrown122387/pf |
particle-filter statistical-methods statistical-models statistics |
tbrown122387 |
Revise decorators to allow for docstring rendering |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas bug closember cls docs follow-up frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
matthewfeickert |
add call outs to all references in docstrings |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
documentation help-wanted photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
wholmgren |
xml2json recursively search for the root data file |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
Suggestion for Catboost Tutorial |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
dennislamcv1 |
Move fast logger to wc_utils |
KarrLab/de_sim |
computational-modelling data-driven-model discrete-event-simulation enhancement object-oriented-programming python simulation |
artgoldberg |
multi-key shortcuts with different modifiers in each don't work |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkgshortcuts tagKeyboard |
amosbird |
Check the language, clarity and consistency of documentation |
adbar/htmldate |
date date-parser datetime digital-forensics entity-extraction forensics-tools information-extraction metadata metadata-extraction natural-language-processing nlp opengraph up-for-grabs web-scraping webscraping |
adbar |
Test htmldate on further web pages and report bugs |
adbar/htmldate |
date date-parser datetime digital-forensics entity-extraction forensics-tools information-extraction metadata metadata-extraction natural-language-processing nlp opengraph up-for-grabs web-scraping webscraping |
adbar |
radis/radis |
astrophysics ci-dev closember combustion databases enhancement exoplanets help-wanted hitemp hitran infrared interface physics plasma plasma-physics radiation refactor spectra spectroscopy 😎. 🤔🤔. |
erwanp |
Add a simulator that estimates a plan's storage requirements. |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon python |
danielballan |
Support erfcx |
google/jax |
enhancement jax |
cossio |
Allow arbitrary units in Spectrum methods |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared interface plasma plasma-physics post-process radiation spectra spectroscopy 😎. |
erwanp |
TestHarness should be able to start directory walking in another directory |
idaholab/moose |
C-TestHarness Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
permcody |
refactor lumen.js |
lumen-org/lumen |
web-application |
nandaloo |
Improve test coverage |
radis/radis |
astrophysics ci-dev closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy |
erwanp |
collect_results! : path |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
hacktoberfest improvement project-assistant project-management science science-research setup-tool simulations |
JonasIsensee |
Inconsistent documentation of boxes |
glotzerlab/freud |
analysis computational-chemistry computational-physics data-analysis documentation molecular-dynamics monte-carlo-simulation particle-system python science scientific-computing spatial-analysis |
vyasr |
CUDA: pinned_array_like, pinned_zeroes, pinned_ones, etc. would be handy |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
gmarkall |
Add more extract providers |
ropensci/osmextract |
geo geofabrik-zone help-wanted open-data osm osm-pbf r rstats |
Robinlovelace |
How can I disable filename abbreviations in the results of tab-autocompletion? |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest help-wanted ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
cxrodgers |
Unify files used in force field validation |
mosdef-hub/foyer |
atom-typing disseminating-forcefields force-field foyer molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation python testing |
mattwthompson |
Assigning to DeviceNDArray with Ellipsis fails |
numba/numba |
CUDA bug compiler cuda llvm numba numpy parallel python |
jakirkham |
Add more explicit warning when input file is a csv file without `sep = ","` |
ropensci/lightr |
Scope-UX/docs file-import r r-package reproducibility reproducible-research reproducible-science spectral-data spectroscopy |
Bisaloo |
Potential lingering issues with XYZ files |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
low-priority mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
mattwthompson |
Suggestion : Run checkm on more than 1 MAG at a time |
CAMI-challenge/CAMITAX |
enhancement |
michoug |
Function of len() is invalid to dynamic share array |
numba/numba |
CUDA Task compiler cuda llvm numba numpy parallel python |
mantouRobot |
execute doctests in our continuous integration setup |
sourmash-bio/sourmash |
bioinformatics fracminhash hacktoberfest kmer minhash python rust scaled-minhash sketching sourmash taxonomic-classification taxonomic-profiling |
ctb |
hdf_open - error reporting |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf4 hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
slayoo |
interacting with the file system using pathlib instead of os.path |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven enhancement hacktoberfest icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
Add second order element capability to MeshGenerators |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
dschwen |
update and expand our automated testing functions |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven hacktoberfest help-wanted icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
Document How Links are Handled in Notebook |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
documentation help-wanted jupyter jupyterlab |
saulshanabrook |
Improve interface for AUX data |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
UX/DX data-processing design docs electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
radis/radis |
astrophysics ci-dev closember combustion documentation exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy 😎. |
erwanp |
Add documentation for get_diagnostics() |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
WASM SIMD implementations of SSE |
simd-everywhere/simde |
GSoC/Outreachy-ideas accelerated-implementation altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 fma gfni help-wanted mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
nemequ |
Not working on Lineage OS 15.1 / 16 |
TrackerControl/tracker-control-android |
android privacy tracking-protection |
kasnder |
Accession range support? |
kblin/ncbi-acc-download |
enhancement help-wanted |
peterjc |
WEB: Multiple "Getting Started" on leads to different links |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Web alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
mroeschke |
Better empty state experience |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
sk1p |
Instrument should be selectable rgb/monochrome |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
YgabrielsY |
show total number of parameters (not only parsets) in pyhf inspect |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
lukasheinrich |
Improve `dfply` test suite |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
enhancement uq |
zdelrosario |
Read configuration from log files |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
YgabrielsY |
Find intermediate results |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
YgabrielsY |
Tutorials/examples/documentation |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
discussion documentation enhancement formatting mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
chrisiacovella |
Sidebar toggle to show labels for all tips in tree |
nextstrain/auspice |
please-take-this-issue source-discussion-forum source-office-hours |
jameshadfield |
Update Level Set module to use vector variables |
idaholab/moose |
C-Modules Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
AVX-512BW functions |
simd-everywhere/simde |
GSoC/Outreachy-ideas altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 fma gfni help-wanted instruction-set-support mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
nemequ |
downloaded file unzipping and sorting |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven enhancement hacktoberfest icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
Improve autolink to files in MooseDocs |
idaholab/moose |
C-Documentation Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
Support for Taqman / hydrolysis / multi-colour probes |
ropensci/tidyqpcr |
enhancement help-wanted miqe qpcr qpcr-analysis r r-package rstats tidyverse |
ewallace |
Improve name of InputParameters::registerBase |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue P-minor T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
Create reduction mode straight from files instead of requiring user config sheet |
arjunsavel/SImMER |
astronomical-images astronomy astrophysics enhancement python stars |
arjunsavel |
"Remembering" the previous selection of a wide binary |
arjunsavel/SImMER |
astronomical-images astronomy astrophysics enhancement python stars |
arjunsavel |
Periodic wavelet collocation operators |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
Improved Export/Download support |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI data-processing electron-microscopy enhancement image-processing python |
sk1p |
Parallelism of calculations in pyhf ala joblib (or similar) |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics help-wanted hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch question research scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
Support running of unit tests from main run_tests |
idaholab/moose |
C-TestHarness Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
Centralize all MooseDocs media into large_media |
idaholab/moose |
C-Documentation Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
aeslaughter |
Upwind SBP operators of Mattsson (2017) |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
Change logo :) |
MolMeDB/MolMeDB |
cheminformatics chemistry database lipids membranes permeability small-molecule |
KarelBerka |
Issues with ingest |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
andrea-tango |
PAGA connectivity score |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
rsggsr |
Add Werror flag to Setup |
cython/cython |
Testing big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
WillAyd |
[Feature Req.] power spectrum function in py21cmfast |
21cmfast/21cmFAST |
context-python-wrapper |
NGillet |
Trimming links with length less than scene pixel resolution |
jonschwenk/RivGraph |
enhancement manuscript python |
Lvulis |
Document how to embed Cython modules in C/C++ applications |
cython/cython |
Documentation big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
Automatic island filtering by island vs channel size. |
jonschwenk/RivGraph |
documentation enhancement manuscript python |
Lvulis |
implement a cosine-based repulsive force |
open2c/polychrom |
chromatin chromosomes enhancement hi-c loop-extrusion polymer simulation |
golobor |
Christoffel Symbols are no tensor! |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation perihelion space-physics symbolic |
andi8086 |
pl.violin will not take "hue" kwarg for seaborn? |
scverse/scanpy |
Area---Plotting-🌺 anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
auesro |
GUI: Selector handle behavior |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
Better warnings for command line arguments that exist for compatibility |
smithlabcode/falco |
moldach |
NaN returned during exchange maintenance |
freqtrade/freqtrade |
Enhancement Good-first-issue RPC algorithmic-trading bitcoin cryptocurrencies cryptocurrency freqtrade python telegram-bot trade trading-bot |
sanket-k |
Add Data Attribute for Cell Tags |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement help-wanted jupyter jupyterlab pkgcells |
blink1073 |
DOC: Single Document For Code Guidelines |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Code-Style Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
Stockfoot |
Split filter() into two functions |
tbrown122387/pf |
enhancement particle-filter statistical-methods statistical-models statistics |
tbrown122387 |
Add more compile time checks |
tbrown122387/pf |
enhancement help-wanted particle-filter statistical-methods statistical-models statistics |
tbrown122387 |
Implement support for various photoreceptor models. |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
Warn about unraisable exceptions where they occur |
cython/cython |
Error-Reporting big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython enhancement performance python |
scoder | TypeError: paga() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ncols' |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
YubinXie |
Implement support for "oRGB: A Practical Opponent Color Space for Computer Graphics". |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
Support target tags |
panoptes/POCS |
Enhancement Help-Wanted astronomy citizen-science config exoplantes panoptes python scheduler telescopes |
wtgee |
Need test coverage of all functions |
lcpp-org/RustBCA |
bca bca-codes binary-collision-approximation binary-collisions bohdansky electronic-stopping enhancement fusion help-wanted implantation incident-ion ion-material-interactions ion-solid-interactions materials-science nuclear-fusion nuclear-stopping plasma-material-interactions range rust simulation sputtering yamamura |
drobnyjt |
deprecated parameter in tests file appears to be ignored |
idaholab/moose |
C-TestHarness Good-first-issue P-normal T-defect T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
bwspenc |
Make testing more robust especially for random objects |
qutip/qutip |
ENH Q&A help-wanted python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
nathanshammah |
PDD solver: error in the documentation on how to access the output |
qpv-research-group/solcore5 |
Documentation hacktoberfest photovoltaic python semiconductor solar-cells |
dalonsoa |
Check "truth" of CIF exporter |
Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools |
adapters openapi optimade optimade-api optimade-python optimade-specification priority/medium python tests |
CasperWA |
Usage with Shelter Sandbox |
TrackerControl/tracker-control-android |
android privacy tracking-protection |
m37r |
Plotting for QUfitting and RMclean1d |
CIRADA-Tools/RM-Tools |
enhancement |
Cameron-Van-Eck |
Add thumbnails for tutorials/gallery where missing |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Documentation Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
story645 |
Complete Implementation IfcFacetedBrep converter |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
IFC boost building-information-modelling ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud refactoring |
hechth |
Chain TrackerControl with other VPN services, such as ProtonVPN |
TrackerControl/tracker-control-android |
android privacy tracking-protection |
famewolf |
Feature suggestion: visually distinguish (color) cells with a tag |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkgcelltags tagDesign-System-CSS |
SultanOrazbayev |
Missing Node.js error message unclear |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
documentation help-wanted jupyter jupyterlab |
big-o |
Calling host functions/operators from function with device annotation |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
Kokkos amr bug help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
pgrete |
var_context builder |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics feature stan |
bob-carpenter |
Tackle some low-hanging fruit in "" |
cython/cython |
Parsing big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython defect help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
Zooming out from a labelled subtree does not correctly update the URL query |
nextstrain/auspice |
bug |
jameshadfield |
Consider adding plotly functionalities |
qutip/qutip |
ENH Q&A code help-wanted python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
nathanshammah |
Adding get_memory_manager |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
jakirkham |
Implement "rich" output in console and logging |
DeltaRCM/pyDeltaRCM |
enhancement |
amoodie |
ValueError: cannot convert float NaN to integer |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
sygongcode |
Delete or optimize reconstruction? |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr discussion enhancement help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon question |
pgrete |
Use of `IndexRange`s in `par_for` wrappers |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr enhancement high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
pgrete |
automate PyPI/conda release using GitHub Actions. |
econ-ark/HARK |
Expertise-CI Expertise-Open-Source Priority-Low Tag-Installation economics help-wanted |
MridulS |
Dangerous default arguments in numba |
numba/numba |
bug compiler cuda llvm numba numpy parallel python |
HPLegion |
Refactor test suite |
arjunsavel/SImMER |
astronomical-images astronomy astrophysics python stars testing |
arjunsavel |
Save for review issues Yes/No answers and slider |
pmkruyen/dearscholar |
enhancement |
Glenn437 |
BUG: groupby.sum() is inconsistent with df.sum() for large integers |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Bug Dtype-Conversions Groupby Needs-Tests Reduction-Operations alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
tom-weiss |
Examples for CuPy and Numba.cuda |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
data-processing docs electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
Complete readme file |
SCIInstitute/UncertainSCI |
documentation |
dcwhite |
readthedocs: "Tutorials" |
NathanSandford/Chem-I-Calc |
documentation help-wanted |
NathanSandford |
Custom c++ metric Run Problem |
catboost/catboost |
big-data bug catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning objectives-and-metrics python r tutorial |
gavrenkov |
simplify and document code --- code review |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy c++-only data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
GillesDuvert |
Warnings |
snowformatics/macrobot |
computer-vision enhancement image-analysis plant-pathogen-interactions python |
snowformatics |
NERSC Software Package |
spack/spack |
build-tools ecp feature hpc hpsf linux macos nersc package-manager python radiuss scientific-computing spack |
shahzebsiddiqui |
Adding markdown links to OpenAPI schema |
Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools |
OpenAPI docs openapi optimade optimade-api optimade-python optimade-specification priority/low python schema |
CasperWA |
Eliminate `get_providers` and put similar functions into `` |
Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools |
enhancement openapi optimade optimade-api optimade-python optimade-specification priority/low python suggestions |
CasperWA |
Launch Binder button does not work. |
vaexio/vaex |
bigdata data-science dataframe hdf5 machine-learning machinelearning memory-mapped-file pyarrow python tabular-data visualization |
adrienpacifico |
clone more legend settings when regenerating in Qt figure options dialog |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
tacaswell |
Implement zoom and horizontal scrolling for sequence views |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Add "scroll to top" button |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Better input TSV validation |
open2c/cooler |
3d-genome bioinformatics chromatin contact-matrix cooler enhancement file-format genomics hdf5 hi-c ngs python sparse |
nvictus |
Include csv result table in report |
snowformatics/macrobot |
computer-vision enhancement image-analysis plant-pathogen-interactions python |
snowformatics |
Implement persistent informational widgets |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain priomedium research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Implement expandable rows ("row accordion") |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Implement sticky tooltips |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Link mutations to |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Add ability to cancel current task |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Using Python type hints |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning enhancement machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch testing usability variational-inference warnings-&-errors |
jpchen |
custom logging level for numba internals. |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
Investigate use of testbook for testing Jupyter notebooks |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
SciPy-Conference asymptotic-formulas closember cls frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch research scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow tests |
matthewfeickert |
Utility request: preprocessing step of Lancaster et al. |
JuliaDynamics/TimeseriesSurrogates.jl |
enhancement hacktoberfest hypothesis-testing julia nonlinear-time-series surrogate surrogates timeseries |
Datseris |
Add marker showing current mouse position in sequences and gene map |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain priomedium research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Attach gene map to the bottom-most sequence |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain priomedium research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
[DOC] Add docstring for split_out and split_every in dask groupby-aggregate API |
dask/dask |
dask dataframe documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
VibhuJawa |
Equality tests on floats: add support for math.isclose() and numpy.isclose() |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
alexandrehuat |
Add status panel showing current filtering and sorting criteria and number of sequences displayed out of total |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Add filtering and sorting reset button(s) |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Einasto Profile |
syasini/AstroPaint |
astrophysical-signals cosmology halo-catalog python simulation-toolkit |
syasini |
Factorize NFW profiles |
syasini/AstroPaint |
astrophysical-signals cosmology halo-catalog python simulation-toolkit |
syasini |
Add tSZ to Battaglia16 |
syasini/AstroPaint |
astrophysical-signals cosmology enhancement halo-catalog python simulation-toolkit |
syasini |
Add more tests |
syasini/AstroPaint |
astrophysical-signals cosmology halo-catalog python simulation-toolkit test |
syasini |
Variable column width |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Add new coordinate and metric classes |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
coordinates enhancement general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest metric new-feature orbital-simulation perihelion research space-physics |
JeS24 |
GUI: ROI selector bug |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI bug data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
anandbaburajan |
Wouldn't it be nice if we can visualize the results of `models` instead of just looking at the table? |
shankarpandala/lazypredict |
automl classification enhancement machine-learning regression |
vidyap-xgboost |
[FEATURE-REQUEST] Support netCDF-4 files |
vaexio/vaex |
bigdata data-science dataframe feature-request hdf5 machine-learning machinelearning memory-mapped-file pyarrow python tabular-data visualization |
snitramodranoel |
Check for extraneous tensor casts with "data" handling |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement follow-up frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
Paint qSZ using Line Integral Convolution |
syasini/AstroPaint |
astrophysical-signals cosmology halo-catalog python simulation-toolkit |
syasini |
WXCairo backend not rendering nicely on retina |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium GUI-wx Good-first-issue OS-Apple data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
eliclement |
Adjoints of FEOperators |
gridap/Gridap.jl |
enhancement finite-elements gridap help-wanted julia new-functionality numerical-methods partial-differential-equations pdes |
santiagobadia |
Loading json schema via pkgutil |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
alexander-held |
Support zero-length arrays in numba.cuda |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
eric-wieser |
change to standard NLL fit objective |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls frequentist-statistics help-wanted hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
lukasheinrich |
BUG: read_sql no longer works simply with SqlAlchemy selectables and a quick fix |
pandas-dev/pandas |
IO-SQL Needs-Tests alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
machow |
DOC: `` output in case of `Index` object |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
galipremsagar |
Evaluate PDE solution |
gridap/Gridap.jl |
enhancement finite-elements gridap help-wanted julia new-functionality numerical-methods partial-differential-equations pdes |
jw3126 |
Update `examples` folder to include localization. |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
jupyter jupyterlab maintenance tagExamples |
goanpeca |
Audio Data Loading [FEATURE-REQUEST] |
vaexio/vaex |
bigdata data-science dataframe hdf5 machine-learning machinelearning memory-mapped-file pyarrow python tabular-data visualization |
eladmw |
Case sensitive input parsing |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr documentation help-wanted high-performance-computing invalid kokkos parthenon question refactor |
jdolence |
cut mask (experiment footprint) based on input keyword |
syasini/AstroPaint |
astrophysical-signals cosmology halo-catalog help-wanted python simulation-toolkit |
syasini |
column types not consistent in etox_targets() |
ropensci/webchem |
bug cas-number chemical-information chemspider consistent-api identifier r r-package ropensci rstats webscraping |
Aariq |
Catboost R package does not support calc_feature_statistics |
catboost/catboost |
R big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
benshahararnon |
Support simple axes shares in subplot_mosaic |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
anntzer |
Column count of a CSV may be wrong if more columns exist than the first line indicates |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
jupyter jupyterlab pkgcsvviewer |
l2radamanthys |
Backend option in |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python wontfix |
rsdefever |
Improve error message for NumPy alias type used as dtype in ArrayNdCtors |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
stuartarchibald |
Check for L2 overflow |
enhancement severity_minor urgency_low |
ilyamandel |
[REQUEST] Zoom to model |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling enhancement ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud |
pjanck |
Add examples for run_model methods, add docstrings for ModelChain constants |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
documentation easy photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
cwhanse |
fix LCA_Database __repr__ so that `None` is not displayed |
sourmash-bio/sourmash |
bioinformatics fracminhash hacktoberfest kmer minhash python rust scaled-minhash sketching sourmash taxonomic-classification taxonomic-profiling |
ctb |
Best-Effort Callback assumes fields is non-empty |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky bug callbacks dataacquisition hackathon python |
danielballan |
Use barycentric formula for Lagrange interpolation |
SciML/DataInterpolations.jl |
stevengj |
cmfgen2tardis not working |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics bug-lady_beetle priority---medium python radiative-transfer science supernova |
Knights-Templars |
[Feature Req.] Ability to access all perturbed velocity components (also alternate line-of-sight direction) |
21cmfast/21cmFAST |
context-python-wrapper |
BradGreig |
`cmake` linting is not the same as the linting in the CI |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
Yurlungur |
Merge returns duplicate indices |
dask/dask |
dask dataframe documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
tadej-redstone |
Move BrownCorpus from word2vec to gensim.corpora |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
data-mining data-science document-similarity fasttext gensim housekeeping information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
piskvorky |
Expose weights as parameter wherever relevant in the various Delta E computation definitions. |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
Expand Generators Module |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
mtreinish |
Support superquadrics in sdf actor |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeNew-Feature |
Garyfallidis |
Latex support |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeNew-Feature |
Garyfallidis |
Render video frames on a cube |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeNew-Feature |
Garyfallidis |
GIF support |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeNew-Feature |
Garyfallidis |
Check how shaders affect antialiasing |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeNew-Feature |
Garyfallidis |
Add glow effects |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeNew-Feature |
Garyfallidis |
Add support for fast rotations |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeNew-Feature |
Garyfallidis |
Suggestions for documentation improvements |
jump-dev/JuMP.jl |
Status-Help-Wanted Type-Documentation conic-programs julia linear-programming mathematical-modelling mathematical-programming mixed-integer-programming modeling-language nonlinear-programming optimization semidefinite-programming |
odow |
Bash's B is misaligned with the other symbols in he launcher pad (and consider switching to the official Bash icon) |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
Design-System-CSS jupyter jupyterlab |
joelostblom |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
PaddyLeahy |
Use `PetscRealPart` and `PetscImaginaryPart` in |
firedrakeproject/firedrake |
complex |
ReubenHill |
Render code examples automatically with sphinx_gallery |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
Examples bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference website |
eb8680 |
RF AnnexRepo: extend/unify init_remote and enable_remote |
datalad/datalad |
RIA/ORA closember data-storage dataset enhancement git-annex python usable |
yarikoptic |
Performance of _get_relevance() |
DeepRank/deeprank |
3d-cnn docking enhancement protein-protein-interaction pytorch |
NicoRenaud |
Cannot use automate_training on Compute Canada cluster |
ivadomed/ivadomed |
jcohenadad |
Check how order parameters treat particles with zero neighbors |
glotzerlab/freud |
analysis computational-chemistry computational-physics data-analysis environment molecular-dynamics monte-carlo-simulation order particle-system python science scientific-computing spatial-analysis |
bdice |
CUDA: Add accessors for function attributes beyond just register use per thread |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda llvm numba numpy parallel python |
gmarkall |
Document (and smooth over any pain points in) interactive plots during acquisition in Jupyter |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition documentation hackathon python |
danielballan |
Better error message for `to_csv` with distributed worker and non-local filesystem |
dask/dask |
dask documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
jsignell |
XYZ writer improvements |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
enhancement mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
rsdefever |
f"Values {list(not_found)}, from {list(indexer)}, " "are not valid obs/ var names or indices." |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
brianpenghe |
3D collections do not proper handle `edgecolor='face'` |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-mplot3d wx |
tacaswell |
Note --max-ppsize for large datasets in preprocess vignette |
SchlossLab/mikropml |
documentation machine-learning r-package rstats |
kelly-sovacool |
chopping chains in results class |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement |
semaphoreP |
Savename expand for nested structs is not working |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
bug hacktoberfest project-assistant project-management savename science science-research setup-tool simulations |
sebastianpech |
Better explain the groups param & batch effects in the intro vignette |
SchlossLab/mikropml |
documentation machine-learning r-package rstats |
kelly-sovacool |
Why does setting imshow(animated=True) still show an image? |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt status-has-patch tk topic-animation topic-images wx |
thomasaarholt |
TEOS-10 Accessor Improvement Suggestions |
euroargodev/argopy |
argo argo-core argo-data argo-floats enhancement help-wanted oceanography python stale |
DocOtak |
clust_wts does not exist in GDL |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
brandy125 |
Same script to compute and replot spectra |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion enhancement exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared interface plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy |
erwanp |
Explore Alaska census data |
ElectionDataAnalysis/electiondata |
common-data-format election election-data |
ericmtsai |
make model runs end at the time specified. |
DeltaRCM/pyDeltaRCM |
enhancement |
amoodie |
Refactor SVI tutorial code from MD code blocks into code cells |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
Examples bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference |
ab-10 |
requesting ncols parameter in |
scverse/scanpy |
Area---Plotting-🌺 anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
rpeys |
Add an explicit Runge-Kutta method to applications |
stillwater-sc/universal |
arbitrary-precision arbitrary-precision-arithmetic arbitrary-precision-floats arbitrary-precision-integers arithmetic artificial-intelligence c-plus-plus digital-signal-processing embedded-systems fixed-point-arithmetic floating-point-arithmetic half-precision integer-arithmetic interval-arithmetic octa-precision posit-arithmetic quad-precision quarter-precision rational-arithmetic |
Ravenwater |
rendering a single/monolithic offlineable html file |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
dpark01 |
Visualization of closure plots |
stillwater-sc/universal |
arbitrary-precision arbitrary-precision-arithmetic arbitrary-precision-floats arbitrary-precision-integers arithmetic artificial-intelligence c-plus-plus digital-signal-processing embedded-systems enhancement fixed-point-arithmetic floating-point-arithmetic half-precision help-wanted integer-arithmetic interval-arithmetic octa-precision posit-arithmetic quad-precision quarter-precision rational-arithmetic |
Ravenwater |
Visualization of the ubox of unum Type I |
stillwater-sc/universal |
arbitrary-precision arbitrary-precision-arithmetic arbitrary-precision-floats arbitrary-precision-integers arithmetic artificial-intelligence c-plus-plus digital-signal-processing embedded-systems enhancement fixed-point-arithmetic floating-point-arithmetic half-precision help-wanted integer-arithmetic interval-arithmetic octa-precision posit-arithmetic quad-precision quarter-precision rational-arithmetic |
Ravenwater |
Test US Senate contest totals wherever they exist |
ElectionDataAnalysis/electiondata |
common-data-format election election-data enhancement |
sfsinger19103 |
Prevent tooltip content from going outside the screen |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain priohigh research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tbug tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Add overflow values to the tests |
simd-everywhere/simde |
altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 fma gfni help-wanted mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
mr-c |
Warn when no observables are present |
lanl/PyBNF |
enhancement |
emitra17 |
add more hash manipulation utilities to sourmash CLI |
sourmash-bio/sourmash |
bioinformatics fracminhash good-next-issue hacktoberfest kmer minhash plugin_todo python rust scaled-minhash sketching sourmash taxonomic-classification taxonomic-profiling |
ctb |
Why do factorial approximations generate different values |
stillwater-sc/universal |
arbitrary-precision arbitrary-precision-arithmetic arbitrary-precision-floats arbitrary-precision-integers arithmetic artificial-intelligence c-plus-plus digital-signal-processing embedded-systems fixed-point-arithmetic floating-point-arithmetic half-precision integer-arithmetic interval-arithmetic numerical-investigation octa-precision posit-arithmetic quad-precision quarter-precision question rational-arithmetic |
Ravenwater |
Feature Request: Support ddof argument in np.nan[std | var] |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
mroeschke |
[FEATURE] specify number of trees for shap |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
pseudotensor |
Stork In Git Repo |
idaholab/moose |
C-MOOSE-Scripts Good-first-issue P-minor T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
friedmud |
Offset support in Wigner and other visualizations |
qutip/qutip |
ENH python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
Krastanov |
Dashline / dotted line actor |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation state-needs-PR typeNew-Feature |
skoudoro |
Taking too much time to run . |
shankarpandala/lazypredict |
automl classification help-wanted machine-learning regression |
Vinitkumar89 |
Developer documentation lacks complete installation instructions |
nextstrain/augur |
bug documentation please-take-this-issue |
huddlej |
Clean up custom abundance input and documentation |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics documentation io model priority---medium python radiative-transfer science supernova |
andrewfullard |
Re-implement `%preview -r` with the new `sos server` mechanism. |
vatlab/sos-notebook |
enhancement jupyter-kernels |
BoPeng |
save chi2 values to results |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement long-term |
semaphoreP |
custom_metric parameter returns error when set for LazyClassifier |
shankarpandala/lazypredict |
automl bug classification machine-learning regression |
praveenkumar-ravising |
Automatically run tests from submodules |
idaholab/moose |
C-TestHarness Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
tophmatthews |
allow multi coefficient polynomials |
MrMinimal64/multivar_horner |
enhancement evaluation factorization help-wanted horner horner-scheme hornerscheme-solver math mathematics multivariate multivariate-polynomials polynomial polynomial-evaluation polynomials python python3 |
jannikmi |
`verdi calcjob cleanworkdir`: Add option for work chain |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database priority/nice-to-have provenance scheduler ssh topic/verdi type/feature-request workflow workflow-engine workflows |
mbercx |
Documentation - return values |
uclchem/SpectralRadex |
astronomy astrophysics documentation python radex radiative-transfer |
jonholdship |
Get all modules to pass parallel/distributed/threaded/recover tests |
idaholab/moose |
C-Modules Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
loganharbour |
Lazypredict package should check for dependencies at installation |
shankarpandala/lazypredict |
automl classification enhancement machine-learning regression |
LaurentBerder |
Update release-checklist and move into docs |
gvilitechltd/LibSWIFFT |
c c-plus-plus c-plus-plus-11 cpp cpp11 cryptography documentation hash-functions homomorphic lattice-based-crypto secure-hashing swifft |
gvilitech |
Migrate from markdown files to docs |
gvilitechltd/LibSWIFFT |
c c-plus-plus c-plus-plus-11 cpp cpp11 cryptography documentation hash-functions homomorphic lattice-based-crypto secure-hashing swifft |
gvilitech |
Add Calibration from Carroll 1997 QJE |
econ-ark/HARK |
Function-Calibration economics |
Mv77 |
Handle missing prefixes more elegantly |
CLARIAH/grlc |
api enhancement linked-data linked-data-api open-api semantic-web sparql swagger-ui |
albertmeronyo |
Handle metadata more elegantly |
CLARIAH/grlc |
api enhancement linked-data linked-data-api open-api semantic-web sparql swagger-ui |
albertmeronyo |
STELLAR module: issues with output density |
VirtualPlanetaryLaboratory/vplanet |
astrobiology atmospheres atmospheric-escape binary-stars bug climate enhancement exoplanets galaxies geochemistry geophysics habitability magnetic-fields n-body-simulator orbits planetary-science rotation stellar stellar-astrophysics tides |
jbirky |
[REF] All graphical unit tests needs updating |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling example-files ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud refactoring |
pjanck |
Bounds check for rectangular ROI |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
Path input for file browser should be able to open a file directly |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy enhancement image-processing python |
uellue |
DOC: Reindexing behaviour of dataframe column-assignment missing |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs Indexing alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
fish-face |
DOC: add button to edit on GitHub |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
afeld |
Progress bars with simulated hardware |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon python user-IO |
danielballan |
Inline example plots in docs |
scverse/scanpy |
Area---Documentation-📒 Area---Plotting-🌺 Meta anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
ivirshup |
Add Windows filesystem support |
ml-evs/matador |
bug computational-chemistry materials-science python |
ml-evs |
[feature] implement locally spheroidal surface binding potential |
lcpp-org/RustBCA |
bca bca-codes binary-collision-approximation binary-collisions bohdansky electronic-stopping enhancement fusion implantation incident-ion ion-material-interactions ion-solid-interactions materials-science nuclear-fusion nuclear-stopping plasma-material-interactions range rust simulation sputtering yamamura |
drobnyjt |
reizql: META(filename=...) matcher |
reizio/ |
ast-matcher python-ast search-engine source source-code |
isidentical |
Make image licensing requirements clear |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
emmahodcroft |
Add type hints (PEP-484) |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
YgabrielsY |
Add bibtex style citation into readme |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
YgabrielsY |
Add simplified install instructions to readme |
SISPO-developers/sispo |
YgabrielsY |
Keep only typical config files + Standardise them |
ivadomed/ivadomed |
cardDESIGN_DISCUSSION documentation help-wanted |
charleygros |
[BUG] Spaces get removed from literal text when reading IFC |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
IFC boost bug building-information-modelling early-binding-generator ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud |
pjanck |
Minor Documentation Issues |
cupy/cupy |
catdocument contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx priomedium python rocm scipy tensor |
kmaehashi |
have code error out if metallicities exceed tabulated fsps metallcities |
dnarayanan/powderday |
enhancement |
dnarayanan |
dust masses for gizmo with OTF dust |
dnarayanan/powderday |
bug variable-extinction |
dnarayanan |
Linear Scheduler Coefficients should be Named quantities in the JSON input |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
enhancement |
dsavransky |
DOC: Additional items for the cheat sheet |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
Dr-Irv |
get rid of unused argument warning |
tbrown122387/pf |
enhancement help-wanted particle-filter statistical-methods statistical-models statistics |
tbrown122387 |
Possible conversion issues with large unit cells |
Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools |
adapters bug help-wanted openapi optimade optimade-api optimade-python optimade-specification priority/medium python |
CasperWA |
Stock price forecasting demo |
traja-team/traja |
animal-behavior enhancement python spatial-data-analysis time-series-analysis trajectory-analysis |
JustinShenk |
DOC: follow Google's developer documentation style guide |
geopandas/geopandas |
documentation geoparquet geospatial pandas python spatial |
martinfleis |
Add type hints to entity grid |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
Implement `_repr_html_` on relevant classes |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
sk1p |
Stencil neighborhood option doesn't support numpy.int64. |
numba/numba |
ParallelAccelerator compiler cuda llvm lowpriority numba numpy parallel python |
DrTodd13 |
Advertisting: answer to open question about opening binary files |
ropensci/lightr |
file-import help-wanted r r-package reproducibility reproducible-research reproducible-science spectral-data spectroscopy |
Bisaloo |
Implement Guiraud’s Index |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion enhancement entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
Implement a Hapax Legomena Index |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion enhancement entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
write command-line test for `lca summarize --query-from-file` |
sourmash-bio/sourmash |
bioinformatics fracminhash hacktoberfest kmer minhash python rust scaled-minhash sketching sourmash taxonomic-classification taxonomic-profiling testing |
ctb |
Document units in writer/reader functions |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
documentation mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
jennyfothergill |
Add type hints to givenness |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
Add type hints to lexico semantic norms |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
Add type hints to |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
Add type hints to surface_proxies |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
Add type hints to utils |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
NeighborList should be constructible from system-like object and 2D array of bond indices |
glotzerlab/freud |
analysis computational-chemistry computational-physics data-analysis locality molecular-dynamics monte-carlo-simulation particle-system python science scientific-computing spatial-analysis |
bdice |
missing function comfit |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping mpfit netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
brandy125 |
Improve description of modifier inputs in docs |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls docs frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
matthewfeickert |
Update all examples with new plotting methods from #1011 |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
UX/DX data-processing docs electron-microscopy enhancement image-processing python |
uellue |
use Kubota & done as an option for AGN spectra |
dnarayanan/powderday |
enhancement |
dnarayanan |
Function documentation |
ropenscilabs/qcoder |
help-wanted r r-package rstats unconf unconf18 |
elinw |
POISE should halt if rotational frequency is close to pericenter angular frequency |
VirtualPlanetaryLaboratory/vplanet |
astrobiology atmospheres atmospheric-escape binary-stars bug climate exoplanets galaxies geochemistry geophysics habitability magnetic-fields n-body-simulator orbits planetary-science rotation stellar stellar-astrophysics tides |
RoryBarnes |
Add output column headers to .forward files |
VirtualPlanetaryLaboratory/vplanet |
astrobiology atmospheres atmospheric-escape binary-stars climate enhancement exoplanets galaxies geochemistry geophysics habitability magnetic-fields n-body-simulator orbits planetary-science rotation stellar stellar-astrophysics tides |
RoryBarnes |
Read in input files only once |
VirtualPlanetaryLaboratory/vplanet |
astrobiology atmospheres atmospheric-escape binary-stars climate enhancement exoplanets galaxies geochemistry geophysics habitability magnetic-fields n-body-simulator orbits planetary-science rotation stellar stellar-astrophysics tides |
RoryBarnes |
Printing of output parameters should be limited to those that are requested |
VirtualPlanetaryLaboratory/vplanet |
astrobiology atmospheres atmospheric-escape binary-stars climate enhancement exoplanets galaxies geochemistry geophysics habitability magnetic-fields n-body-simulator orbits planetary-science rotation stellar stellar-astrophysics tides |
RoryBarnes |
Implement universal POS tags ratio |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio usability |
dpalmasan |
Allow user to supress reports of missing CandidateContests |
ElectionDataAnalysis/electiondata |
common-data-format election election-data enhancement user-convenience |
sfsinger19103 |
Allow users to access the PNGs from the web GUI |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy enhancement image-processing python |
uellue |
`tag!()` always includes name of the last git tag with a message |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
hacktoberfest low-priority project-assistant project-management saving-files science science-research setup-tool simulations |
imLew |
Improve handling of PBC info from openbabel |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
jennyfothergill |
Improve box handling in pybel tests |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
jennyfothergill |
Fix boundingbox check for non-orthogonal boxes |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
jennyfothergill |
Improvements to |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
jennyfothergill |
Pkg.activate is not enough for forcing correct environment |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
hacktoberfest project-assistant project-management science science-research setup-tool simulations |
fredrikekre |
BUG: Spinner updates every 2 steps but advertises as 1 step |
astropy/astropy |
Bug Effort-low Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy python science utils |
pllim |
Create a way to read project data from a spread sheet |
ropenscilabs/qcoder |
r r-package rstats unconf unconf18 |
elinw |
Interesting package: scclust |
llrs/experDesign |
batch cran experiment-design r r-package rstats |
llrs |
Automatic linestrength cutoff |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion enhancement exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared physics plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy 💡gsoc |
erwanp |
Minimum cell cutoff in |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
gokceneraslan |
Remove the restriction that metric tensor can only be 'uu' or 'll' |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
enhancement general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation perihelion space-physics symbolic tensor |
WenyinWei |
Smarter error messages from the filtertransformer |
Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools |
enhancement ergonomics openapi optimade optimade-api optimade-python optimade-specification priority/low python server transformers |
ml-evs |
Initial ice sheets heights shouldn't be negative! |
VirtualPlanetaryLaboratory/vplanet |
astrobiology atmospheres atmospheric-escape binary-stars bug climate exoplanets galaxies geochemistry geophysics habitability magnetic-fields n-body-simulator orbits planetary-science rotation stellar stellar-astrophysics tides |
RoryBarnes |
Make use of rhandsontable's read only features |
ropensci/dataspice |
data dataset enhancement help-wanted metadata r r-package rstats schema-org unconf unconf18 |
amoeba |
use `world` instead of `usa` for default basemap |
ropensci/rinat |
inaturalist r r-package rstats spocc |
stragu |
Untested code in |
cython/cython |
Testing big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython defect help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
matplotlib eventplot not shows all the binary data for big number of events |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Hard Good-first-issue backend-agg data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
lorenzgutierrez |
correlation between celltypes and age |
scverse/scanpy |
anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
FADHLyemen |
Add optimized implementations to WASM SIMD128 |
simd-everywhere/simde |
GSoC/Outreachy-ideas accelerated-implementation altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 fma gfni mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
nemequ |
Improve response_fields and sort query parameter regexes |
Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools |
ergonomics models openapi optimade optimade-api optimade-python optimade-specification priority/low python schema suggestions |
ml-evs |
Add random walks to rustworkx |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
nahumsa |
Pass detrended_flux and detrended_flux_err directly to constructor |
ekaterinailin/AltaiPony |
enhancement |
ekaterinailin |
[ENH] Pythonise the documentation! |
cython/cython |
Documentation big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython help-wanted performance python |
scoder |
Support secure DNS |
TrackerControl/tracker-control-android |
android help-wanted privacy tracking-protection |
laurentlbm |
Add Colab notebook with examples running on GPU |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference documentation hamiltonian-monte-carlo probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Huge data use: Traffic wrongly attributed to TC |
TrackerControl/tracker-control-android |
android privacy tracking-protection wontfix |
ThatIsAPseudo |
Calculating Time Resolution |
pysat/pysat |
cubesat electric-fields enhancement ionosphere magnetosphere measurements nasa nasa-data netcdf plasma python radar-measurements satellite-data science-research space space-science thermosphere |
rstoneback |
Allow data w missing modalities upon request |
ivadomed/ivadomed |
feature help-wanted |
charleygros |
When too many tabs are open in a supanel they overflow |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
jupyter jupyterlab pkgui-components tagDesign-System-CSS |
krassowski |
Add Automatic tests (CI) on Windows |
radis/radis |
astrophysics ci-dev closember combustion exoplanets help-wanted hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy todo |
erwanp |
Improve list of papers using TARDIS |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics documentation python radiative-transfer science supernova |
isaacgsmith |
ChainRules usage isn't tested |
SciML/DataInterpolations.jl |
oxinabox |
Implement Salience model for Entity Grid |
dpalmasan/TRUNAJOD2.0 |
coherence cohesion enhancement entity-graph lexical-diversity natural-language-processing readability-metrics semantic-measurements spacy spacy-extensions text-analysis text-mining text-processing ttr type-token-ratio |
dpalmasan |
PowerNorm should have a scale... |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Good-first-issue Maintenance data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-collections-and-mappables topic-color/colorbar wx |
jklymak |
Document required vs. optional dependencies |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
mattwthompson |
Dekel-Zhao Profile |
Jammy2211/PyAutoLens |
astronomy astrophysics cosmology galaxy gravitational-lenses gravitational-lensing image image-processing lens-modeling physics python |
Jammy2211 |
Self interacting dark matter profile deflections |
Jammy2211/PyAutoLens |
astronomy astrophysics cosmology galaxy gravitational-lenses gravitational-lensing image image-processing lens-modeling physics python |
Jammy2211 |
Hernquist Light Profile |
Jammy2211/PyAutoLens |
astronomy astrophysics cosmology galaxy gravitational-lenses gravitational-lensing image image-processing lens-modeling physics python |
Jammy2211 |
[BUG] 0.29.22: sphinx warnings |
cython/cython |
Documentation big-data c cpp cpython cpython-extensions cython performance python |
kloczek |
'report.csv' file as input to VDJtools error |
liulab-dfci/TRUST4 |
wangjiangyuan |
doc_path must be unique |
ropenscilabs/qcoder |
r r-package rstats unconf unconf18 |
elinw |
Warn users about about incompatibility with adblockers and Brave browser |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain package-nextclade_web research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Open tree in new tab without requiring new analysis |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
corneliusroemer |
Warn users about memory consumption when they try to run on huge datasets |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
Document DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH behavior from Big Sur on |
spack/spack |
bug build-tools documentation hpc hpsf impact-low linux macOS macos modules package-manager python radiuss scientific-computing spack |
sethrj |
Improve IAU/COSMO documentation in enmap.read_map |
simonsobs/pixell |
astrophysics cosmology documentation image-processing |
zatkins2 |
Changing x/y/z axis position in a `Axis3` |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Axis3 Makie enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
Datseris |
Add units to BlackBodySimpleSource |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics easy python radiative-transfer science supernova |
isaacgsmith |
Population.freq and Population.size are returning the weighted hh count not person count |
arup-group/pam |
arup city-modelling city-modelling-lab cml transit |
fredshone |
Documentation tests |
LondonBiofoundry/basicsynbio |
help-wanted |
hainesm6 |
Gensim's FastText model reads in unsupported modes from Facebook's FastText |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
bug data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity fasttext gensim information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
mpenkov |
_sparse_nanmean is inefficient |
scverse/scanpy |
Area-–-Performance-🐌 anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
ivirshup |
[REQUEST] Additional example |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling enhancement example-files ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud |
pjanck |
Explain the calculation of coherence limit in RB |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
documentation qiskit |
ShellyGarion |
nice plotting functions? |
jameschapman19/cca_zoo |
canonical-correlation-analysis cca cca-zoo dcca deep enhancement kernel multiset-cca multiview pls pytorch tensor-cca |
jameschapman19 |
FFTW Cleanup |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
backend-openmp component-spectral gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Setup Caching on Travis-CI |
radis/radis |
astrophysics ci-dev closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy todo |
erwanp |
Support jit decorator flags in cc.export (e.g. fastmath) |
numba/numba |
AOT compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
gmarkall |
consistency between arguments in docstrings |
jonescompneurolab/hnn-core |
computational-modeling docs eeg meg neuron-simulator |
jasmainak |
Standardize actors colors (follow-up of #430) |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeEnhancement |
skoudoro |
Merge implementations from "missing SSE implementations" to NEON |
simd-everywhere/simde |
accelerated-implementation altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 fma gfni mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
nemequ |
Relaxed SIMD support |
simd-everywhere/simde |
altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 enhancement fma gfni mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
nemequ |
boxplot attributes aren't fully documented |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Attributes boxplot documentation gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
SimonDanisch |
RMSPE Metric |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning objectives-and-metrics python r tutorial |
jonimatix |
Clean tests |
fAndreuzzi/BisPy |
algorithms bisimulation graph-algorithms graph-theory hacktoberfest help-wanted python |
fandreuz |
add label alignment to tick_params |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-text topic-ticks-axis-labels wx |
story645 |
Implement vectorized adaptive HMC |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning enhancement help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference |
eb8680 |
Migrate some examples to a public dataset |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
data-processing docs electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
Fix deprecation warning |
jonschwenk/RivGraph |
manuscript python |
jonschwenk |
BUG: `DataFrame.to_parquet` doesn't round-trip pyarrow StringDtype |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs IO-Parquet Strings alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
TomAugspurger |
Replace os.path imports with custom helper |
datalad/datalad |
DX closember data-storage dataset easy git-annex python usable |
adswa |
Simplify the API |
JuliaSmoothOptimizers/PDENLPModels.jl |
enhancement |
tmigot |
overwrite_data=True kwarg ignored when type="constant" in scipy.signal.detrend |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.signal |
kkappler |
Convergence plots do not show up |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics documentation python radiative-transfer science supernova visualization |
atharva-2001 |
[ENH]: move .matplotlib folder from %USERPROFILE% on Windows |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Good-first-issue OS-Microsoft data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
Erithax |
Docs: 404 |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database provenance scheduler ssh topic/documentation workflow workflow-engine workflows |
m-a-saleh |
rewrite git history to remove jupyter notebook outputs |
undark-lab/swyft |
enhancement help-wanted likelihood-free-inference machine-learning marginal-neural-ratio-estimation neural-ratio-estimation parameter-estimation python pytorch simulation-based-inference truncated-neural-ratio-estimation |
bkmi |
Switching MetaMorpheus and mzLib from AppVeyor/Jenkins to GitHub Actions? |
smith-chem-wisc/MetaMorpheus |
Maintenance calibration database-search discovery mass-match proteome proteomics-database-search ptm spectra uniprot |
acesnik |
Implement sorting on the backend |
Merck/BioPhi |
antibody enhancement help-wanted humanization humanness oasis sapiens |
prihoda |
Functions in Grama throughout are still missing documentation |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
enhancement uq |
OscarDeGar |
storing dict in .h5ad should raise warning when keys include '/' |
scverse/anndata |
Bug-🐛 anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning scanpy scverse transcriptomics |
MxMstrmn |
Preprocessing for EZStat format |
ECSHackWeek/ |
battery corrosion electrochemistry enhancement fuel-cell impedance lithium-ion |
xraymancs |
Should sleep/retry a few times upon 'Network is unreachable' |
datalad/datalad |
DX closember data-storage dataset git-annex python tests usable |
yarikoptic |
[REQUEST] New example files OFF / XYZ / BIN |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling enhancement example-files ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud |
pjanck |
Provide instructions on mounting OASis database through Docker |
Merck/BioPhi |
antibody documentation help-wanted humanization humanness oasis sapiens |
prihoda |
Add support for uncertainty with microscopy data |
ivadomed/ivadomed |
mariehbourget |
Add user guide/examples/tutorials |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
mtreinish |
Allow indels in primer detection |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
mcroxen |
[Docs] Add landscape images for 2d functions in documentation |
sjvrijn/mf2 |
benchmark-functions benchmark-suite benchmarking-suite documentation multi-fidelity python |
sjvrijn |
Add CITATION.cff |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
UX/DX data-processing docs electron-microscopy enhancement image-processing infra python |
uellue |
replace `pytorch_testing_utils` with native PyTorch solution |
pmeier/pystiche |
Good-first-issue enhancement framework neural-style-transfer python pytorch |
pmeier |
Possible confusion between current GUI parameters and notebook download |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing notebooks python |
uellue |
[ENH] download and use horizon data to affect sky diffuse and far shading |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
enhancement help-wanted io photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
mikofski |
Implement CW_FIELD compound widget procedure |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
GillesDuvert |
Implement CW_FORM compound widget procedure |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
GillesDuvert |
Implement CW_PDMENU compound widget procedure |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
GillesDuvert |
[REQUEST] Add citation feature |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling documentation enhancement ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud quality_of_life |
pjanck |
Make selecting color from a color map easier |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie User-Interface colors documentation enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
cmichelenstrofer |
Use point set to shape mapping to improve polygon annotation widget |
palaimon/ipyannotator |
annotation-tool annotations hacktoberfest ipycanvas ipywidgets labeling labeling-tool nbdev voila |
ibayer |
[REQUEST] Rework Contributors |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling documentation enhancement ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud quality_of_life refactoring |
pjanck |
ENH: Rename noise keyword argument in redshifts_from_comoving_density function |
skypyproject/skypy |
astronomy astrophysics cosmology enhancement forward-modeling low-priority module-galaxies skypy |
rrjbca |
Navigation arrows between individual results |
Merck/BioPhi |
antibody enhancement humanization humanness oasis sapiens |
prihoda |
Add unit tests to explicitly test different combinations of data types |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement long-term |
sblunt |
extracellular times-recording unnecessary |
jonescompneurolab/hnn-core |
computational-modeling eeg meg neuron-simulator |
cjayb |
Add new layout methods |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
mtreinish |
Expand graph operations |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
georgios-ts |
Add more centrality measures |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
georgios-ts |
Speed up code |
ElectionDataAnalysis/electiondata |
common-data-format election election-data technical-debt |
sfsinger19103 |
Add support for biologic mpt files |
jepegit/cellpy |
battery chemistry data-analysis electrochemistry enhancement opensource physics |
jepegit |
Spack recipe out there? |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr enhancement help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
kurtsansom |
Deactivate filer icon (eye) missing for date range filters |
nextstrain/auspice |
enhancement |
eharkins |
Add option to disable GPUDirect RDMA |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr enhancement help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
jlippuner |
Add support for class labeling of bbox |
palaimon/ipyannotator |
annotation-tool annotations hacktoberfest ipycanvas ipywidgets labeling labeling-tool nbdev voila |
ibayer |
Use more helpful package tools |
Materials-Consortia/optimade-python-tools |
CI enhancement ergonomics help-wanted needs-discussion openapi optimade optimade-api optimade-python optimade-specification priority/low python question security suggestions |
CasperWA |
Setting adata.filename = None doesn't load .X to memory |
scverse/anndata |
Bug-🐛 anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning pinned scanpy scverse topic-backed transcriptomics |
Koncopd |
can we add namespace when save_model in format cpp? |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting help-wanted kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
nickhuangxinyu |
add completion on fish shell for `ml` command |
cea-hpc/modules |
environment environment-modules hpc module modulefiles shell tcl |
xdelaruelle |
add completion on zsh shell for `ml` command |
cea-hpc/modules |
environment environment-modules hpc module modulefiles shell tcl |
xdelaruelle |
better code to pass all arguments of cmake function to `execute_process` |
cea-hpc/modules |
environment environment-modules hpc module modulefiles shell tcl |
xdelaruelle |
Triply jagged branches |
JuliaHEP/UnROOT.jl |
cern-root future hacktober hep high-energy-physics julia particle-physics |
aminnj |
Improve image labeling for large number of classes |
palaimon/ipyannotator |
annotation-tool annotations hacktoberfest ipycanvas ipywidgets labeling labeling-tool nbdev voila |
ibayer |
%" pipe and "<-" assignment when using IRkernel in JupyterLab" >Add "%>%" pipe and "<-" assignment when using IRkernel in JupyterLab |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab |
k-motwani |
`num` test failures beyond bit-for-bit differences with intrinsic math |
MESAHub/mesa |
astronomy astrophysics binary-evolution fortran rainy-day stellar-astrophysics stellar-evolution |
warrickball |
Account for correlations in Gaia measurements |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement |
sblunt |
No error is showns when using meshblock/nx2=1 for 2D sims (and similar for 3D) |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr bug high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
pgrete |
add deprecation warnings to results plotting methods |
sblunt/orbitize |
easy |
sblunt |
Add numerical tests for PeakStats |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon python |
prjemian |
Use ReadImage and WriteImage functions where appropriate |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeStyle |
dzenanz |
Confusing, overlapping TestHarness Arguments should be cleaned up |
idaholab/moose |
C-TestHarness Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
permcody |
Add Option To Always Print A TIMED_SECTION |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue P-normal T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
friedmud |
Full support Of ROI (Regions of Interest) |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 help-wanted idl/gdl-only mapping netcdf objects plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
SkippySky |
Add parsers for all groups and classes |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion dbhitran exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy todo 😎. |
dcmvdbekerom |
Ensure doctests are not providing sole coverage for any code |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas closember cls frequentist-statistics help-wanted hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow tests |
matthewfeickert |
plot instantaneous firing rate instead of histogram counts? |
jonescompneurolab/hnn-core |
computational-modeling eeg meg neuron-simulator |
jasmainak |
Add an option to stop the whole workflow for the first failed job |
DataBiosphere/toil |
aws common-workflow-language cwl gridengine intern kubernetes mesos pipeline python slurm wdl workflow workflow-description-language |
adamnovak |
Change formatting style for printed output |
atomec-project/atoMEC |
atomic-physics density-functional-theory electronic-structure plasma-physics warm-dense-matter |
timcallow |
Switch to using Typer over Click |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
CLI asymptotic-formulas build closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics help-wanted hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
matthewfeickert |
create helper utilities for generating mean flow and demand files from previous runs |
IMMM-SFA/mosartwmpy |
enhancement |
thurber |
Updating "file formats" docs for additional clarity? |
nanoporetech/megalodon |
basecalling documentation epigenetics guppy variant-calling |
lyijin |
Migrate to importlib.resources files() (version 1.4 / Python 3.9) API |
snek5000/snek5000 |
cfd closember fluiddyn fluidsim jinja2 long-term nek5000 python simulation snakemake snek5000 workflow |
ashwinvis |
Add METEOR metric |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
New-metric analyses data-science deep-learning enhancement machine-learning metrics python pytorch topic-Text |
stancld |
[BUG-REPORT] Issue converting object to string |
vaexio/vaex |
bigdata data-science dataframe feature-request hdf5 machine-learning machinelearning memory-mapped-file priority-low pyarrow python tabular-data visualization |
grafail |
consolidate the describe / config caches in RunBundler |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon maintenance python |
tacaswell |
add page size checks for sync/async request mode |
icesat2py/icepyx |
IS2HW_2022 closember community-driven hacktoberfest icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
[Tracker] Implement all `numpy.*` APIs in CuPy |
cupy/cupy |
catfeature contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
kmaehashi |
`spack location --build-dir` inconsistency |
spack/spack |
bug build-tools hpc hpsf impact-low linux macos package-manager python radiuss scientific-computing spack |
albestro |
chunk_layer is memory-inefficient |
aqlaboratory/openfold |
alphafold2 enhancement help-wanted protein-structure pytorch |
gahdritz |
Instructions on how to use core Stan directly in C++ |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics documentation stan |
rok-cesnovar |
More CI compiler versions |
bcgsc/btllib |
algorithms bioinformatics bloom-filter cpp data-structures enhancement genome library python |
vlad0x00 |
Add an mBuild docs example of changing an existing box's dimensions and angles for the new mbuild.Box's structure. |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
documentation mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
bc118 |
GPU accelerated training not available during multitasking and model retraining |
catboost/catboost |
GPU big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
JHlozek |
Allow setting the `title` property of the label surrounding the `RadioItem` and `Checklist` choices. |
plotly/dash |
P3 bioinformatics charting dash data-science data-visualization documentation feature finance flask gui-framework jupyter modeling plotly plotly-dash productivity python react rstats technical-computing web-app |
mjstahlberg |
Extend Callback Interface |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
ayulockin |
dashtable with pagination: tooltips appear in wrong place |
plotly/dash |
P3 bioinformatics bug charting dash dash-data-table data-science data-visualization finance flask gui-framework jupyter modeling plotly plotly-dash productivity python react rstats technical-computing web-app |
HeinerTholen |
Update shell script outputs to match the CWL output format |
sanctuuary/APE |
automated-pipeline java program-synthesis workflow-synthesis |
vedran-kasalica |
[BUG-REPORT] str.replace(..., regex=True) : can't use capture group in repl str |
vaexio/vaex |
bigdata bug data-science dataframe enhancement hdf5 machine-learning machinelearning memory-mapped-file priority-medium pyarrow python tabular-data visualization |
Binger-cn |
Is "do_spin_temp" a valid parameter for run_coeval? |
21cmfast/21cmFAST |
context-python-wrapper priority-medium |
oscarhdz7 |
Add docs that show new features of the Results class |
sblunt/orbitize |
easy enhancement |
semaphoreP |
Test default default cases for strongly typed enum serialization |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeCoverage typeTesting |
jhlegarreta |
cleanup switch in hdf5_fun.cpp |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
Low-priority antlr astronomy cleanup data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
alaingdl |
Issues with compiling SU2 on Windows 10 |
su2code/SU2 |
c-plus-plus cfd documentation enhancement flow fluid fluid-dynamics hpc opensource optimization physics python simulation |
GabrieleMorvillo |
Support more interpolation methods in `cupy.percentile` and `cupy.quantile` |
cupy/cupy |
contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
takagi |
Reprs on formatters and locaters |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-ticks-axis-labels wx |
story645 |
Document somewhere how to make a new release |
atomec-project/atoMEC |
atomic-physics density-functional-theory electronic-structure enhancement not-critical plasma-physics warm-dense-matter |
DanielKotik |
Representations for objects |
mad-lab-fau/tpcp |
algorithms biosignals data-management data-science help-wanted machine-learning python |
AKuederle |
Port NumPyro introductory examples to Pyro |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
Examples bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference |
eb8680 |
Low-memory attention a little slow |
aqlaboratory/openfold |
alphafold2 enhancement help-wanted protein-structure pytorch |
gahdritz |
Add examples or better documents to use extendr in submodules |
extendr/extendr |
api-wrapper documentation extension ffi-bindings r rust |
yutannihilation |
Parser should provide useful warnings |
lanl/singularity-eos |
enhancement help-wanted |
Yurlungur |
Support build avatars sourced from non-GitHub URLs |
nextstrain/auspice |
enhancement |
huddlej |
MCMC burn in/number of steps tutorial |
sblunt/orbitize |
easy enhancement |
sblunt |
[REF] Paths Variable in ProfileConverter |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud refactoring |
jschlenger |
[REF] noexcept(false) in IfcGeometryConverter |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
boost building-information-modelling ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud refactoring |
jschlenger |
Consider merging "Usage" and "Scripts" into a single documentation entry |
ivadomed/ivadomed |
documentation |
jcohenadad |
objectid takes arbitrarily long |
JuliaLang/julia |
Hacktoberfest hacktoberfest hashing hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical performance programming-language science scientific |
cooijmanstim |
Replace uses of tempname in CI by mktemp |
JuliaLang/julia |
ci hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
Keno |
Contribute ! |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference community hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Naming Convention for CI Tests |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
cleaning component-tests gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
EZoni |
glottomap: add option to show/hide NA |
SietzeN/glottospace |
SietzeN |
missing keyword ELAPSED in SYSTIME() |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
WIP antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
alaingdl |
[Bug]: TwoSlopeNorm behaves like CenteredNorm |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Documentation Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-color/colorbar wx |
MartenSkogh |
NameError/AttributeError suggestions in Python 3.10 error messages |
ipython/ipython |
closember data-science hacktoberfest ipython jupyter notebook python repl spec-0 |
tirkarthi |
Feature request: Accept a URL to an input file |
kanaverse/kana |
bioinformatics cite-seq exploratory-data-analysis interactive-analysis interactive-visualizations rna-seq single-cell webassembly |
slowkow |
Address fixtures that are not being used |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics python radiative-transfer science supernova testing-vertical_traffic_light |
atharva-2001 |
Better introduction to parametric types in the manual |
JuliaLang/julia |
docs hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific types-and-dispatch |
adigitoleo |
Add equivalent of cycle_basis that returns an edge list |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
IvanIsCoding |
[Tracker] Implement all `scipy.*` APIs in CuPy |
cupy/cupy |
catfeature contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
kmaehashi |
Add missing parameters to the `nan` functions |
cupy/cupy |
catnumpy-compat contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
takagi |
Implement reordering function to assess feature significance? |
jameschapman19/cca_zoo |
canonical-correlation-analysis cca cca-zoo dcca deep enhancement help-wanted kernel multiset-cca multiview pls pytorch tensor-cca |
JohannesWiesner |
Comment option for CSVTable |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkgcsvviewer |
barronh |
Cylinder actor needs to use repeat_primitives by default |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeEnhancement |
skoudoro |
transpose a databox |
lanl/spiner |
enhancement help-wanted |
Yurlungur |
Separate random proposals and the RMH acceptance step |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
New method to fetch data along a given trajectory |
euroargodev/argopy |
argo argo-data argo-floats argo-traj enhancement oceanography python stale |
gmaze |
recreate DEM comparison notebook |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven hacktoberfest icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
Implement IO support for OpenEXR Layout by Fichet et al. (2021). |
colour-science/colour |
API Feature Good-First-Issue P2 color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
KelSolaar |
`" >Allow packing by `{"advected"}` rather than using an explicit `std::vector` |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr enhancement high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
pgrete |
Cleanup HDF5 ifdef logic for restart interfaces |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr enhancement high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
pgrete |
Bug: changing axis spine colors |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Attributes Axis MakieLayout bug gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
bensetterholm |
Hide Contextual Help |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkginspector |
CptTrips |
Getting starting cells for parcels implicitly assumes that inlet is located along x=0 coordinate |
DeltaRCM/pyDeltaRCM |
help-wanted |
amoodie |
Provide more detailed information on failure to traverse an external link |
HDFGroup/hdf5 |
Component---Documentation Good-First-Issue Priority---1.-High-🔼 Type---Improvement c cpp database fortran hdf hdf5 java library nosql |
gheber |
Lift from single Observable |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie Observables enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
fbanning |
Define additional notations in Docs |
JulianKarlBauer/mechkit |
continuum-mechanics documentation help-wanted mechanics mechanics-of-materials python |
JulianKarlBauer |
Missing SVs |
tjiangHIT/cuteSV |
oxford-nanopore pacbio-data structural-variation |
bnoyvert |
Plotting function should document parameters better |
scverse/muon |
anndata cite-seq enhancement mudata multi-omics multimodal-data multimodal-omics-analysis muon scanpy scatac-seq scrna-seq scverse |
gtca |
`mesh` fails on quadrilateral mesh |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie conversions enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language mesh plotting visualization |
BambOoxX |
Particle Histogram 2D |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-diagnostics gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Add an extractor function for the dispersion parameter of estimated models |
gavinsimpson/gratia |
distributional-regression enhancement gam gamm generalized-additive-mixed-models generalized-additive-models ggplot2 glm lm mgcv penalized-spline r r-package random-effects smoothing splines |
gavinsimpson |
write deterministic resamplers and samplers |
tbrown122387/pf |
help-wanted particle-filter statistical-methods statistical-models statistics |
tbrown122387 |
Add a README in each examples folder |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement documentation enhancement examples high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing simulation |
holke |
CSVY Parsers Should Be Incorporated to Model Readers |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics easy python radiative-transfer science supernova |
marxwillia |
Compute UMAP from pre-existing distance matrix |
scverse/scanpy |
Area---Topology-🍩 anndata bioinformatics data-science machine-learning python scanpy scverse transcriptomics visualize-data |
ivirshup |
[ENH]: FancyArrow in 3D |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-arrow topic-mplot3d wx |
patquem |
Add "completely symmetric" fourth-order tensors to notation.ExplicitConverter |
JulianKarlBauer/mechkit |
continuum-mechanics enhancement mechanics mechanics-of-materials python |
JulianKarlBauer |
better calling convention for large numbers of arguments |
JuliaLang/julia |
compilercodegen hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang latency machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
JeffBezanson |
Export `DocumentSet` to bibtex |
NLeSC/litstudy |
bibliographics bibliometric-analysis bibliometric-visualization bibliometrics enhancement help-wanted jupyter literature-review literature-review-tool literature-search python scientometrics systematic-literature-reviews systematic-reviews |
stijnh |
Export `DocumentSet` to RIS |
NLeSC/litstudy |
bibliographics bibliometric-analysis bibliometric-visualization bibliometrics enhancement help-wanted jupyter literature-review literature-review-tool literature-search python scientometrics systematic-literature-reviews systematic-reviews |
stijnh |
Support WoS (Web of Science) |
NLeSC/litstudy |
bibliographics bibliometric-analysis bibliometric-visualization bibliometrics enhancement help-wanted jupyter literature-review literature-review-tool literature-search python scientometrics systematic-literature-reviews systematic-reviews |
stijnh |
SBP coefficients of Albin & Klarmann (2016) |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
Type-checking of arguments in aggregation methods |
IAMconsortium/pyam |
analysis energy-systems iamc-format integrated-assessment integrated-assessment-scenarios macro-energy modeling pyam scenario scenario-data timeseries-format visualization |
danielhuppmann |
Output font size not changing for code cells |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug jupyter jupyterlab pkgapputils |
wiraki |
qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found. (Ubuntu related?) |
3fon3fonov/exostriker |
exoplanet exoplanets external-package-problem multi-planet-systems periodogram radial-velocity transit-modeling ttv-modeling unclear |
3fon3fonov |
[BUG-REPORT] Vaex `to_dask_array` fails `AttributeError: 'ValueError' object has no attribute 'numpy'` |
vaexio/vaex |
bigdata data-science dataframe hdf5 help-wanted machine-learning machinelearning memory-mapped-file pyarrow python tabular-data visualization |
Ben-Epstein |
add missing_only=True to all imputers to use in combination with variables=None |
feature-engine/feature_engine |
data-science easy enhancement feature-engineering feature-extraction feature-selection machine-learning python scikit-learn |
solegalli |
Move CSVY writer from custom abundance widget to io |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics io python radiative-transfer science supernova |
Rodot- |
make paths in "File browser" editable? |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement help-wanted jupyter jupyterlab pkgfilebrowser |
mathause |
Repl session uuid |
JuliaLang/julia |
REPL feature hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
jariji |
(link to) Radis-App Issues & Features |
radis/radis |
astrophysics bug closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy 💡gsoc 😎. |
erwanp |
(link to) Radis-Lab Issues & Features |
radis/radis |
astrophysics bug closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared performance plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy 💡gsoc 😎. |
anandxkumar |
Within cluster DE test |
scverse/scvi-tools |
P2 cite-seq deep-generative-model deep-learning differential-expression enhancement human-cell-atlas scrna-seq scverse single-cell-genomics single-cell-rna-seq variational-autoencoder variational-bayes |
zoesteier |
More concise error message with feature name, not only feature_idx |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
fingoldo |
AstropyDepreciationWarning |
riogroup/SORA |
documentation effort_low |
GianmarcoBroilo |
Warn user if Nboot > Npermutations |
privong/pymccorrelation |
bootstrapping-statistics correlation-coefficient enhancement monte-carlo |
privong |
Extracting asc/descending tracks in high latitudes (regions 4 and 11) |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven enhancement hacktoberfest icesat-2 python3 |
s2002365 |
conda-forge download statistics |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven documentation hacktoberfest icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
Enable Sky Projection for `plot_fit` |
PetroFit/petrofit |
Enhancement Good-First-Issue Visualization fitting galfit petrofit petrosian python sersic |
robelgeda |
Consistent treatment of `nan` in summary functions |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
enhancement uq |
zdelrosario |
Pascal, Hilbert and/or other special matrices in `jax.scipy.linalg` |
google/jax |
P3-(no-schedule) enhancement jax |
pnkraemer |
[Bug]: Large file size when using fill_between() |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
tgrohens |
MICADO Docs, show how to change Seeing with AnisoCADO PSF |
AstarVienna/irdb |
documentation help-wanted instrument-specific |
AstarVienna |
[Doc]: Arguments of FFMpegFileWriter not clear. |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Documentation Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-animation wx |
baloe |
Expand rustworkx-core testing |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory help-wanted python rust |
mtreinish |
expand non_fitted_error_checks for methods get_feature_names_out and inverse transform |
feature-engine/feature_engine |
data-science enhancement feature-engineering feature-extraction feature-selection machine-learning python scikit-learn |
solegalli |
Doxygen documentation of default scheme is missing in parts. |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement documentation high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi next-release parallel parallel-computing simulation |
holke |
Reduce template parameters in `Swarm::AllocateBoundariesImpl_` |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
C++17 amr high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon refactor |
brryan |
Add documentation on optimizing transfer performance |
idaholab/moose |
C-Documentation C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
GiudGiud |
Add documentation for XDA/XDR format and/or link to existing documentation |
idaholab/moose |
C-Documentation C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
GiudGiud |
Map remaining pymatgen/atomate sets and workflows |
jacksund/simmate |
enhancement |
jacksund |
Widgets code shows up during the commandline |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics bug-lady_beetle python radiative-transfer science supernova |
wkerzendorf |
option+letter on OSX with tkagg give non-alpha numeric rather than alt- |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium GUI-MacOSX GUI-tk Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
tacaswell |
`std::set` instead of `std::vector`? |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr discussion high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
Yurlungur |
[FR] allow tuple of (lower, upper) for band |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie conversions gpu graphics julia julia-language plot plotting visualization |
KronosTheLate |
Add Yamazaki et al (2020) terrain-following interpolation algorithm |
euroargodev/argopy |
argo argo-data argo-floats argo-traj enhancement oceanography python stale |
gmaze |
[Tracker] Fix signature mismatch with NumPy/SciPy |
cupy/cupy |
catnumpy-compat contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
kmaehashi |
Explicitly document the `missing` behavior for all functions that handle `missing` values |
JuliaLang/julia |
docs hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
CameronBieganek |
Limit max number of Simbad rows |
snad-space/ztf-viewer |
bug |
hombit |
Move more connected components functions to retworkx-core |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
enavarro51 |
Move tests to tests/ directory. |
extendr/extendr |
api-wrapper extension ffi-bindings r rust |
andy-thomason |
Favour explicit `extendr_api` calls to prelude. |
extendr/extendr |
api-wrapper extension ffi-bindings r rust |
andy-thomason |
Restructure Unit Tests |
parmoo/parmoo |
blackbox-optimization enhancement mathematical-software multicriteria-optimization multiobjective multiobjective-optimization numerical-optimization python3 response-surface-methodology simulation-based-optimization simulation-optimization surrogate-based-optimization |
thchang |
Reduce Duplicate Code in Unit Tests |
parmoo/parmoo |
blackbox-optimization enhancement mathematical-software multicriteria-optimization multiobjective multiobjective-optimization numerical-optimization python3 response-surface-methodology simulation-based-optimization simulation-optimization surrogate-based-optimization |
thchang |
Missing functions from DTLZ libraries |
parmoo/parmoo |
blackbox-optimization bug mathematical-software multicriteria-optimization multiobjective multiobjective-optimization numerical-optimization python3 response-surface-methodology simulation-based-optimization simulation-optimization surrogate-based-optimization |
thchang |
Consolidate `NullIndexer` classes |
lanl/singularity-eos |
enhancement |
jhp-lanl |
A GUI for creating MOOPs |
parmoo/parmoo |
blackbox-optimization enhancement mathematical-software multicriteria-optimization multiobjective multiobjective-optimization numerical-optimization python3 response-surface-methodology simulation-based-optimization simulation-optimization surrogate-based-optimization |
thchang |
[Feature Request] Force users to select a default output directory rather than creating a 'VesselVio' directory on the desktop |
JacobBumgarner/VesselVio |
analysis enhancement open-source visualization |
ElisabethKugler |
Handle 7- and 9-parameter Hipparcos fits |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement help-wanted long-term |
sblunt |
improve error message in `set_meta_from_data()` |
IAMconsortium/pyam |
analysis energy-systems enhancement help-wanted iamc-format integrated-assessment integrated-assessment-scenarios macro-energy modeling pyam scenario scenario-data timeseries-format visualization |
gidden |
Writing tutorials |
pymedphys/pymedphys |
dicom help-wanted medical-physics radiation-oncology radiation-physics radiation-therapy radiotherapy |
SimonBiggs |
Write a downloader function for data |
tardis-sn/carsus |
astronomy atomic-database feature python |
epassaro |
Set notated input parameters not being recognized |
DeltaRCM/pyDeltaRCM |
documentation help-wanted |
Lvulis |
Add alpha-DPI as a backend in orbitize |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement |
sblunt |
2022.04.0: sphinx warnings `reference target not found` |
dask/dask |
dask documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
kloczek |
NOCT_SAM may not handle effective irradiance correctly |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
bug help-wanted photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
adriesse |
Create general tests for all EOS |
lanl/singularity-eos |
Testing |
jhp-lanl |
Update relevant tests to use `sort_results` argument |
dask/dask |
dask dataframe numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy tests |
pavithraes |
Sanitize EOS parameters |
lanl/singularity-eos |
enhancement |
jhp-lanl |
+ v basic robis example vignette |
marinebon/obisindicators |
biodiversity enhancement help-wanted marine marine-biology r |
7yl4r |
Granular device management for Jax |
scverse/scvi-tools |
P1 cite-seq deep-generative-model deep-learning enhancement human-cell-atlas jax scrna-seq scverse single-cell-genomics single-cell-rna-seq variational-autoencoder variational-bayes |
justjhong |
Implement multipathfinder |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo probabilistic-programming sampler sampling-methods |
junpenglao |
STY: usage of itertools |
pysat/pysat |
cubesat electric-fields ionosphere magnetosphere measurements nasa nasa-data netcdf plasma python radar-measurements satellite-data science-research space space-science style thermosphere |
jklenzing |
For all Windows users, who use the "Windows Subsystem for Linux" (WSL), please read!!! |
3fon3fonov/exostriker |
exoplanet exoplanets multi-planet-systems periodogram radial-velocity transit-modeling ttv-modeling |
3fon3fonov |
poisson_conf_interval 'kraft-burrows-nousek' fails unexpectedly |
astropy/astropy |
Bug Effort-low Package-novice astronomy astrophysics astropy python science stats |
hamogu |
Discuss `xlims!`, `ylims!`, and `limits!` in the Basic Tutorial? |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Axis Axis3 documentation gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
CameronBieganek |
Standardize reporting known inconsistencies in `dask.dataframe` API |
dask/dask |
dask documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
avriiil |
Expand test coverage |
openmopac/mopac |
electronic-structure help-wanted molecular-orbital-theory quantum-chemistry semiempirical-methods |
godotalgorithm |
Use Artifact system to ship test .root files |
JuliaHEP/UnROOT.jl |
cern-root hacktober help-wanted hep high-energy-physics julia particle-physics |
Moelf |
Inconsistent rounding for parameters in savename |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
bug hacktoberfest project-assistant project-management science science-research setup-tool simulations |
cumberworth |
Add a pretty printer that returns information that is useful for the user |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference documentation enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Improve the documentation |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference documentation hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Refactor so it is PyTree compatible |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo important probabilistic-programming refactoring sampling-methods |
rlouf |
User-defined random number generator |
jmejia8/Metaheuristics.jl |
constrained-optimization decision-making differential-evolution enhancement hypervolume multi-objective-optimization nsga2 optimization pso simulated-annealing |
mohamed82008 |
inconsistency in FBA flavour invocations |
opencobra/cobrapy |
biochemistry bioinformatics cell-design cobra computational-biology enhancement flux help-wanted metabolic-models metabolic-network metabolism modeling python sbml sbml-model sbml-simulation strain-engineering systems-biology |
lptolik |
ENH: sparse matrix assigning should be optimized rather than using densified matrixes |
scipy/scipy |
algorithms closember enhancement python scientific-computing scipy scipy.sparse |
likaiwen123 |
Add support for Atom Indices Import |
BradyAJohnston/MolecularNodes |
biochemistry blender blender-addon enhancement geometry-nodes help-wanted molecular molecular-dynamics molecular-graphics molecular-modeling molecule pdb protein protein-data-bank protein-structure protein-visualization proteins sciart structural-biology visualisation |
BradyAJohnston |
Suspend OGLE-III |
snad-space/ztf-viewer |
enhancement |
pruzhinskaya |
Fix PDBList access to servers other than RCSB |
biopython/biopython |
Bug bioinformatics biopython dna genomics help-wanted phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
JoaoRodrigues |
Extend PDBList obsolete handling to mmCIF and mmtf formats as well as assemblies |
biopython/biopython |
Bug Enhancement bioinformatics biopython dna genomics help-wanted phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
JoaoRodrigues |
Update argument handling in, possibly by creating a new module. |
biopython/biopython |
Enhancement bioinformatics biopython dna genomics help-wanted phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
JoaoRodrigues |
Access to Alphafold database of 3D modules in a PDBList-like interface |
biopython/biopython |
Enhancement bioinformatics biopython dna genomics help-wanted phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
JoaoRodrigues |
Add example with non-ascii characters to demonstracte Unicode support |
quantling/pyndl |
documentation enhancement |
derNarr |
Implement remaining numpy functions |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
uq |
zdelrosario |
Utility to change model title |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
enhancement uq |
zdelrosario |
Polymer Builder issue |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
low-priority mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
CalCraven |
Energy Minimize |
mosdef-hub/mbuild |
documentation mbuild molecular-dynamics molecular-simulation molecule-builder mosdef python |
CalCraven |
How to pass compression level to_parquet, to_zarr [docs] |
dask/dask |
dask documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
ncclementi |
ValueErrors that should be TypeErrors |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
invalid uq |
mstites |
Add more viz plot types |
parmoo/parmoo |
blackbox-optimization enhancement mathematical-software multicriteria-optimization multiobjective multiobjective-optimization numerical-optimization python3 response-surface-methodology simulation-based-optimization simulation-optimization surrogate-based-optimization viz |
HyrumDickinson |
Filter for un-mutated bases |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
emmahodcroft |
Add final extraction directory size and total file count to reports |
SMI/SmiServices |
priority/high |
rkm |
Handle MTPASA DUID Availability |
aemo australia energy enhancement forecast national-electricity-market nem nemweb pasa pre-dispatch python |
prakaa |
Dialog hangs if IBodyWidget.getValue() throws an error |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug jupyter jupyterlab pkgapputils tagExtensions |
herjiict |
Root finding bounds in Davis EOS |
lanl/singularity-eos |
enhancement |
Yurlungur |
Slow calculation time for IfcSine and IfcCosine |
tumcms/Open-Infra-Platform |
IFC boost building-information-modelling evaluation example-files ifc infrastructure okstra point-cloud quality_of_life |
Elvira2227 |
Missing documentation / docstrings |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
enhancement uq |
mstites |
Code duplication within eval functionality & unittests |
zdelrosario/py_grama |
uq |
mstites |
Global Enhancements List |
Jashcraf/poke |
enhancement |
Jashcraf |
README budges. |
BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml |
ai cmmd collaboration ct deep-learning enhancement fuse fuse-med-ml fusemedml hacktoberfest healthcare isic knight-challenge machine-learning medical medical-imaging multimodality python pytorch stoic vision |
mosheraboh |
how to specify db-load-mode in |
aqlaboratory/openfold |
alphafold2 protein-structure pytorch |
lzhangUT |
Create fully pinned requirements file for bug-fix branches |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
tacaswell |
Outlier filter for live plots |
LiberTEM/LiberTEM |
GUI UX/DX data-processing electron-microscopy image-processing python |
uellue |
Performance best practices docs page |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr documentation help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
Yurlungur |
Avoid logger info in when unit specifies matches that in FITS file |
astropy/astropy |
Feature-Request astronomy astrophysics astropy nddata python science |
astrofrog |
Replace custom deepdiff wrapper scripts with deepdiff CLI |
nextstrain/augur |
easy-problem enhancement |
huddlej |
Open/limit FileDialog.getExistingDirectory from a subdir of root |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkgfilebrowser |
suganya-sk |
Bio.PDB.PSEA should use a temporary directory to run the third-party tool |
biopython/biopython |
Enhancement bioinformatics biopython dna genomics help-wanted phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
JoaoRodrigues |
report sketch progress from `sketch fromfile` |
sourmash-bio/sourmash |
bioinformatics enhancement fracminhash hacktoberfest kmer minhash python rust scaled-minhash sketching sourmash taxonomic-classification taxonomic-profiling |
bluegenes |
pgstar Controls |
MESAHub/mesa |
astronomy astrophysics binary-evolution enhancement fortran stellar-astrophysics stellar-evolution |
ericasaw |
Drop the name of returning, only keep type for single returning method |
siavash-saki/tesspy |
documentation |
Zeroto521 |
reduce the size of photosphere in the RPacketPlotter Plot |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics python radiative-transfer science supernova visualization |
jayantbhakar |
Doxygen-comments for elements |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement documentation enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing shouldn't-take-long simulation |
Davknapp |
Editable pip install is not working correctly |
multiscale/muscle3 |
documentation |
maarten-ic |
Is there a good way to issue a warning from a task? |
dask/dask |
dask enhancement numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
ian-r-rose |
Testing for Windows |
aemo australia energy forecast national-electricity-market nem nemweb pasa pre-dispatch python test |
prakaa |
Mismatch between documentation and REST API |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue HTTP-API containers docker documentation kind/bug kubernetes linux oci |
benoitf |
show users how to delete drives |
jonescompneurolab/hnn-core |
computational-modeling docs eeg meg neuron-simulator |
jasmainak |
Print Source Label in Segmentation Plot |
PetroFit/petrofit |
Enhancement Good-First-Issue fitting galfit petrofit petrosian python sersic |
robelgeda |
Cell type proportion per spot overrepresenting transcriptionally active cell types? |
BayraktarLab/cell2location |
question |
mgrantpeters |
Add new metric - example + doc |
BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml |
ai cmmd collaboration ct deep-learning enhancement fuse fuse-med-ml fusemedml hacktoberfest healthcare isic knight-challenge machine-learning medical medical-imaging multimodality python pytorch stoic vision |
mosheraboh |
Add an interactive event viewer |
graphnet-team/graphnet |
astrophysics deep-learning feature gpu graph-neural-network high-energy-physics machine-learning neural-network neutrino-oscillations neutrino-physics neutrinos particle-physics physics-analysis python pytorch |
RasmusOrsoe |
Auto-Update's release version upon github release |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Feature-Request Python board-game c code-quality cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang haskell help-wanted java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Allow tables to correct hull energies |
jacksund/simmate |
enhancement |
mctaggartdh |
Thread for possible enhancements in future |
TORCH-Consortium/MAGMA |
enhancement genomics help-wanted mycobacterium-tuberculosis nextflow nextflow-pipeline pipeline tuberculosis wish-list |
abhi18av |
Add option to profile code modules and examples |
graphnet-team/graphnet |
astrophysics deep-learning feature gpu graph-neural-network high-energy-physics machine-learning neural-network neutrino-oscillations neutrino-physics neutrinos particle-physics physics-analysis python pytorch |
MortenHolmRep |
Add a test for parametric msh file import |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing simulation |
sandro-elsweijer |
Test: d4!! |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Python Test-Request board-game c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell help-wanted java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Test: Symbolic Arithmetic |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Test-Request board-game c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
ENH: Output feature table for use during Genbank submission |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain package-nextalign package-nextclade research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat ttalk virus |
corneliusroemer |
ARIA labels on main area widget are incorrect (always referring to a notebook) |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug jupyter jupyterlab pkgapputils tagAccessibility |
krassowski |
[ENH]: support PySide6's `snake_case` |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium GUI-Qt Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
bersbersbers |
Improve the ecological analysis method |
mzy2240/ESA |
automation contingency-analysis enhancement esa graph-analysis hpc numba numpy pandas power-flow powersystem powerworld powerworld-simulator python pythran simauto simulator simulator-automation-server smart-grid transient-stability |
mzy2240 |
Add CLI entrypoint that mimics the C++ app |
parafields/parafields |
enhancement hacktoberfest iwr-hacktoberfest |
dokempf |
Geometry.from_dxf can only ever import one shape |
robbievanleeuwen/section-properties |
computational-mechanics cross-section enhancement finite-element-analysis finite-element-method help-wanted python stress-analysis structural-engineering |
mfeif |
Add "How to distribute gradient computation?" document |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference documentation hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Add "How to run adaptation for several chains?" document |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference documentation hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Publish the doc for each PR individually |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference documentation hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
RFE: Add tracking/monitoring/events of what will/is currently performed by `kube play` command |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/feature kube kubernetes linux oci podman-desktop |
benoitf |
`cupyx.scipy.sparse.block_diag` working with cupy sparse matrix on GPU |
cupy/cupy |
catfeature contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
tagerjump |
Sparse Eigensolver issue. |
qutip/qutip |
BUG medium python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
Ericgig |
Add weights for the pearson, spearman, and r2_score |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
analyses data-science deep-learning enhancement machine-learning metrics python pytorch |
DomInvivo |
Power/Exponent |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Feature-Request board-game c core cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Labels for PatchCollection do not show |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-collections-and-mappables topic-legend wx |
Robotatron |
Duplicate and non-existing Doxygen groups |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDocumentation |
jhlegarreta |
Make the `itkMultiLabelSTAPLEImageFilterTest` quantitative |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeTesting |
jhlegarreta |
Save scientific work citations to a BibTeX file for ease of use in Doxygen |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDocumentation |
jhlegarreta |
Easy Means of Enabling Swap Memory on Podman Machine (MacOS, maybe others) |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/feature kubernetes linux machine oci |
jamesmikesell |
Add validation of profile UUID to the `Profile` class and `verdi setup` |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database priority/nice-to-have provenance scheduler ssh topic/config topic/verdi type/enhancement workflow workflow-engine workflows |
sphuber |
Auto-Detect when changing params in `dataset_balanced_division_to_folds(reset_split=False)` |
BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml |
ai cmmd collaboration ct deep-learning enhancement fuse fuse-med-ml fusemedml hacktoberfest healthcare isic knight-challenge machine-learning medical medical-imaging multimodality python pytorch stoic vision |
SagiPolaczek |
[FR] allow orthogonal parameters in pyro.param |
pyro-ppl/pyro |
bayesian bayesian-inference deep-learning discussion enhancement low-priority machine-learning probabilistic-modeling probabilistic-programming python pytorch variational-inference |
martinjankowiak |
list available EdgeStats in docs |
xgi-org/xgi |
documentation graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs network-science simplicial-complexes |
maximelucas |
[ENH]: Add default kwargs values if figure.suptitle(t, **kwargs) to rcParams and inherit from there. |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-rcparams topic-ticks-axis-labels wx |
frank-klein-schaarsberg-wb |
create documentation project on Read the Docs |
BiomedSciAI/fuse-med-ml |
ai cmmd collaboration ct deep-learning documentation enhancement fuse fuse-med-ml fusemedml hacktoberfest healthcare isic knight-challenge machine-learning medical medical-imaging multimodality python pytorch stoic vision |
SagiPolaczek |
Remove support for "installing" Parthenon as a library |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon refactor |
pgrete |
Add a "How to use forward-mode differentiation instead of backward-mode differentiation" tutorial |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference documentation hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Replace profile.create_profile with verde.profile_coordinates |
mdtanker/polartoolkit |
antarctica arctic bedmachine bedmap cryosphere enhancement gmt greenland jupyter-notebook plotting polar profiles pygmt python |
mdtanker |
DOCS: make example project CamelCase instead of it having space in its name |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
documentation hacktoberfest project-assistant project-management science science-research setup-tool simulations |
math4mad |
HyMD profiling |
Cascella-Group-UiO/HyMD |
chemistry coarse-grained hybrid-particle-field molecular-dynamics optimization physics |
hmcezar |
Transitive closure |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory help-wanted python rust |
LaurentBergeron |
Adding UNO cards |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Macro-Request board-game c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell help-wanted java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
CodeWAdi |
Implement multinomial HMC |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted important mcmc probabilistic-programming sampler sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Add (Kernelized) Stein discrepancy diagnostic |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference diagnostics enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
rlouf |
Add Macros from various games |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Low/No-Code Macro-Request Multiple-Assignees board-game c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell help-wanted java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Simplify `minimize_lbfgs` and `pathfinder_adaptation` |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
junpenglao |
Uninformative error message if connection to manager fails |
multiscale/muscle3 |
LourensVeen |
Information for new contributors |
pandas-dev/pandas |
alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
noatamir |
Enable evaluation of multiple inputs at once on a single polynomial |
MrMinimal64/multivar_horner |
enhancement evaluation factorization help-wanted horner horner-scheme hornerscheme-solver math mathematics multivariate multivariate-polynomials polynomial polynomial-evaluation polynomials python python3 |
KPJoshi |
in pro RESOLVE_ROUTINE, new keyword SKIP_EXISTING is missing |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
alaingdl |
More gates |
CQCL/qujax |
enhancement jax python quantum |
SamDuffield |
Documentation at needs updates |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
documentation general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation perihelion space-physics |
JeS24 |
prolongation does not preserve min/max values |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr bug help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
BenWibking |
Allow `dict_list` to return other types than dictionaries |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
enhancement hacktoberfest project-assistant project-management running-listing science science-research setup-tool simulations |
Datseris |
improve pjit pytree error involving Nones (and PytreeLeafs) |
google/jax |
better_errors jax |
mattjj |
Add Macro: Fate of the Norns - Runes |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Macro-Request board-game c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Geodesic Plotting improvements |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation perihelion plotting space-physics |
JeS24 |
Python version not working on Windows |
multiscale/muscle3 |
LourensVeen |
Provide option to move the legend and logo |
jgieseler/solarmach |
enhancement esa heliophysics space-physics spacephysics spaceweather |
jgieseler |
[Bug]: Cannot use empty markers in scatter |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
API-consistency Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
Atcold |
Components, kernels and compute elements |
multiscale/muscle3 |
LourensVeen |
BUG: freqz does not work on multi-dimensional array, despite what documentation claims |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.signal |
sliedes |
Adding some basic VI approximation and fitting routine |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted important probabilistic-programming sampling-methods vi |
junpenglao |
Add new example Jupyter notebooks / edit old ones |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
documentation general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation perihelion space-physics |
JeS24 |
help,/files does not show open files |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
Low-priority antlr astronomy data-analysis dicom eigen3 enhancement fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
brandy125 |
Move interface code out of `eos` folder |
lanl/singularity-eos |
clean-up |
jhp-lanl |
Degree to radian |
pyomeca/biorbd |
Ipuch |
Negative weights for KDE |
lzkelley/kalepy |
enhancement kde kernel-density-estimation pdfs python python3 resample resampling statistical-analysis statistics |
Pablobala |
`podman manifest create` should support `--format` |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/feature kubernetes linux oci |
jlebon |
Add confirmation email and other fields to form |
hpc-social/map |
community high-performance-computing hpc map |
alansill |
Clarify docstring for `image` |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie documentation gpu graphics heatmap-&-image julia julia-language plotting visualization |
fatteneder |
z as die symbol does not work with percentile dice |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
board-game bug c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Setup SonarCloud for C |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
C C++ Feature-Request board-game c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell help-wanted java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Readme Badges should link to documentation for that language |
ianfhunter/GNOLL |
Low/No-Code board-game c cpp dice dice-notation dice-roller dice-rolls go golang hacktoberfest haskell java javascript js julia perl python r roleplaying-games rpg-dice-roller ttrpg |
ianfhunter |
Dates round/floor/ceil arguments switched |
JuliaLang/julia |
dates hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
jariji |
[ENH]: "Road sign" boxstyle/annotation |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-annotation wx |
oscargus |
Helper functions for arithmetic on MSDS |
colour-science/colour |
Discussion Feature Good-First-Issue color color-science color-space color-spaces colorspace colorspaces colour colour-science colour-space colour-spaces colourspace colourspaces data dataset datasets python spectral-data spectral-dataset spectral-datasets |
tjdcs |
BUG: Wrong (?) documentation in geopandas.sindex.SpatialIndex.query |
geopandas/geopandas |
bug documentation geoparquet geospatial pandas python spatial |
tqa236 |
`eachindex` should throw `DimensionMismatch` for differently sized tuples |
JuliaLang/julia |
bug correctness-bug-⚠ hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
cafaxo |
Remove or Implement VTK Outputs |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
forrestglines |
Supporting custom naming in `compute.quantiles()` |
IAMconsortium/pyam |
analysis energy-systems enhancement iamc-format integrated-assessment integrated-assessment-scenarios macro-energy modeling pyam scenario scenario-data timeseries-format visualization |
gidden |
support more flexible `weights` arguments in `compute.quantiles()` |
IAMconsortium/pyam |
analysis energy-systems enhancement iamc-format integrated-assessment integrated-assessment-scenarios macro-energy modeling pyam scenario scenario-data timeseries-format visualization |
gidden |
target completeness should be cached |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
dsavransky |
Check that `ParameterInput` is the same on every rank |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr bug help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
Yurlungur |
Integrate non-holonomic DMPs |
dfki-ric/movement_primitives |
enhancement help-wanted python robotics |
AlexanderFabisch |
CLN: Use dedup_names in all instances where duplicate column names are renamed |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Clean IO-HTML alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
datapythonista |
Add a screenshot for visually showing where the areas of the shell are located |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
documentation jupyter jupyterlab |
jtpio |
Command palette gets re-rendered even if hidden |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug jupyter jupyterlab tagPerformance |
krassowski |
[Benchmark] Speed comparison with Matlab & R |
lrnv/Copulas.jl |
copula documentation julia |
yanyu2015 |
Implement new models |
renecotyfanboy/jaxspec |
help-wanted jax model |
renecotyfanboy |
Check initialization values in tests |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeTesting |
jhlegarreta |
Extreme value statistics |
nansencenter/DAPPER |
bayesian-filter bayesian-methods chaos data-assimilation enhancement enkf kalman kalman-filtering particle-filter state-estimation |
patnr |
Testing Master Plan |
trixi-framework/TrixiParticles.jl |
julia multiphysics simulation smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics testing |
efaulhaber |
Integrate ProDMPs |
dfki-ric/movement_primitives |
enhancement help-wanted python robotics |
AlexanderFabisch |
Multidimensional version of `RandomShuffle` and `BlockShuffle`. |
JuliaDynamics/TimeseriesSurrogates.jl |
enhancement hacktoberfest hypothesis-testing julia method-request nonlinear-time-series surrogate surrogates timeseries |
kahaaga |
Allow more than one structure viewer in structure-only mode |
cosmo-epfl/chemiscope |
component-jupyter component-structure hacktoberfest materials-science molecule visualization web |
Luthaf |
[MNT]: Specify ordering in file in gallery folder |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Documentation-build Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
story645 |
Rename coupled() routine to avoid confusion |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
GiudGiud |
descrip() has extra spaces |
statdivlab/rigr |
low-priority |
adw96 |
GLMakie: Specifying monitor not functional |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
GLMakie bug gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
Arch-Storm |
Documentation overhaul |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
documentation general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation perihelion space-physics |
JeS24 |
Add a `current` symlink to the current run directory when launching a simulation |
multiscale/muscle3 |
enhancement |
maarten-ic |
no order argument in neighbors() |
xgi-org/xgi |
graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs improve network-science simplicial-complexes |
maximelucas |
Add cosmology tests |
Ciela-Institute/caustics |
docs gravitational-lensing pytorch |
adam-coogan |
Add typing hints to all methods |
Autostronomy/AstroPhot |
astronomy docs python pytorch science-research scientific-computing |
ConnorStoneAstro |
Add typing hints to all methods |
ConnorStoneAstro/AutoProf |
astronomy docs python pytorch science-research scientific-computing |
ConnorStoneAstro |
A BFS layers algorithm |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory help-wanted python rust |
LaurentBergeron |
Convert docstrings to google format |
Autostronomy/AstroPhot |
astronomy docs python pytorch refactor science-research scientific-computing |
ConnorStoneAstro |
Convert docstrings to google format |
ConnorStoneAstro/AutoProf |
astronomy docs python pytorch refactor science-research scientific-computing |
ConnorStoneAstro |
Clean up module imports |
Autostronomy/AstroPhot |
astronomy python pytorch refactor science-research scientific-computing |
ConnorStoneAstro |
Clean up module imports |
ConnorStoneAstro/AutoProf |
astronomy python pytorch refactor science-research scientific-computing |
ConnorStoneAstro |
lax.conv_transpose has different convention than TF, document it and make switching easy? |
google/jax |
documentation enhancement jax |
mattjj |
Make ymmsl documentation easier to find |
multiscale/muscle3 |
maarten-ic |
Make output mesh CLI argument in `precice-aste-run` optional |
precice/aste |
davidscn |
Enable diff mode between data sets |
precice/aste |
davidscn |
PERL5LIB missing when activating environment with Perl packages |
spack/spack |
bug build-tools hpc hpsf impact-low linux macos package-manager perl python radiuss scientific-computing spack |
marcodelapierre |
Node positions for drawing could have an improved data structure |
xgi-org/xgi |
graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs improve network-science simplicial-complexes |
nwlandry |
CI: add test for GCC 13.x and GCC trunk |
simd-everywhere/simde |
altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 fma gfni help-wanted mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
mr-c |
DOC: Simplify pandas theme footer |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
datapythonista |
[Bucket] Support more loaders |
automl/amltk |
feature |
eddiebergman |
Migrate tbump.toml to pyproject.toml |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
asymptotic-formulas chore closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax numpy packaging python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
kratsg |
Unit tests for Utils |
Autostronomy/AstroPhot |
astronomy python pytorch science-research scientific-computing test |
ConnorStoneAstro |
Unit tests for Utils |
ConnorStoneAstro/AutoProf |
astronomy python pytorch science-research scientific-computing test |
ConnorStoneAstro |
Allow micro simulations to pass data to be used only in the adaptivity calculation |
precice/micro-manager |
coupling help-wanted macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
IshaanDesai |
Produce more detailed MeshGenerator errors |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
loganharbour |
Broken documentation links on Gensim's PyPI page |
RaRe-Technologies/gensim |
bug data-mining data-science difficulty-easy document-similarity documentation fasttext gensim impact-LOW information-retrieval machine-learning natural-language-processing neural-network nlp python reach-LOW topic-modeling word-embeddings word-similarity word2vec |
piskvorky |
Allow selection and picking of surfaces with triangle strips |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation |
Garyfallidis |
ENH: expose `greedy` colouring from mapclassify |
geopandas/geopandas |
enhancement geoparquet geospatial pandas plotting python spatial |
martinfleis |
Restart from latest checkpoint |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-checkpoint/restart enhancement gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
sheroytata |
Streamline CI workflow |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
qiskit |
coruscating |
Distribution API seems missing |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/bug kubernetes linux oci |
lnnwvr |
New optimized variable-coefficient second-derivative operators of Stierström, Almquist, Mattsson |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin enhancement finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
Feature Types From Loaded Model |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees documentation feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
DanRamage |
Create a non-root default user with id 1000 |
scikit-hep/pyhf |
Docker asymptotic-formulas closember cls feat/enhancement frequentist-statistics hep hep-ex high-energy-physics histfactory jax needs-triage numpy python pytorch scientific-computations scikit-hep scipy statistical-inference statistics tensorflow |
matthewfeickert |
BUG: Incorrect error message in LinearOperator.rmatmul |
scipy/scipy |
algorithms closember defect python scientific-computing scipy scipy.sparse.linalg |
akhmerov |
Support different audio / directory structures |
CouncilDataProject/speakerbox |
audio-classification enhancement speaker-id speaker-identification transformers |
evamaxfield |
attributes path causing confusion in write_matsim function |
arup-group/pam |
arup city-modelling city-modelling-lab cml transit |
fredshone |
" in returned Id attribute ( /v1.24/images/${img}/history )" >REST API: "\u003cmissing\u003e" instead of "" in returned Id attribute ( /v1.24/images/${img}/history ) |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue bugweek containers docker kind/bug kubernetes linux oci |
eriksjolund |
Consistent naming of generators |
xgi-org/xgi |
graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs improve network-science simplicial-complexes |
nwlandry |
[Tests] Test all qubit templates |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation enhancement jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
Replace print statements by warnings or stderr in NCBIXML |
biopython/biopython |
bioinformatics biopython dna genomics phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
JoaoRodrigues |
Potential bug could occur in deletion of files in test harness |
idaholab/moose |
C-TestHarness Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
permcody |
Add Apriori algorithm also for better comparison |
firefly-cpp/NiaARM |
association-rule-mining association-rules data-mining data-science enhancement evolutionary-algorithms help-wanted swarm-intelligence |
minakshikaushik |
update ICESat-2 resource guide |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven documentation hacktoberfest icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
MooseDocs media extension doesn't throw an error if there is a syntax issue in an option |
idaholab/moose |
C-Documentation Good-first-issue P-normal T-defect amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
cticenhour |
Non-interactive toggle of Toggle? |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie Widgets enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
moyner |
compare_by plotter: filenames too long for large symbols |
JPenuchot/ctbench |
benchmark clang compilation data-analysis data-visualization gcc metaprogramming |
JPenuchot |
Add reverse direction serialization |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
mtreinish |
remaining autodiff functors |
roualdes/bridgestan |
c cpp enhancement julia python r stan |
bob-carpenter |
Convert all indexing variables to `size_t`/`ptrdiff_t` |
cholla-hydro/cholla |
code-cleanup enhancement refactor |
bcaddy |
Add a CI test to ensure that docs are building |
maps-as-data/MapReader |
article computer-vision deep-learning digital-humanities enhancement hut23 hut23-96 machine-learning maps new-feature pytorch spatial-data |
andrewphilipsmith |
Suggestions for documentation and features |
biaslab/RxInfer.jl |
bayesian-inference documentation enhancement inference-engine julia-language machine-learning message-passing probabilistic-programming variational-inference |
John-Boik |
Consider removing <4 gene limit |
NathanSkene/EWCE |
benchmarking deconvolution enhancement single-cell single-cell-rna-seq transcriptomics |
bschilder |
New optimized second-derivative operators of Eriksson and Mattsson (2022) |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin enhancement finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
[Analysis] Analyze differences in outputs generated with LSA method and solved with linalg.solve |
DataverseLabs/pyinterpolate |
Good-First-Issue concept help-needed kriging machine-learning math-and-logic poisson-kriging python semivariogram spatial-analysis spatial-interpolation |
SimonMolinsky |
Support local volumes with a lifetime longer than that of the podman host |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kubernetes linux oci |
samuel-f |
DOC: Fix docs for various offset constructors |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Docs Frequency alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
Dr-Irv |
Matplotlib updatable plot slowing down data acquisition |
samirmartins/pydaq |
arduino arduino-library enhancement graphical-user-interface national-instruments nidaq nidaqmx pyside6 python real-datasets step-response |
samirmartins |
Add full support for CDF |
gnudatalanguage/gdl |
antlr astronomy c++-only data-analysis dicom eigen3 fits-files geophysics grib gsl-library hdf hdf5 mapping netcdf plotting plplot programming-language pv-wave python scientific-computing scientific-visualization |
GillesDuvert |
[Request] Dates.unix2datetime with local time option |
JuliaLang/julia |
dates hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
kescobo |
`update_ghost` performance |
hpc-maths/samurai |
adaptive-mesh-refinement amr cartesian scientific-computing |
gouarin |
outlet grid cells don't report channel outflow |
IMMM-SFA/mosartwmpy |
enhancement |
thurber |
Address deprecated features in Pandas 2.0 |
uclchem/SpectralRadex |
astronomy astrophysics python radex radiative-transfer |
GijsVermarien |
DOC: docstrings in robust.norms, improve, reorganize |
statsmodels/statsmodels |
comp-docs comp-robust count-model data-analysis data-science econometrics forecasting generalized-linear-models hypothesis-testing prediction python regression-models robust-estimation statistics timeseries-analysis |
josef-pkt |
High level schematic overview of Makie's elements/structure |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
documentation gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
fbanning |
Inconsistent naming conventions of class member variables / C++ standards violations |
lanl/singularity-eos |
clean-up help-wanted |
chadmeyer |
Showing strings compactifies too aggressively |
JuliaLang/julia |
display-and-printing hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific strings |
KristofferC |
heatmap visibility in volumeslices can't be toggled independently |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Attributes Makie gpu graphics julia julia-language plot plotting visualization |
tomchor |
Add type stability tests |
JuliaHEP/UnROOT.jl |
cern-root hacktober help-wanted hep high-energy-physics julia particle-physics |
tamasgal |
Update publishing notebook example dataset |
MLMI2-CSSI/foundry |
chemistry data-science datasets documentation-and-examples machine-learning materials-science |
ascourtas |
Unspecified feature name when getting most of errors caused by data |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
AndreyGurevich |
Add description field to events page |
hpc-social/events |
vsoch |
Add to calendar button / download link to ical |
hpc-social/events |
vsoch |
How to get or create plot tree structure in R? |
catboost/catboost |
R big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
viniCerutti |
gallery disappears when switching between results and parameter sections |
kanaverse/kana |
bioinformatics cite-seq exploratory-data-analysis interactive-analysis interactive-visualizations rna-seq single-cell webassembly |
jkanche |
Missing optimized vector container for `Raw` type |
extendr/extendr |
api-wrapper enhancement extension ffi-bindings r rust |
Ilia-Kosenkov |
The input (stdin) styling does not match that of JupyterLab |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug jupyter jupyterlab tagCSS |
SylvainCorlay |
Improve version tracking and deprecate SVN support |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
enhancement help-wanted |
dsavransky |
Classical in-situ radiation computation |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-diagnostics gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
berceanu |
Remove astro-colibri from Summary |
snad-space/ztf-viewer |
pruzhinskaya |
optimized convenance methods for conversion between SIMDe public types of the same size |
simd-everywhere/simde |
altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 enhancement fma gfni mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
mr-c |
Ensure compliance with more Ruff rules |
astropy/astropy |
Feature-Request Package-novice Refactoring astronomy astrophysics astropy dev-automation python science |
eerovaher |
`Booster.save_model(format="pmml")` is highly inefficient in size. |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
UriyaHarpeness |
catboost is unable to calculate shap values when set_scale_and_bias is used |
catboost/catboost |
big-data bug catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning model-analysis python r tutorial |
antipisa |
Register LaTeX reader for Cosmology |
astropy/astropy |
Feature-Request astronomy astrophysics astropy cosmology python science |
nstarman |
Granular `@fastmath` flags |
JuliaLang/julia |
feature hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
mikmoore |
Current algorithms planned for implementation |
Pometry/Raphtory |
Algorithms Enhancement Good-first-issue Meta analytics database embedded-database graph graph-database neo4j olap python rust temporal time-series |
miratepuffin |
Network generation models planned for implementation |
Pometry/Raphtory |
Good-first-issue Network-Generation Rust-Core analytics database embedded-database graph graph-database neo4j olap python rust temporal time-series |
miratepuffin |
Document the graph generation module |
Pometry/Raphtory |
Documentation Good-first-issue Network-Generation analytics database embedded-database graph graph-database neo4j olap python rust temporal time-series |
miratepuffin |
Add feature to automatically set reference energy for Davis Products EOS |
lanl/singularity-eos |
enhancement |
jhp-lanl |
[ENH]: subfigure_mosaic |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
anntzer |
Make recursive parameter const in t8_forest_set_adapt() |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing shouldn't-take-long simulation |
Davknapp |
Maybe measure convergence in the power-serie in `katz_centrality` |
xgi-org/xgi |
graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs improve network-science simplicial-complexes |
acombretrenouard |
[feature] complete |
lcpp-org/RustBCA |
bca bca-codes binary-collision-approximation binary-collisions bohdansky electronic-stopping enhancement fusion help-wanted implantation incident-ion ion-material-interactions ion-solid-interactions materials-science nuclear-fusion nuclear-stopping plasma-material-interactions range rust simulation sputtering yamamura |
drobnyjt |
`@. vec = vec +1` gives unhelpful error |
JuliaLang/julia |
hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
LilithHafner |
compiler find: `clang` compilers don't look for `flang-new` on Fedora |
spack/spack |
bug build-tools hpc hpsf impact-low linux macos package-manager python radiuss scientific-computing spack |
iamashwin99 |
Alternative method of particle initialisation from a file |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-core component-openPMD gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
PhysicsDan |
Improve label placement in output plots |
lucydot/effmass |
lucydot |
Support loading aux string directly |
mzy2240/ESA |
automation contingency-analysis enhancement esa graph-analysis help-wanted hpc numba numpy pandas power-flow powersystem powerworld powerworld-simulator python pythran simauto simulator simulator-automation-server smart-grid transient-stability |
mzy2240 |
2intersect: implement AVX512F optimizations proposed by Guille Díez-Cañas arXiv:2112.06342 [cs.DS] |
simd-everywhere/simde |
altivec arm arm64 avx avx2 avx512 enhancement fma gfni mmx neon powerpc simd simd-intrinsics sse sse2 sse3 sse41 sse42 ssse3 vectorization |
mr-c |
promote logger and writer mock objects from pathfinder utils |
stan-dev/stan |
bayesian bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-methods bayesian-statistics code-cleanup feature stan testing |
bob-carpenter |
[Bug]: alpha array-type not working with RGB image in imshow() |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt status-confirmed-bug status-has-patch tk topic-color/alpha topic-images wx |
patquem |
INSTALL: `mpirun` not symlinked by `firedrake-install` |
firedrakeproject/firedrake |
installation |
JDBetteridge |
New method to interpolate dataset on theta surface |
euroargodev/argopy |
argo argo-data argo-floats enhancement help-wanted oceanography python stale |
gmaze |
[Doc]: dynamically resize the mathtext symbol tables |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Documentation Good-first-issue Maintenance data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk topic-text/mathtext wx |
story645 |
ExtrudedMesh does not inherit `_base_mesh` if made from modified coordinates |
firedrakeproject/firedrake |
bug |
ksagiyam |
JSON export incompletely specifies categorical splits of non-symmetric trees |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
BenModulusLabs |
Split descriptions are of insufficient precision |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees feature-request gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning python r tutorial |
BenModulusLabs |
In PTM search assigned unimod id dosen't match real unimod id |
smith-chem-wisc/MetaMorpheus |
Bug calibration database-search discovery mass-match proteome proteomics-database-search ptm spectra uniprot |
Nate4499 |
Reject starting with multiple threads if `--handle-signals=no` |
JuliaLang/julia |
docs error-messages hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning multithreading numerical programming-language science scientific |
vchuravy |
Add position vs time plot to Hamiltonian pendulum |
deepskies/DeepBench |
benchmark enhancement low-priority simulation |
omaripaul57 |
Remove/reduce large example data: examples/data/example_data/lsoas |
arup-group/pam |
arup city-modelling city-modelling-lab cml transit |
fredshone |
Menu dropdown is not always on top in click event order |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Widgets bug gpu graphics interaction julia julia-language planning plotting visualization |
rafaqz |
Plot multiple models onto fit lightcurve |
nuclear-multimessenger-astronomy/nmma |
enhancement |
tylerbarna |
`allunique(::String)` performance anomaly |
JuliaLang/julia |
hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical performance programming-language science scientific strings |
chrstphrbrns |
`dask.array.linalg.qr` does not conform to the Array API spec |
dask/dask |
array dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
ogrisel |
`dask.array.linalg.svd` does not conform to the Array API spec |
dask/dask |
array dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
ogrisel |
Remove duplicated points from vtkfile when using vtkAPI |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing simulation |
Davknapp |
Add hover text to tables |
fitbenchmarking/fitbenchmarking |
Enhancement Good-first-issue |
tyronerees |
VSCode debugging recipe (python) |
multiscale/muscle3 |
documentation |
AreWeDreaming |
TST: mixed_int_string Index |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Index Testing alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
jbrockmendel |
Parametrize t8_gtest_mat.cxx |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing simulation tests |
Davknapp |
Add reference magnitudes to downloadable CSV files |
snad-space/ztf-viewer |
hombit |
[Bug]: macOS backend run by non-logged-in user crashes in Ventura |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium GUI-MacOSX Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
tjni |
DOC: Improve clarity of documentation for scipy.sparse.dia_array/dia_matrix |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.sparse |
lciti |
Document that describe is using approximate algorithms |
dask/dask |
dask dataframe documentation numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
fjetter |
Fix bulk modulus formula in API documentation |
lanl/singularity-eos |
documentation |
jhp-lanl |
Bug report: Slit size depends on the wave range that it is applied on |
radis/radis |
astrophysics bug closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy |
saradelahaie |
location list condition |
mathLab/PINA |
deep-learning differential-equations enhancement equation-learning hacktoberfest lightining machine-learning modeling neural-networks neural-operators ode pde physics-informed physics-informed-neural-networks pinn python pytorch |
ndem0 |
New first- and second-derivative coefficients of Sharan, Brady, Livescu (2022) |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin enhancement finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
Minimal working code example in experiment API docs |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
documentation qiskit |
coruscating |
Doc: Generate a comparison table for matrix class methods |
cupy/cupy |
catdocument contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
kmaehashi |
Document best use cases versus alternatives |
kblin/ncbi-acc-download |
help-wanted |
peterjc |
Python Grid class should have __str__() |
multiscale/muscle3 |
LourensVeen |
Better typing and checks for index header |
mad-lab-fau/tpcp |
algorithms biosignals data-management data-science machine-learning python |
AKuederle |
Remove References to Garnett in Package-wide Documentation |
glotzerlab/freud |
analysis computational-chemistry computational-physics data-analysis documentation essential molecular-dynamics monte-carlo-simulation particle-system python science scientific-computing spatial-analysis task |
tommy-waltmann |
Update host_callback used in blackjax |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
bayesian-inference hamiltonian-monte-carlo probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
junpenglao |
Allow to set spine stroke style |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Axis Makie enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
lassepe |
No documentation for Julia 1.10-beta |
JuliaLang/julia |
docs docsystem hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
eschnett |
Add job splitting information to the experiment class |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
enhancement qiskit |
coruscating |
Add CI to check test coverage |
precice/micro-manager |
coupling help-wanted macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
IshaanDesai |
Add some tests with rationals |
ranocha/SummationByPartsOperators.jl |
boundary-conditions cgsem continuous-galerkin derivative-operator dgsem discontinuous-galerkin finite-difference fourier hacktoberfest julia sbp summation-by-parts |
ranocha |
generalize our `BigFloat(::Float64)` method to more integer and floatingpoint types. |
JuliaLang/julia |
bignums hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical performance programming-language science scientific |
oscardssmith |
Move Carsus Notation to "Getting Started" |
tardis-sn/carsus |
astronomy atomic-database bug documentation python |
atharva-2001 |
Feature Request: Reset Settings Button |
SatelliteShorelines/CoastSeg |
Optional V2 colab earth-engine enhancement jupyter landsat python |
2320sharon |
Implement CCA-classes that can account for sample groups |
jameschapman19/cca_zoo |
canonical-correlation-analysis cca cca-zoo dcca deep enhancement help-wanted kernel multiset-cca multiview pls pytorch tensor-cca |
JohannesWiesner |
Review maximum cardinality search algorithm in `complete_to_chordal_graph` |
networkx/networkx |
Good-First-Issue Question complex-networks graph-algorithms graph-analysis graph-generation graph-theory graph-visualization python spec-0 spec-1 spec-4 |
richardrl |
Implementing tension statistics |
williamjameshandley/anesthetic |
bayesian-inference enhancement fastkde matplotlib mcmc nested-sampling numpy pandas samples scipy |
DilyOng |
Check package deployed on PyPI via CI |
precice/micro-manager |
coupling macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
IshaanDesai |
Use DocumenterCitations.jl |
JuliaDynamics/TimeseriesSurrogates.jl |
documentation hacktoberfest hypothesis-testing julia nonlinear-time-series surrogate surrogates timeseries |
kahaaga |
Making support for Dev Containers for GitHub Codespaces |
streamlit/streamlit |
data-analysis data-science data-visualization deep-learning developer-tools machine-learning python streamlit typeenhancement |
cr2007 |
Expand discriminator documentation |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
documentation qiskit |
coruscating |
Implement string representation (`__repr__`) in sparse matrix classes |
cupy/cupy |
catenhancement contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx python rocm scipy tensor |
kmaehashi |
In to_vertex_df the vertex id should be the index |
Pometry/Raphtory |
Enhancement Good-first-issue Python analytics database embedded-database graph graph-database neo4j olap python rust temporal time-series |
miratepuffin |
Include aligned sequences and translations in ndjson |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
chaoran-chen |
Write a proper geometry tutorial |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing simulation |
sandro-elsweijer |
Using PYDAQ requires the NIDAQmx driver. |
samirmartins/pydaq |
arduino arduino-library enhancement graphical-user-interface national-instruments nidaq nidaqmx pyside6 python real-datasets step-response |
samirmartins |
`ParameterInput` is kind of delicate |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr help-wanted high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
bprather |
Mermaid Usage Instructions Missing |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug documentation jupyter jupyterlab |
startakovsky |
Replace print with proper logging |
ECSHackWeek/ |
battery corrosion electrochemistry fuel-cell impedance lithium-ion |
ma-sadeghi |
`arrows(points, directions; kwargs...)` doesn't work (CairoMakie backend) |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie arrows bug conversions gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
aafsar |
Save-As should use a head request (it does not need the body) and get should catch non-existing. |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab statusBlocked tagPerformance |
Carreau |
add percentages to MongoExtractJobStore log output |
SMI/SmiServices |
priority/low |
rkm |
Use latest release of GMSO; add GAFF to tests |
cmelab/flowerMD |
hoomd-blue molecular-dynamics molecular-dynamics-simulation mosdef-hub polymer simulation |
chrisjonesBSU |
Example testing suite |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
CI adaptive-mesh-refinement examples high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing simulation tests |
sandro-elsweijer |
Output block / boundary restriction groups |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
GiudGiud |
Parallel computation on a cluster |
WilliamLwj/PyXAB |
algorithm automl bandit-algorithms blackbox-optimization continuous-armed-bandit data-science hyperparameter-optimization hyperparameter-tuning lipschitz-bandit machine-learning machine-learning-algorithms online-learning optimization optimization-algorithms reinforcement-learning x-armed-bandit |
talmiller2 |
Refactor `parse` |
extendr/extendr |
api-wrapper extension ffi-bindings r rust |
CGMossa |
Streamline the `coordinates` module |
einsteinpy/einsteinpy |
coordinates general-relativity geodesics gravitational-physics hacktoberfest orbital-simulation perihelion space-physics |
JeS24 |
Provide a micro simulation abstract class which users can inherit/create a subclass |
precice/micro-manager |
coupling macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
IshaanDesai |
add `Threads.@once` |
JuliaLang/julia |
hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning multithreading numerical programming-language science scientific |
chrstphrbrns |
BENCH: fix disabled (broken) benchmarks |
scipy/scipy |
Benchmarks algorithms closember maintenance python scientific-computing scipy task |
j-bowhay |
Move to Julia 1.9, use extensions remove Requires for `collect_results` and Dataframes |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
hacktoberfest project-assistant project-management science science-research setup-tool simulations update |
Datseris |
Feature: Scaling tendency / Saturation Index |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue feature |
rkingsbury |
Research Needed: Investigate mixing rules for mixed salt properties |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue enhancement |
rkingsbury |
Research Needed: Validity of speciation + Pitzer activity in native engine |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue enhancement |
rkingsbury |
Goal: Increase test coverage to 90% |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue enhancement pkg |
rkingsbury |
Account for producer shutins |
frank1010111/pywaterflood |
enhancement help-wanted petroleum-engineering python reservoir rust |
frank1010111 |
Add forecasting tutorial |
frank1010111/pywaterflood |
documentation help-wanted petroleum-engineering python reservoir rust |
frank1010111 |
Benchmarks & benchmarking notebook |
CQCL/qujax |
enhancement jax python quantum |
gamatos |
Include example notebooks in documentation |
CQCL/qujax |
documentation jax python quantum |
gamatos |
DataInspector shall show Gray(val) for gray images |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
DataInspector Makie enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
MariusDrulea |
Consider replacing ternary expressions with multiplicative conditionals |
lanl/singularity-eos |
Performance |
jhp-lanl |
mypy doesn't see InstanceFlags |
multiscale/muscle3 |
LourensVeen |
Separate out unit and integration tests |
scverse/scvi-tools |
CI/CD P2 cite-seq deep-generative-model deep-learning human-cell-atlas scrna-seq scverse single-cell-genomics single-cell-rna-seq tests variational-autoencoder variational-bayes |
martinkim0 |
Conversion from logits to probabilities happens on a batch by batch basis |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
analyses bug-/-fix data-science deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning metrics python pytorch v1.0.x |
GabrielBianconi |
options key is "ProcessDirectoryOptions" but app has since been renamed to "DicomDirectoryProcessor" |
SMI/SmiServices |
help-wanted priority/low |
rkm |
clarify time units in global options |
SMI/SmiServices |
help-wanted priority/low |
rkm |
Include function usage examples in docstrings/API documentation |
CQCL/qujax |
documentation jax python quantum |
gamatos |
Integrate Linux package manager commands into documentation |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDocumentation |
thewtex |
Add check if dependencies are installed correctly when Micro Manager is installed via pip |
precice/micro-manager |
coupling macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
IshaanDesai |
[New copulas] Extreme values copulas |
lrnv/Copulas.jl |
copula julia |
lrnv |
Add a default plotting utility before running fits |
sblunt/orbitize |
easy enhancement help-wanted |
sblunt |
t8_cmesh_trees_get_tree returns NULL if not existing |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement cleanup high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing simulation |
chiaraMaHe |
`minimal_cycle_basis` |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag graph graph-theory python rust |
quantumjim |
Add method to save a simulation's reference values and units to file |
cmelab/flowerMD |
enhancement hoomd-blue molecular-dynamics molecular-dynamics-simulation mosdef-hub polymer simulation |
chrisjonesBSU |
Fit multiple peaks in chi2 map of interferometric observations |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement help-wanted |
sblunt |
Add accepted format type to load_seq function |
cogent3/cogent3 |
bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science documentation evolution genomics markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
cthwe |
Documentation for podman build inconsistent with actual behaviour |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker documentation kind/bug kubernetes linux oci |
deltoura |
DOCS: Documentation is broken |
firedrakeproject/firedrake |
bug documentation straightforward wishlist |
JDBetteridge |
Providers can break completions when `isApplicable()` raises |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug jupyter jupyterlab pkgcompleter |
krassowski |
Clean-Up t8_geometry.cxx |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement cleanup high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing shouldn't-take-long simulation |
Davknapp |
dev: Use kwargs only in dataclasses |
thomaspinder/GPJax |
bayesian-inference enhancement gaussian-processes help-wanted jax machine-learning probabilistic-programming |
thomaspinder |
Use pathlib instead of os |
tardis-sn/carsus |
astronomy atomic-database python |
jvshields |
Known problems installing Exo-Striker on MacOS ( with Anaconda with Version 0.85+) |
3fon3fonov/exostriker |
exoplanet exoplanets external-package-problem help-wanted multi-planet-systems periodogram radial-velocity transit-modeling ttv-modeling |
3fon3fonov |
Implement conditional batch/layer normalization |
scverse/scvi-tools |
P1 cite-seq deep-generative-model deep-learning enhancement human-cell-atlas scrna-seq scverse single-cell-genomics single-cell-rna-seq variational-autoencoder variational-bayes |
martinkim0 |
Models for the folded background |
renecotyfanboy/jaxspec |
jax |
renecotyfanboy |
Move `get_c_interface` into toml files. |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation enhancement jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
Is there any alternatives like `docker buildx imagetools` ? |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kubernetes linux oci |
rhatdan |
Helper class for IPC memory handling? |
cupy/cupy |
catfeature contribution-welcome cublas cuda cudnn cupy curand cusolver cusparse cusparselt cutensor gpu nccl numpy nvrtc nvtx priomedium python rocm scipy tensor |
kmaehashi |
Document the support for 64-bit integer sparse matrix indices. |
qutip/qutip |
python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
hodgestar |
speed up buildScoreCache |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
Check and handle collinearity for all distributions. |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial bug categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
export abn to .net file |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data enhancement gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
capture output of tests on windows to "dev/null" |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
Numerical variations in IRLS for Poissons |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial bug categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
Session crashes / low-level error from irls_poisson_fast.cpp if no solution found by solve() |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial bug categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
become PEP8 compliant |
icesat2py/icepyx |
closember community-driven hacktoberfest help-wanted icesat-2 python3 |
JessicaS11 |
Base.isidentifier(::Symbol) should check normalization |
JuliaLang/julia |
bug display-and-printing hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical parser programming-language science scientific |
stevengj |
Gradient dialect removes `qnode` attribute from quantum functions when creating helper functions. |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation bug compiler jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
Missing docstrings for public/exported symbols |
JuliaLang/julia |
docs hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
stevengj |
Feature request: peptide position information in results |
lazear/sage |
bioinformatics enhancement mass-spectrometry proteomics |
kabalak |
Filter compile flags based on compile options. |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation enhancement jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
Examples: Plasma-Based Acceleration |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-documentation gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Examples: Laser-Plasma Interaction |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-documentation gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Examples: Particle Accelerator & Beam Physics |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-documentation gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Examples: Nuclear Fusion |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-documentation gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Examples: Fundamental Plasma Physics |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-documentation gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
`@noinline` confuses `@code_typed` reporting wrong return type when return value is unused. |
JuliaLang/julia |
hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical observability programming-language science scientific |
NHDaly |
Reimplement immutabledefaultdict |
snad-space/ztf-viewer |
enhancement |
hombit |
Make async qnodes specific to qnodes, not the whole JIT context. |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation enhancement jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
[Student copula] fitting |
lrnv/Copulas.jl |
copula julia |
lrnv |
change size of node labels? |
xgi-org/xgi |
documentation graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs network-science simplicial-complexes |
maximelucas |
Pushing custom information to the InferenceResult |
biaslab/RxInfer.jl |
bayesian-inference documentation enhancement inference-engine julia-language machine-learning message-passing probabilistic-programming variational-inference |
ThijsvdLaar |
Choose target ISA in `@code_llvm` and `@code_native` |
JuliaLang/julia |
feature hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
giordano |
Provide std::vector interfaces for our user data functions |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing shouldn't-take-long simulation |
holke |
template Riemann solvers on idir |
AMReX-Astro/Castro |
adaptive-mesh-refinement amr astrophysical-simulation astrophysics castro cfd gravity hydrodynamics pde radiation reactions |
zingale |
Inconsistent default values for `average` argument in classification metrics |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
analyses bug-/-fix data-science deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning metrics python pytorch question v1.3.x |
StefanoWoerner |
Some recipes fail when plotting empty vectors |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Collection Makie bug conversions gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
BambOoxX |
Feature request: proper C++ interface for analytic geometry implementation |
DLR-AMR/t8code |
adaptive-mesh-refinement enhancement high-performance-computing hpc mesh modeling mpi parallel parallel-computing shouldn't-take-long simulation |
jmark |
Add classes for some of the OPV molecules we had in Planckton |
cmelab/flowerMD |
hoomd-blue molecular-dynamics molecular-dynamics-simulation mosdef-hub polymer simulation |
chrisjonesBSU |
FDTD Solver: `AMREX_RESTRICT` Pointers & References |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
Performance-optimization component-core gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Speedup of `_correlation_3op_dm` |
qutip/qutip |
python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
theodotk |
`add_scaled_arg` in `sourmash.cli.cli_utils` does not use `default` |
sourmash-bio/sourmash |
bioinformatics fracminhash hacktoberfest kmer minhash python rust scaled-minhash sketching sourmash taxonomic-classification taxonomic-profiling |
ctb |
Titles are not optional arguments for multi-group legends |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Legend-&-Colorbar Makie bug gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
Ezequiel92 |
Clearly mark analysis result names in documentation |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
documentation qiskit |
coruscating |
Median Quartiles and Box Plots |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
enhancement qiskit |
AbdullahKazi500 |
ISTARF reservoir parameters required even when not used |
IMMM-SFA/mosartwmpy |
enhancement |
thurber |
When using a quadlet, the generated RequiresMountsFor doesn't properly handle space characters |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/bug kubernetes linux oci quadlet |
lespea |
np.median raises AssertionError for empty arrays while numpy returns nan |
numba/numba |
compiler cuda llvm numba numpy parallel python |
leoschwarz |
`nextafter` (via both `math` and `numpy`) missing for CUDA |
numba/numba |
CUDA compiler cuda feature_request llvm numba numpy parallel python |
s-m-e |
Background MCC model: allow ionization by incident particles that are not electrons |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-collisions component-ionization gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
RemiLehe |
Check that all notebooks run with the latest version of the code |
StingraySoftware/stingray |
astronomy astrophysics blackhole blackholes data-analysis docs fourier-analysis fourier-transform hacktoberfest help-wanted neutronstars pulsars time-series time-series-analysis timeseries x-ray x-ray-binaries |
matteobachetti |
Create a function to store the local exceedence intensity maps as netcdf file |
CLIMADA-project/climada_python |
enhancement help-wanted |
simonameiler |
Create a dockerfile for coastseg |
SatelliteShorelines/CoastSeg |
colab earth-engine enhancement help-wanted jupyter landsat python |
2320sharon |
mark binomial_exact() function for removal |
cogent3/cogent3 |
bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science evolution genomics help-wanted markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
GavinHuttley |
mark tprob() function for removal |
cogent3/cogent3 |
bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science evolution genomics help-wanted markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
GavinHuttley |
Remove `np.testing` from unit tests |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement help-wanted matrix-analysis physics pytest python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Add more checks for the individual control parameters of `fit.control()` and `build.control()` |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
buildScoreCache: doesn't work with `defn.res` and `which.nodes` provided together |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
buildScoreCache: `max.parents` as list and `defn.res` doesn't work |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
Which are valid combination of `cor.var`, `which.nodes` and `group.var`? |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
buildscorecache_mle(): catcov.mblogit = "single" is not implemented |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data enhancement gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
fitabn_mle(): `catcov.mblogit = "single"` is not implemented |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
buildScoreCache doesn't work with `defn.res` and `which.nodes` provided together |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
fitabn_mle(): Return very low score when multinomial fit is NULL |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
More options for MDAnalysis trajectory playback |
BradyAJohnston/MolecularNodes |
biochemistry blender blender-addon enhancement geometry-nodes help-wanted molecular molecular-dynamics molecular-graphics molecular-modeling molecule pdb protein protein-data-bank protein-structure protein-visualization proteins sciart structural-biology visualisation |
BradyAJohnston |
Is it possible to allow `pathlib.Path` to be passed as argument to `Mesh()`? |
firedrakeproject/firedrake |
enhancement straightforward |
p479h |
Implement CFL condition for TLSPH |
trixi-framework/TrixiParticles.jl |
enhancement julia multiphysics simulation smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics |
efaulhaber |
Allow returning eigenstates as an operator. |
qutip/qutip |
ENH python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
Ericgig |
Enable checkpointing with autotune |
scverse/scvi-tools |
P1 cite-seq deep-generative-model deep-learning human-cell-atlas scrna-seq scverse single-cell-genomics single-cell-rna-seq variational-autoencoder variational-bayes |
martinkim0 |
Degree centrality support |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
Paulo-21 |
Add `BeginStep` and `EndStep` as part of the context manager |
jorgensd/adios4dolfinx |
adios2 checkpointing fenicsx mpi-applications |
finsberg |
Add gradient mesh flag to `band_structure` program |
HofstadterTools/HofstadterTools |
band-theory condensed-matter-physics electromagnetism enhancement fractals mathematical-physics quantum-hall-effect quantum-physics theoretical-physics topological-materials topological-order |
bartandrews |
Add density of states flag to `band_structure` program |
HofstadterTools/HofstadterTools |
band-theory condensed-matter-physics electromagnetism enhancement fractals mathematical-physics quantum-hall-effect quantum-physics theoretical-physics topological-materials topological-order |
bartandrews |
Math expressions in caustics docs |
Ciela-Institute/caustics |
docs gravitational-lensing pytorch |
ConnorStoneAstro |
Incorrect result in computing `MulticlassRecall` macro average when `ignore_index` is specified |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
analyses bug-/-fix data-science deep-learning machine-learning metrics python pytorch v0.10.x v0.11.x v0.9.x v1.0.x v1.1.x v1.2.x v1.3.x v1.4.x |
JeroenMandersloot |
Add documentation for using Fraggle |
MintonGroup/swiftest |
documentation |
profminton |
Enable "Search Cell Outputs" in Find/Replace, disable "Replace" button when an output is highlighted |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkgdocumentsearch tagSearch-and-Replace |
JasonWeill |
Spin Tracking |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-spin-tracking gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Create method for drawing synthetic data from a model |
enhancement jax |
Edenhofer |
Implementation of Louvain Algorithm |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
jamesdbaker |
New function: best.deadband a function to find the best deadband to use |
Qepanna/goFlux |
enhancement |
Qepanna |
Add more choices to the argument side in the function flux.plot |
Qepanna/goFlux |
enhancement |
Qepanna |
New function: autoID to create UniqueID from aux file without clicking on peaks |
Qepanna/goFlux |
enhancement |
Qepanna |
Suggestion: Limit the number of plots per page in the output of flux2pdf |
Qepanna/goFlux |
enhancement |
Qepanna |
New function: crop.meas to modify time columns in measurement data sets |
Qepanna/goFlux |
enhancement |
Qepanna |
New function: a Shiny app to align clocks on multiple instruments |
Qepanna/goFlux |
enhancement |
Qepanna |
Add warning message to import functions if wrong extension in raw file |
Qepanna/goFlux |
documentation |
Qepanna |
Add argument for "matchID" instead of UniqueID in flux2pdf |
Qepanna/goFlux |
enhancement |
Qepanna |
Support profiling without source code changes |
google/jax |
enhancement jax |
cheshire |
Add Qobj method for getting data as a numpy array shaped like a tensor rather than an array |
qutip/qutip |
ENH python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
nlupugla |
Deconvolving Cls |
heracles-ec/heracles |
astronomy cosmology enhancement healpix large-scale-structure python spherical-harmonics |
JaimeRZP |
replace BatchNorm with LayerNorm |
mackelab/sbi |
API-changes architecture bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
bkmi |
replace BatchNorm with LayerNorm |
sbi-dev/sbi |
API-changes architecture bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
bkmi |
Contribution: Add new audio/speech metrics for generative audio |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
New-metric analyses data-science deep-learning enhancement machine-learning metrics python pytorch topic-Audio |
d-caviedes |
Replace scalar instances of `np.sqrt`, `np.cos`, etc. with `math` alternatives |
glotzerlab/freud |
analysis computational-chemistry computational-physics data-analysis molecular-dynamics monte-carlo-simulation particle-system python science scientific-computing spatial-analysis task |
janbridley |
Implementing custom multi quantile loss. |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning objectives-and-metrics python r tutorial |
mat-ej |
Store weights in metadata of binned spectra and mixmats |
heracles-ec/heracles |
astronomy cosmology enhancement healpix large-scale-structure python spherical-harmonics |
ntessore |
Add pgstar decorator to mark solver progress in Trho profiles + Kippenhahn diagrams |
MESAHub/mesa |
astronomy astrophysics binary-evolution enhancement fortran stellar-astrophysics stellar-evolution |
Debraheem |
Add `mul_hi` |
JuliaLang/julia |
feature hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning maths numerical programming-language science scientific |
LilithHafner |
Change `run_update_volume` to use the new box parameter in `hoomd.update. BoxResize` |
cmelab/flowerMD |
hoomd-blue molecular-dynamics molecular-dynamics-simulation mosdef-hub polymer simulation |
chrisjonesBSU |
ApplyStencil: Shared Memory & Fixed Stencils |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
Performance-optimization gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Add optional `origin` parameter to `pie` |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plot plotting visualization |
JohannesNE |
suggestions for write_cl |
healpy/healpy |
Good-first-issue HelpUs |
hivon |
Revise argument list in setups |
trixi-framework/TrixiParticles.jl |
documentation julia multiphysics simulation smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics |
LasNikas |
Beam Pattern Support |
thorstone25/qups |
digital-signal-processing enhancement imaging matlab matlab-toolbox prototyping signal-processing toolbox ultrasound ultrasound-imaging |
thorstone25 |
Convert example scripts from documentation to code-blocks except for those that generate outputs. |
MintonGroup/swiftest |
documentation |
profminton |
Missing VDW radius values for rarely used elements |
BradyAJohnston/MolecularNodes |
biochemistry blender blender-addon enhancement geometry-nodes help-wanted molecular molecular-dynamics molecular-graphics molecular-modeling molecule pdb protein protein-data-bank protein-structure protein-visualization proteins sciart structural-biology visualisation |
rbdavid |
Code maintainability - utils/ split (?) |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition design-discussion hackathon maintenance python |
stan-dot |
Warn if Laser Plane is too Close to Absorbing/Thermal Boundary |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
changes-input-scripts-/-defaults component-boundary gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Implementation of Community Detection via Semi-Synchronous Label Propagation Algorithms |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
gulldan |
Model Freezing |
Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch |
Hacktoberfest deep-learning enhancement fortran hacktoberfest interoperability machine-learning python pytorch torch |
jatkinson1000 |
test and bugfix arm architecture support |
MrMinimal64/multivar_horner |
bug evaluation factorization help-wanted horner horner-scheme hornerscheme-solver math mathematics multivariate multivariate-polynomials polynomial polynomial-evaluation polynomials python python3 |
jannikmi |
Improve test coverage in `callbacks/` |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon python |
DominicOram |
The examples in the document are inconsistent with the API interface |
JuliaDynamics/DrWatson.jl |
documentation hacktoberfest project-assistant project-management science science-research setup-tool simulations |
nighthink |
Code warntype should show print the unstable SSA values in red/yellow |
JuliaLang/julia |
display-and-printing hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
gbaraldi |
Units discrepancies between __init__ and get_amount |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue enhancement |
rkingsbury |
Add static type annotations |
dask/dask |
dask numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
sam-goodwin |
Associate fields with catalogues in config files |
heracles-ec/heracles |
CLI astronomy cosmology enhancement healpix large-scale-structure python spherical-harmonics |
ntessore |
Review type ignore statements |
nci/scores |
climate coding contingency-table dask forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python refactoring verification weather xarray |
tennlee |
Drop support for Python3.8 and 3.9 |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition hackathon python |
callumforrester |
`docker login` with creds "successfully" logs-into `` then fails to push to `` |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/bug kubernetes linux oci |
rhatdan |
Document the option to collapse cells while displaying the first line |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
documentation jupyter jupyterlab |
danmcmahill |
Show `; attributes...` in plot function docstrings |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
documentation enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
jariji |
Document `Makie.spaces()` values |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
documentation enhancement gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
jariji |
Make the block comment work in Python (and other languages without block comments) |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
enhancement jupyter jupyterlab pkgshortcuts statusNeeds-Discussion |
krassowski |
Feature: Check if set of vectors constitute a tight frame |
vprusso/toqito |
feature-request help-wanted matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Feature: Bell inequality upper bound for qubits |
vprusso/toqito |
feature-request help-wanted matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Regularize provider/service interface |
Qiskit/qiskit-experiments |
qiskit |
coruscating |
Add option to have 'dark' figure output with black background |
jgieseler/solarmach |
enhancement esa heliophysics space-physics spacephysics spaceweather |
jgieseler |
WGLMakie cannot draw Mesh with Float64 normals. |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie WGLMakie bug conversions gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
jacobleft |
Make `DataConverter` accept a list of files to convert instead of only a directory |
graphnet-team/graphnet |
astrophysics deep-learning feature gpu graph-neural-network high-energy-physics machine-learning neural-network neutrino-oscillations neutrino-physics neutrinos particle-physics physics-analysis python pytorch |
RasmusOrsoe |
Small bug in dynamic completeness calculation |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
bug |
turmon |
Docstrings - some are missing references (paper or online source describing the metric) |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
Steph-Chong |
Add Yourself to Our Community Map! :sparkles: |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
component-documentation gpu help-wanted hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Jax version of VAEMixin |
scverse/scvi-tools |
backlog cite-seq deep-generative-model deep-learning enhancement human-cell-atlas jax scrna-seq scverse single-cell-genomics single-cell-rna-seq variational-autoencoder variational-bayes |
justjhong |
parseTH for TH3x |
JuliaHEP/UnROOT.jl |
cern-root enhancement hacktober hep high-energy-physics julia particle-physics |
tamasgal |
Modify the extract shorelines to not require transects |
SatelliteShorelines/CoastSeg |
V3 colab earth-engine jupyter landsat python |
2320sharon |
Request: Spearman rank correlation |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation new-metric oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
nicholasloveday |
Duplicate micro-simulations on interior boundaries of macro-domain decomposition |
precice/micro-manager |
bug coupling macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
mathiskelm |
User unfriendly behavior of attributes.all when stored |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database provenance scheduler ssh type/usability workflow workflow-engine workflows |
agoscinski |
docs: document nextalign-like use-case |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna docs help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain virus |
ivan-aksamentov |
InternalFeatureImportance is in documentation but not implemented |
catboost/catboost |
big-data catboost categorical-features coreml cuda data-mining data-science decision-trees gbdt gbm gpu gpu-computing gradient-boosting kaggle machine-learning model-analysis python r tutorial |
mareksimunek |
Need CI to test package publishing workflow |
precice/micro-manager |
coupling macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
IshaanDesai |
More user friendly yes/no prompt in `verdi computer delete` |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database priority/nice-to-have provenance scheduler ssh topic/verdi type/usability workflow workflow-engine workflows |
agoscinski |
Additional Preset: Geothermal Brine |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue enhancement |
rkingsbury |
Add MathJax equation for Murphy Score (in both Continuous and Probability) docstrings |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
Steph-Chong |
Add MathJax equation to isotonic fit docstrings (in each of continuous, probability and processing) |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
Steph-Chong |
Add MathJax equation to ROC (scores.probability.roc_curve_data) docstring |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
Steph-Chong |
Add MathJax equation to FIRM docstring |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
Steph-Chong |
Add MathJax equation to Diebold Mariano docstring |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
Steph-Chong |
Add EnumAttr to the Gradient Dialect for different differentiation methods. |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation compiler jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
Add a function that will be called after the lowering process is finished. |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation frontend jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
TODO in `is_separable` check |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
FR: Add ability to change the "reset zoom" binding |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Axis Makie enhancement gpu graphics interaction julia julia-language plotting visualization |
david-macmahon |
Need a chunker for cycles |
euroargodev/argopy |
argo argo-data argo-floats enhancement help-wanted internals oceanography performance python stale |
gmaze |
Make it possible to choose bounds_on for time averaging algorithm |
enhancement new-in-the-team |
JeanWi |
Improve wind turbine model |
enhancement new-in-the-team |
JeanWi |
Remove LogoutButton |
plotly/dash |
P3 bioinformatics charting dash dash-3.0 data-science data-visualization feature finance flask gui-framework jupyter modeling plotly plotly-dash productivity python react rstats technical-computing web-app |
AnnMarieW |
Add a small figure mode |
jgieseler/solarmach |
enhancement esa heliophysics space-physics spacephysics spaceweather |
jgieseler |
Investigate `QuaternaryHeap` for shortest-path and other functions |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
IvanIsCoding |
util/eccanom zero-size Exception |
dsavransky/EXOSIMS |
bug help-wanted |
turmon |
Allow specification of values to be summarised in the _make_summary()-method |
jepegit/cellpy |
battery chemistry code-improvements data-analysis electrochemistry enhancement opensource physics |
morrowrasmus |
Update databank entries in radis.json [apply policy of atomic databases] |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy 😎. |
code29563 |
Compute the nonnegative rank of a nonnegative matrix |
vprusso/toqito |
matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
`NUM_GPU_DEVICES_PER_NODE` in testing infrastructure |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr enhancement high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon |
pgrete |
Documentation suggests sudo make install |
precice/aste |
MakisH |
Paraview cannot open ASTE output .vtu files |
precice/aste |
MakisH |
ASTE assumes data name Data, ignoring CLI option |
precice/aste |
MakisH |
Option --mesh does not work with a file extension |
precice/aste |
MakisH |
Bars in fraction and square root (LaTeX string) visible even if set to false |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Attributes Makie bug gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting text visualization |
cyanescent |
Update the Structural Alignment section of the Tutorial to include CEAlign |
biopython/biopython |
Documentation bioinformatics biopython dna genomics phylogenetics protein protein-structure python sequence-alignment |
JoaoRodrigues |
Input a bad channel list (3D tools) |
CIRADA-Tools/RM-Tools |
enhancement |
Cameron-Van-Eck |
`colorrange` is an invalid attribute for `contourf` |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
(tri)contour(f) Attributes Makie bug colors gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
asinghvi17 |
DOC: `integrate`: tutorial `help` command output is out of date |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.integrate |
mdhaber |
Migrate PageRank and HITS implementations from `sprs` to `faer` |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
IvanIsCoding |
Implement batching |
Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch |
deep-learning enhancement fortran hackathon hacktoberfest interoperability machine-learning python pytorch torch |
jwallwork23 |
Move channel dim to channel props |
vprusso/toqito |
bug help-wanted matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
[MNT] Improve chainopy docs |
aadya940/chainopy |
bayesian-data-analysis bayesian-inference bayesian-statistics data-analysis data-science deep-learning forecasting machine-learning markov-chain markov-model markov-process time-series time-series-analysis |
aadya940 |
Figure out PTE convergence issues |
lanl/singularity-eos |
bug |
jhp-lanl |
Layout as list of components does not work with Dash Pages page_container |
plotly/dash |
P3 bioinformatics bug charting dash data-science data-visualization finance flask gui-framework jupyter modeling plotly plotly-dash productivity python react rstats technical-computing web-app |
antonymilne |
Add coverage per CDS to output |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
joverlee521 |
Updated, self-maintained resource to list exhaustively existing remote modules |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDocumentation |
jhlegarreta |
Add EOS to python interface |
lanl/singularity-eos |
enhancement interface |
jhp-lanl |
Go through and add thumbnails to each tutorial gallery entry |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
tennlee |
Make better implementations for ` |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics easy python radiative-transfer science supernova |
wkerzendorf |
DOC: stats.qmc.discrepancy: clarify deviation from reference |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.stats |
CDHJ2000 |
Heuristic for cell height should consider preferred text output types |
jupyterlab/jupyterlab |
bug jupyter jupyterlab |
krassowski |
Switch to pyproject.toml |
multiscale/muscle3 |
LourensVeen |
Improve traceback messages |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition maintenance python user-IO |
stan-dot |
Apply Classification Methods to Real-Time Collected Experimental Data |
samirmartins/pydaq |
arduino arduino-library enhancement graphical-user-interface national-instruments nidaq nidaqmx pyside6 python real-datasets step-response |
samirmartins |
Programming Arduino Directly from PYDAQ |
samirmartins/pydaq |
arduino arduino-library enhancement graphical-user-interface national-instruments nidaq nidaqmx pyside6 python real-datasets step-response |
samirmartins |
Warnings when building the doc |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy todo 😎. |
minouHub |
DOC: fix docstring validation errors for `pandas.Timestamp` |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Code-Style Docs alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
natmokval |
Mathjax: x and y vs forecast and observed |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
tennlee |
reprojection tutorial |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
nicholasloveday |
Doc Generation Error - HTTP Error 429 |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation typeBug-Fix |
robinroy03 |
Implement mass matrix in Barker's kernel |
blackjax-devs/blackjax |
adaptation bayesian-inference enhancement hamiltonian-monte-carlo help-wanted mcmc probabilistic-programming sampling-methods |
AdrienCorenflos |
Followup documentation for petroff color sequence |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Medium Documentation Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt tk wx |
tacaswell |
Make ITK keywords in PyPI consistent |
InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK |
Good-first-issue cpp hacktoberfest image-analysis insight-toolkit itk medical-imaging numfocus open-science open-source python reproducible-research scientific-computing typeDocumentation |
jhlegarreta |
BERT score: maximum at self-comparison, symmetry, invariance to additional items |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
analyses bug-/-fix data-science deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning metrics python pytorch v1.4.x |
GPPassos |
Documentation: Carbonate system tutorial notebook |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue docs |
rkingsbury |
Add support for `qml.Snapshot` |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation enhancement jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
joeycarter |
nextclade run with optional dataset tag input |
nextstrain/nextclade |
clade clades coronavirus covid covid-19 covid19 dna help-wanted influenza ncov neherlab next-generation-sequencing nextstrain research rna sars-cov-2 science sequences sequencing strain tfeat virus |
jrotieno |
DOCS: Website documentation about solvers is wildly out of date |
firedrakeproject/firedrake |
documentation |
JDBetteridge |
[ENH]: Support avif as output format |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Good-first-issue New-feature data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt status-upstream-fix-required tk wx |
rotsee |
Support trailing commas |
finsberg/gotranx |
code-generation enhancement gotran help-wanted ode parser parsing |
finsberg |
Add examples to docstrings |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
nicholasloveday |
Add issue templates |
heracles-ec/heracles |
astronomy cosmology healpix large-scale-structure maintenance python spherical-harmonics |
ucapbba |
Add a code of conduct |
heracles-ec/heracles |
astronomy cosmology healpix large-scale-structure maintenance python spherical-harmonics |
ucapbba |
Expose more hyperparameters of FMPE / NPSE |
mackelab/sbi |
bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation performance pytorch simulation-based-inference |
michaeldeistler |
Expose more hyperparameters of FMPE / NPSE |
sbi-dev/sbi |
bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation performance pytorch simulation-based-inference |
michaeldeistler |
Review docstring and possibly raise a userwarning for pearsonr based on preserve_dims=all |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation enhancement forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
tennlee |
`qjit(static_argnums=...)` fails when the marked static argument has a default value |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation bug jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
paul0403 |
Shift default zero phase to epoch of minimum |
snad-space/ztf-viewer |
enhancement |
hombit |
`warpx --version` |
ECP-WarpX/WarpX |
gpu hpsf laser particle-in-cell physics pic plasma research simulation |
ax3l |
Add User Warning when `accept_reject` sampler gets stuck |
mackelab/sbi |
bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
manuelgloeckler |
Add User Warning when `accept_reject` sampler gets stuck |
sbi-dev/sbi |
bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
manuelgloeckler |
BUG: Cannot read GDB file using a geometry filter (mask) |
geopandas/geopandas |
bug geoparquet geospatial pandas python spatial |
shiyuning |
Feature: OperatorSinkhorn function |
vprusso/toqito |
feature-request matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
DOC warnings and other QoL improvements |
fury-gl/fury |
3d-graphics beer-Hacktoberfest-beer game-engine hacktoberfest python scientific-visualization scriptable-animations shaders simulation state-needs-PR |
robinroy03 |
create CMake option for max number of ranks |
Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch |
Hacktoberfest build deep-learning fortran hacktoberfest interoperability machine-learning python pytorch torch |
TomMelt |
Move straggler test objects into test folders |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
GiudGiud |
ImportError: cannot import name 'rvmod_for' from partially initialized module 'RV_mod.rvmod' (most likely due to a circular import) |
3fon3fonov/exostriker |
exoplanet exoplanets external-package-problem multi-planet-systems periodogram radial-velocity transit-modeling ttv-modeling |
RubiscoYHY |
DOC: conda-forge `compilers` package now also usable on windows |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy |
h-vetinari |
Dask.Visualize ignoring engine setting |
dask/dask |
bug dask dataframe numpy pandas pydata python scikit-learn scipy |
frbelotto |
Add merge rotation patterns for `qml.Rot` and `qml.CRot` |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation compiler jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
paul0403 |
Rewrite the stats `tohist()` method |
xgi-org/xgi |
graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs improve network-science simplicial-complexes |
nwlandry |
Change `expected` to `expected_fh` if it is a file handler |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics python radiative-transfer science supernova |
atharva-2001 |
Repeated analysis duplicates auto generated manuscript prose |
smith-chem-wisc/MetaMorpheus |
Bug calibration database-search discovery mass-match proteome proteomics-database-search ptm spectra uniprot |
nbollis |
add examples to Gallery |
xgi-org/xgi |
documentation graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs network-science simplicial-complexes |
maximelucas |
Improving MethodError message for anonymous functions |
JuliaLang/julia |
error-messages hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
fonsp |
[Bug] `torchmetrics.functional.classification.binary_auroc` gives wrong results when logits are large |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
analyses bug-/-fix data-science deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning metrics python pytorch v1.4.x v1.6.x v1.7.x |
zbingsong |
New Score Request: Add "percent within X" metric |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation new-metric oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
tennlee |
add example with multinomial node. |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data documentation enhancement gaussian grouped-datasets help-wanted mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
Add edge collapses to slicers |
DavidLapous/multipers |
cpp cython enhancement help-wanted icml-2024 multiparameter-persistence neurips-2023 persistent-homology python tda topological-data-analysis |
DavidLapous |
Enhancement: prevent accidental double-setting of pH |
KingsburyLab/pyEQL |
Good-First-Issue enhancement |
rkingsbury |
Docs: Add process - focused diagrams |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition documentation enhancement low-priority maintenance python |
stan-dot |
BUG: `extruded_shallow_water` demo is not tested |
firedrakeproject/firedrake |
bug testing |
connorjward |
Add better Matplotlib tests |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory help-wanted python rust |
IvanIsCoding |
Implement an option to print out instructions in the null device |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
jay-selby |
TST: Make parallelizable |
pandas-dev/pandas |
IO-SQL Testing alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
WillAyd |
Wrap more GPU utils |
Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch |
deep-learning enhancement fortran gpu hackathon hacktoberfest interoperability machine-learning python pytorch torch |
jwallwork23 |
Expanded grid_graph functionality |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
awstasiuk |
RFE: Allow filtering containers by command |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/feature kubernetes linux oci |
krystalcode |
[Bug]: I give an RGB image to imsave but I don't have the right color map! |
matplotlib/matplotlib |
Difficulty-Easy Good-first-issue data-science data-visualization gtk matplotlib plotting python qt status-confirmed-bug tk wx |
zef126 |
Accessibility: Adding alt text to images in `scores` documentation |
nci/scores |
climate contingency-table dask documentation forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting help-wanted model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
Steph-Chong |
Improve automatic periodic boundary detection heuristic |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
GiudGiud |
Multiple time integrators don't work when we use AMR. |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue P-normal T-defect amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
grmnptr |
Check boundary tasks in examples |
parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon |
amr high-performance-computing kokkos parthenon refactor |
pgrete |
Improve performance benchmarks |
xgi-org/xgi |
graph-analysis higher-order higher-order-networks hypergraphs improve network-science simplicial-complexes |
nwlandry |
ENH: new_alignment.counts_per_pos should use a numba decorated function |
cogent3/cogent3 |
bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science evolution genomics help-wanted markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
KatherineCaley |
Replace our use of scipy's interpolate.interp1d |
nci/scores |
climate coding contingency-table dask forecast-evaluation forecast-verification forecasting model-validation oceanography pandas python verification weather xarray |
tennlee |
`GeneralizedDiceScore` yields 0 scores when using `per_class=True` for samples where class is not present |
PyTorchLightning/metrics |
analyses bug-/-fix data-science deep-learning help-wanted machine-learning metrics python pytorch v1.6.x v1.7.x |
nkaenzig |
ENH: optimize.root: warn when inner parameters are ignored with `method='krylov'` |
scipy/scipy |
algorithms closember enhancement python scientific-computing scipy scipy.optimize |
lucascolley |
Finding indexes with `np.where(condition)` or `np.asarray(condition).nonzero()` |
scikit-learn/scikit-learn |
data-analysis data-science machine-learning python statistics |
StefanieSenger |
Add "See also" to the regex function docstrings |
JuliaLang/julia |
docs hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
jariji |
DataInspector fails on meshscatter when markersize is an integer |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
DataInspector Makie bug gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
BambOoxX |
Some introspection about molecular structure |
lanl/singularity-eos |
enhancement help-wanted |
Yurlungur |
Implement parseTH for 3D histograms |
JuliaHEP/UnROOT.jl |
cern-root enhancement hacktober hep high-energy-physics julia particle-physics |
tamasgal |
Add more "versions" to metadata in start document |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition enhancement metadata python |
DiamondJoseph |
Refactor: Duplicate functionality in basis and standard basis |
vprusso/toqito |
matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information refactor unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Feature: Random superoperator (quantum channel) |
vprusso/toqito |
feature-request matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
TarFile.extract raises DeprecationWarning since Python 3.12 |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database help-wanted priority/important provenance scheduler ssh topic/archive type/enhancement workflow workflow-engine workflows |
danielhollas |
MAINT: Cython lint failures in build output |
scipy/scipy |
Cython algorithms closember maintenance python scientific-computing scipy |
lucascolley |
DOC: sparse: Several functions are missing the 'Returns' section of their docstring |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.sparse |
WarrenWeckesser |
Add Docker image for CI |
precice/micro-manager |
coupling macro-micro multiphysics multiscale research-and-development |
IshaanDesai |
Add sample_dim for condition in conditional estimator |
mackelab/sbi |
architecture bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
janfb |
Add sample_dim for condition in conditional estimator |
sbi-dev/sbi |
architecture bayesian-inference enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
janfb |
Use `jldoctest` wherever possible |
JuliaLang/julia |
docs hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
LilithHafner |
Cannot disable convergence plots |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics easy python radiative-transfer science supernova |
atharva-2001 |
Use better syntax for specifying dependency versions |
vprusso/toqito |
dependencies devops matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
RPRMakie errors in `render_rpr` |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
RPRMakie bug gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
rafaqz |
Standard TARDIS Workflow Notebook does not find `log_level` and other configuration settings |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics python radiative-transfer science supernova |
atharva-2001 |
BUG: CustomBusinessDay not respecting calendar |
pandas-dev/pandas |
Bug Frequency alignment data-analysis data-science flexible pandas python |
benmgrant |
Broadening with multiple species |
radis/radis |
astrophysics closember combustion dbexomol enhancement exoplanets hitemp hitran infrared physics plasma plasma-physics radiation spectra spectroscopy |
minouHub |
ElasticArrays input broken for arrows |
JuliaPlots/Makie.jl |
Makie arrows bug conversions gpu graphics julia julia-language plotting visualization |
chakravala |
TimeseriesSurrogates.jl/test/test_uncertaindata.jl is not included in runtests.jl |
JuliaDynamics/TimeseriesSurrogates.jl |
hacktoberfest hypothesis-testing julia nonlinear-time-series surrogate surrogates timeseries |
smidmatej |
`QueryBuilder` can't find codes when looking for `AbstractCode` |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database provenance scheduler ssh type/bug workflow workflow-engine workflows |
edan-bainglass |
Add links to examples from the docstrings and user guide |
scikit-learn/scikit-learn |
Documentation Meta-issue Sprint data-analysis data-science machine-learning python statistics |
StefanieSenger |
Updating an array with multiple indices crashes the compilation pipeline |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation documentation jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
positr0nium |
implement String(::Base.Generator) |
JuliaLang/julia |
hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific strings |
StefanKarpinski |
Obtaining H(s) and H(z) from ARX model |
samirmartins/pydaq |
arduino arduino-library enhancement graphical-user-interface national-instruments nidaq nidaqmx pyside6 python real-datasets step-response |
samirmartins |
`MemoryRef` bounds errors can be confusing |
JuliaLang/julia |
arrays display-and-printing error-messages hacktoberfest help-wanted hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific |
LilithHafner |
Add visualisations method to results |
qutip/qutip |
ENH python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
Ericgig |
QC metrics |
lazear/sage |
bioinformatics enhancement mass-spectrometry proteomics |
KlemensFroehlich |
DOCS: Check spelling in docstrings |
jonescompneurolab/hnn-core |
computational-modeling docs eeg meg neuron-simulator |
asoplata |
[chore] Change array list attribute to integer attribute |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
Unclear attribute of Hazard class |
CLIMADA-project/climada_python |
bugfix task |
chahank |
Failure to quote symbols in pretty printing in `@test` failures |
JuliaLang/julia |
hacktoberfest hpc julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language science scientific testsystem |
KristofferC |
[chore] Avoid using aggregate types when lowering Hamiltonian |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation chore enhancement jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
erick-xanadu |
`Transport` & `pytest`: garbage cannot be removed `[Errno 39]` |
aiidateam/aiida-core |
aiida computational-science data-provenance database provenance scheduler ssh workflow workflow-engine workflows |
khsrali |
DOCS: Add/Expand docstrings of all functions with arguments |
jonescompneurolab/hnn-core |
computational-modeling docs eeg meg neuron-simulator |
asoplata |
DOCS: Fix inconsistencies in existing parameter docstrings |
jonescompneurolab/hnn-core |
computational-modeling docs eeg meg neuron-simulator |
asoplata |
Add Python tests for `newman_weighted_closeness_centrality` |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
IvanIsCoding |
Flakey test on windows |
bluesky/bluesky |
bluesky dataacquisition python |
evvaaaa |
ENH: improve performance of `.counts_per_seq()` method |
cogent3/cogent3 |
assigned bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science evolution genomics help-wanted markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
GavinHuttley |
ENH: refactor `.get_motif_probs()` to using array operations |
cogent3/cogent3 |
assigned bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science evolution genomics help-wanted markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
GavinHuttley |
API: modify new_moltype.strand_symmetric_motifs to check is_nucleic |
cogent3/cogent3 |
bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science evolution genomics help-wanted markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
GavinHuttley |
sampling via pymc raises TypeError since pymc v5.20.1 |
mackelab/sbi |
bayesian-inference bug hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
janfb |
adapt pyproject.toml and readme / installation instructions to work with uv |
mackelab/sbi |
bayesian-inference docs enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
janfb |
`scipy.interpolate.interp1d` is discouraged |
pvlib/pvlib-python |
enhancement photovoltaic python renewable-energy renewables solar-energy |
kandersolar |
sampling via pymc raises TypeError since pymc v5.20.1 |
sbi-dev/sbi |
bayesian-inference bug hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
janfb |
adapt pyproject.toml and readme / installation instructions to work with uv |
sbi-dev/sbi |
bayesian-inference docs enhancement hackathon likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
janfb |
Add a `SingleChain` system class. |
cmelab/flowerMD |
enhancement hoomd-blue molecular-dynamics molecular-dynamics-simulation mosdef-hub polymer simulation |
chrisjonesBSU |
Advanced testing for `rustworkx-core` |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory help-wanted python rust |
IvanIsCoding |
Support stopsignal in kube files |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/feature kube kubernetes linux oci |
saolof |
Add networkx's `random_regular_graph` |
Qiskit/rustworkx |
dag enhancement graph graph-theory python rust |
frankharkins |
Expose MCMC posterior to user-supplied potentials |
mackelab/sbi |
API-changes architecture bayesian-inference enhancement likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
gmoss13 |
The is operator in the jitted code does not work for structref instance. |
numba/numba |
bug---miscompile compiler cuda llvm numba numpy parallel python |
ringobanana-3900 |
Expose MCMC posterior to user-supplied potentials |
sbi-dev/sbi |
API-changes architecture bayesian-inference enhancement likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
gmoss13 |
Add ability to move tensors between devices in Fortran |
Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch |
deep-learning enhancement fortran gpu hacktoberfest interoperability machine-learning python pytorch torch |
jatkinson1000 |
IOBuffer does not respect maxsize after the first take! |
JuliaLang/julia |
bug hacktoberfest hpc io julia julia-language julialang machine-learning numerical programming-language regression-1.11 science scientific |
Liozou |
Have a section that explains how to convert a model to batched version with auto updates |
biaslab/RxInfer.jl |
bayesian-inference documentation inference-engine julia-language machine-learning message-passing probabilistic-programming variational-inference |
bvdmitri |
Avoid `StreamlitDuplicateElementId` error when the same widget is in the main area and sidebar |
streamlit/streamlit |
data-analysis data-science data-visualization deep-learning developer-tools featurest.sidebar machine-learning python streamlit typeenhancement |
sfc-gh-jrieke |
Implement Quantum Gate commutation rules in Catalyst |
PennyLaneAI/catalyst |
autodiff automatic-differentiation jax jit llvm mlir pennylane python qir quantum quantum-compiler quantum-computing |
dime10 |
argument `bugsfile` in `simulateAbn()` is confusing |
furrer-lab/abn |
bayesian-network binomial categorical-data documentation gaussian grouped-datasets mixed-effects multinomial multivariate poisson structure-learning |
matteodelucchi |
Restart should make MOOSE load the checkpoint file for the mesh |
idaholab/moose |
C-Framework Good-first-issue T-task amr fem finite-elements finite-volumes multiphysics object-oriented parallel simulation |
YaqiWang |
Add functions to generate quantum channels |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement feature-request matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
cmake race condition - looping example |
Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch |
build deep-learning fortran hacktoberfest interoperability machine-learning python pytorch torch |
TomMelt |
Deprecate cogent3.maths.stats.distribution.binomial_exact |
cogent3/cogent3 |
bioinformatics biological-sequence-analysis biology biopython data-science deprecated evolution genomics help-wanted markov-chain maximum-likelihood molecular-evolution non-stationary parallel phylogenetic-trees phylogenetics pycogent python sequence-alignment signal-processing statistics |
GavinHuttley |
Instantiating a qt.QobjEvo with a qt.coefficient |
qutip/qutip |
BUG python quantum quantum-computing quantum-information quantum-mechanics quantum-optics quantum-toolbox qutip unitaryhack |
kylewamer |
DOC: optimize.root: default values of optional parameters not documented |
scipy/scipy |
Documentation algorithms closember python scientific-computing scipy scipy.optimize |
Mark799 |
Dependabot should auto-merge |
vprusso/toqito |
github_actions matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Keep dependency versions unpinned to specific versions unless needed |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Update ruff configuration |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Remove from root directory of project |
vprusso/toqito |
matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Contents of isort.cfg should be put into pyproject.toml |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Remove flake8 file in the root directory |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Update coveragerc file |
vprusso/toqito |
matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Add MyPy to pre-commit hook |
vprusso/toqito |
matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
Porting QETLAB functions to toqito |
vprusso/toqito |
matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Refactor pairplot function |
mackelab/sbi |
API-changes bayesian-inference hackathon karma likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
gmoss13 |
Refactor pairplot function |
sbi-dev/sbi |
API-changes bayesian-inference hackathon karma likelihood-free-inference machine-learning parameter-estimation pytorch simulation-based-inference |
gmoss13 |
Add `sphinx-hoverxref` to docs |
vprusso/toqito |
documentation matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Sphinx extensions for examples gallery |
vprusso/toqito |
documentation examples-gallery matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Magic numbers should be moved to constants.h |
severity_minor urgency_low |
reinhold-willcox |
Add fypp to requirements |
Cambridge-ICCS/FTorch |
deep-learning documentation fortran hacktoberfest interoperability machine-learning python pytorch torch |
jwallwork23 |
Support for Python 3.13 |
vprusso/toqito |
matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
vprusso |
[Quadlet .Pod] Hostname unsupported Key |
containers/podman |
Good-First-Issue containers docker kind/feature kubernetes linux oci quadlet |
DevDorrejo |
nautilus |
sblunt/orbitize |
enhancement help-wanted |
sblunt |
Using `tardis.__path__` to determine the TARDIS module location can break in edge cases |
tardis-sn/tardis |
astrophysics bug-lady_beetle python radiative-transfer science supernova |
andrewfullard |
Default values for settings |
multiscale/muscle3 |
LourensVeen |
Function to compute the maximum value of Bell inequality |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Function to compute the max probability of distinguishing two quantum channels |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Function to compute the Choi matrix of a superoperator |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Function to compute the commutant of a set of matrices |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Function to generate a basis for an entangled subspace |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Add pauli channel |
vprusso/toqito |
enhancement matrix-analysis physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |
Add a white background to the examples in the documentation |
vprusso/toqito |
documentation matrix-analysis non-quantum physics python python-3 quantum quantum-computing quantum-information unitaryhack |
purva-thakre |