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Find or post an opportunity for the HPC social community.
We aspire to provide a job board that is easy to search and contribute to! Thus, we have created the HPC social jobs board.
What are criteria for adding a job?
Criteria for your job should generally be something related to high performance computing, whether that is a linux administrator, an application developer, or a user-support specialist. Someone that works on research software that might end up in a high performance computing environment is also fair game! You can use your best judgment.
How are jobs validated?
Along with our moderators watching new entries to the form, the nightly automation to add new jobs checks for malicious links of any kind. Any jobs reported by a community member to not be within this scope will be put up for discussion to the larger community and removed if deemed not in scope.
How do I add a job?
To add a job, you can fill out our Google form or do the same directly on the site. If you don’t see your job appear the next day, please open an issue here to let us know. You can also retrieve the latest jobs via any of these feeds:
We anticipate adding other venues to post to soon, and are also interested in your ideas! Jump into one of our chat spaces to start a conversation about what you would like to do. This community is here for you!